The Everything Bubble | 2022

The everything bubble of 2022 and what economists are saying will happen.
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Investors are uncertain about what’s going to happen this year. The stock market didn’t really crash but it dipped because fears of the new variant as well as an increase to interest rates.

This year we had a lot of it. For every $100 we kept around in cash, we lost somewhere between $6 to $7 in purchasing power and a lot more depending on what we’re trying to buy. However, we invested into the stock market’s S&P500 at the beginning of this year, we would be up almost 25%.

Real Estate was also huge for investors. I was lucky to buy a house this year right before the market took off. The median home price went up to $400,000 for the first time ever and if you bought at the end of last year, you’d be up almost 13%. If you had bought a home before the pandemic started when the median was only $313,000 you’d be up a gigantic 29%.

A Goldman Sachs analyst is saying that by the end of next year, home prices will grow another 16% which is insane when you consider that real estate should typically grow between 3.5 to 4%:

Cryptocurrencies also did incredibly well. If you bought Bitcoin in January – you would be up 17 and a half thousand dollars or 59%.

Some economists are starting to worry that instead of inflation, we could get deflation. Here are 3 possible scenarios.

STAGFLATION: which is a combination of stagnation and inflation. Stagnation is when incomes aren’t growing, there’s high unemployment combined inflation. But the real question is – now that we are already up 6.8% in November – will inflation look closer to what we saw in 2007 right before the financial crisis or is it closer to the one in the 70s when inflation hit 12 percent in 1974? Neither most likely.

The 1970s was a result of run on the dollar when we moved off the gold standard, social welfare programs were expanded thanks to Nixon, there were low interest rates to help fund the ongoing war, but mostly – what started it was that they enacted something called “price or wage controls”. That gave the government power to control how much stuff cost by controlling how much people were making.

The second scenario is a short burst of hyperinflation which took place between 1946-1948. We just got out of WW2, most people weren’t traveling, they weren’t spending money, they were just working to make sure we won. There was a lot of pent up demand but companies at the time weren’t focused on making consumer stuff as much as they were focused on producing war stuff.

The most popular job that represented a big part of the economy in that era was manufacturing – and wages grew 22% in that sector. That meant a lot of money was trying to buy not enough stuff which caused a huge inflation spike of 20% in 1947. But that spike quickly went away and by 1949 we had deflation. Could this be a repeat from almost 80 years ago? Yes it could.

Deflation. Watch the video to hear my personal thoughts about the everything bubble and deflation that economists are worried could happen.

*None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice, it’s for entertainment purposes only. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.


What do you think?


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  1. Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, Investing remains the priority. the stock market has plenty opportunity to have a decent payouts with the right skills and proper understanding on how the market works.

  2. 1 second ago
    I was just scammed by this YouTube r Andrei,I sent 300dollars to him for bitcoin mining,he refuses to pay me my profit of 5000 plus as agreed,.

    He still want me to pay extra 300.without given me my profit.

  3. 1 second ago
    I was just scammed by this YouTube r Andrei,I sent 300dollars to him for bitcoin mining,he refuses to pay me my profit of 5000 plus as agreed,.

    He still want me to pay extra 300.without given me my profit.

  4. I was just scammed by this YouTube r Andrei,I sent 300dollars to him for bitcoin mining,he refuses to pay me my profit of 5000 plus as agreed,.

    He still want me to pay extra 300.without given me my profit.

  5. Great video, Andrei!

    However, at 3:05, you state that "saving is bad for the economy". I think this is incorrect.

    Most individuals who 'save' do so by putting their money into a commercial or savings bank account. This means that the money they are saving is directly/indirectly an investment- as this money goes, from the bank, to businesses to buy short term capital, or utilised to buy securities. This means, in general, a persons savings is contributing to the expansion of capital.

    This, in turn, puts the same amount of money into circulation as would direct consumption. The difference is this money, rather than being spent on consumption, is given to someone else to spend on their means to increase production. This capital expansion would then also lead to an increase in employment.

    In this sense, with the utilisation of savings for investment, I do not think savings are bad for the economy.

  6. Well this could actually be great times to get in debt if you could get a fixed 2.9% rate on an asset for 30 years do you even have to worry about rates going up and down I think Andrei deserves a spank for misinformation…(I am kidding maybe…)

  7. That deflation idea makes some sense. Some. If all that stays the same and nothing else happens. Seams to be too predictable that way. Any number of things could happen to change any of those variables

  8. 2022 there will be a deflationary deleveraging caused by the implosion of the everything bubble. The government stimulus has been exhausted savings rates dipped to lowest levels since 2017. We will get collapsing real gdp, collapsing consumer spending as inflation eats away at households discretionary spending, and collapsing real wages. The feds baby rate hikes will put pressure on ability to service debt. It will be the implosion of government debt bubble

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