Email Marketing Best Practices 2020 (an Analysis of 2 Autoresponder Sequences)

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Email marketing for beginners in 2020 – just starting out online marketing and want to learn how to do email marketing?

This video is perfect for you then.

In this video, I go over MY personal email sequences that I have used that helped me generated 10’s of thousands of dollars worth of ClickFunnels sales.

We will look at my sequences, what I did right, what I did wrong, and just in general go over some best practices.

Make sure to see the video for a complete list, but here are some of them:


✔ Tip #1: Always offer value first

The “template” for sending out emails is to deliver value to your clients first and foremost.

Nowadays everyone is BOMBARDED with emails from absolutely everyone… so the person who proves that they have the best at heart and really do want to provide value wins.

You remember those emails always asking you to buy, buy, buy, right?

Did you feel safe buying the product? Or did you feel that this offer was being sold in the best interest of the seller ONLY and would probably not even be useful to you?

That’s how most people feel when they get sent general and generic emails.

So even the emails that you see ClickBank affiliate resource pages offer, make sure to add more “value” to those emails and not just try to sell – nowadays that just won’t work.

A good rule of thumb is to send out 3-4 emails with “value”, giving something to clients for free, whether it’s an actual item, online good, etc… or a piece of information… and then asking for them to buy your product on the 4th or 5th email.

Obviously you wouldn’t be “asking” for them to buy, but rather suggesting something that would be of great value to them. If you successfully built out the trust before this point, you should see a good number of sales.

✔ Tip #2: Make catchy, but personal headlines

A good email headline is what gets you the clicks…

No matter how good your offer is inside the email, people won’t see it if they don’t first click on your email. And the only way they’ll click is if they like the headline.

So try to make your headline catchy, sometimes clever, and try to get their attention.

Using emojis in the headline definitely works, and offering something for free definitely works.

Remember that most people don’t want to learn how to fish – they want THE fish right now, so if you tell them that you’ll be giving them something in the headline, you’ll get higher open and click-through rates.

I also don’t title case my headline because you also want to make it personal.

Remember, you just have to get the click – the rest of it is in the BODY of the email.

So if you make the headline look perfect, people might think it’s from some company that is again trying to sell them something.

So switch it up! Use lower-case letters in some of your emails to make it seem more personal! The same way a friend would send you a message and get you to open and read the message inside.

✔ Tip #3: Give people something to look forward to

In your first email, people don’t know you that well and have JUST signed up to your list… so make sure to let them know to a) whitelist your emails so that they will get more of them in the future and b) tell them what they can expect in your upcoming emails so they have something to look forward to.

Saying something like “check my next email as I’ll be sending you free funnels” is a great way to get people to want to open your next email and expect good things from you.

Make sure to also add this somewhere in the top/mid part of the email – don’t add it at the very bottom where people won’t even read it.

✔ Tip #4: Add some upsells in your email sequence

Remember, affiliate marketing isn’t selling – it’s offering VALUE to your customers.

So if you talk about some things in your emails and give your customers what they want, offering upsells to complement whatever you are discussing is an excellent benefit to YOUR CUSTOMERS!!

They will APPRECIATE YOU and value you MORE for giving them the opportunity for this product that would benefit them.

So add some upsells in your email sequence – in my examples, I was talking about online marketing, and so suggested Russell Brunson’s books “Expert Secrets” and “DotCom Secrets”.

I wasn’t “selling” anyone anything – just suggesting books that really helped ME in my online marketing journey and so can help others as well.

In the meantime, YOU can also benefit my making extra revenue promoting these additional products and offering other benefits to your customers. So don’t be afraid to add upsells!

That’s it! Make sure to check out the complete video to learn all the other pointers that I talk about, including things to AVOID in your email campaigns.

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