Why I Don’t Regret Selling Tesla

As Tesla stock continues to increase in price – here is why I don’t regret selling, why patience is important when investing, and how slow and steady wins the race – enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

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For me, it all began when I took delivery of a Tesla Model 3 in the beginning of 2019. Once I drove the car, I became such a fan of “Tesla” that I decided to throw some money in Tesla stock, at $260 per share, in hopes that maybe over time, it’ll help pay for the sales tax of the car. I’m not usually the type of person to go and invest in individual stocks like this, but – I figured – I’m a fan of the company, I want to support what they do, and I’ll just invest an amount that I’d be comfortable with losing.

Over time, though…the company does better, Model 3 sales look promising, Elon Musk cuts costs…and, in what seems like home-run after home-run for Tesla…the stock started going up, a LOT. And that brings us to this year.

Once the price of the stock jumped past $900 in a matter of a day – I felt it was approaching a level that just wasn’t sustainable, and driven more-so by the euphoria of profit, rather than the fundamentals of the company. And, even though I believe in Tesla Long Term…I had also tripled my money, and felt it would be a good idea lock in some profit. So, I sold off 50% of my Tesla holdings at $912 per share…and on that, I made a 350% return within a year.

I suppose, on the surface…Tesla has quite a few things going for it: One, several analysts have boosted their expectations for the stock – causing more demand, and more people piling in to buy in. Piper Sandler also just announced a Tesla Price Target of $928 – and Morgan Stanley raised its price target to $1200 – which was, at least partially, responsible for some of the recent rally to get Tesla where it is today.

Now, as far as my thoughts on all of this…even with prices reaching ABOVE where I sold half my Tesla stock a few weeks ago…I don’t regret selling. Sure, in hindsight…if I had a way to predict the future, of course…I’d absolutely have rather just waited, obviously. If we KNEW what was going to happen, selling at anything lower would’ve been stupid.

But, that brings us to the entire premise of investing in that – on a speculative stock increase like this – NO ONE can predict what’s going to happen, and we all need to make the most calculated decision we can, at the time, with the information we have available to us. Sometimes, you’re going to be right – and, sometimes, you’re going to be wrong – and I can confidently say that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to predict what’s going to happen in the future.

It’s about being SMART with your money, knowing your tolerance to price fluctuations, and being OK with locking in profits – or holding out – knowing you’ll need to be OK with that decision. And, for me…that’s why I decided to sell 50% of my holdings, and then hang on to the rest.

So, anyway…there are my thoughts on Tesla, the basics and fundamentals of investing long term, and the importance of being patient and knowing your own risk tolerance to sell and lock in profits, and not get carried away with emotion. And, like I said in the last video about this…we’ll look back and see how this all plays out.

For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness@gmail.com

*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.


What do you think?


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  1. February 16, 2021 I'm watching these again. Very educational. If you take the hindsight premise that Graham should've held on to his Tesla shares, or bought more, then where did he go wrong? And of course he didn't go wrong, he just did what he did making a nice profit. Well now it's a year later and Tesla is at $800, roughly 4.5x – 5x the numbers he's talking about here (pre 5:1 split). So 3 x half = 1.5 his initial investment and then 4.5x that; he's still up 6.7x his initial investment. (my math might not be correct but the point remains, Graham is still doing better than anyone who didn't buy any Tesla stock.)
    In his three videos on Tesla from early 2020, almost everything he says is still true for Tesla.
    Here's where I think Graham went wrong: Stocks are basically two things. They're pieces of paper (or were) and look just like all the other pieces of paper, but they're also a company and these are very different from each other. I think Graham could dig deeper into what Tesla is actually doing, has done, promises to do.
    I can never talk about Tesla without mentioning Sandy Munro. Munro Engineering takes cars apart, figuring how they work, how they're made and then suggesting how they can be made better to work better, and how manufacturers can save money. Munro is in his own words, "over the moon about Tesla." He's been an automotive engineer for at least 40 years and he's never seen a company like Tesla. When he worked as an engineer at Ford he says he couldn't change one thing in an entire year. With Tesla suggestions he's casually made started turning up in Model 3s within weeks. Consider now that Tesla makes the safest most reliable cars ever made, no one else is even close – yet they continue to advance and improve the vehicles as fast as they can. To me that's an incredible competitive advantage.
    So that's my two cents (aka opinion)

  2. I had a lot going on after I got my inheritance from my grand father and it was to much for me considering my age and what I I had to do in mind. I got introduced fxcascade thru Instegrm. He introduced me to trading and with he's assistance im able to multiply my inheritance and now I'm big in the investment game!

  3. I see what you're saying, but one should invest in a company they believe in. A company that delivers good products and has good management. Glad that you're happy and okay with selling, but I wonder why you bought it in the first place.

  4. Thx for making this video, it gave me some investing ideas. I would like to see the links to the articles that you used in the video in the description, helps me out a lot! Thx. Smashing the like button now!

  5. Hi Stephan, I am new to your channel and honestly only found it because of your tesla videos. Tesla is my dream car and I loved all your videos on it and I started watching a few other ones. I realized not too long ago that you never know what you'll get in life unless you ask. so here I am. I doubt you will ever see this. However, I am super intrigued in what you do and how you're so successful at a young age. I 1000% that it comes through hard work and many ups and downs as well as some luck thrown into it but mostly your determination to do more for yourself and your family. I would love to talk sometime and figure out how I could do better for myself. I have 0 support from home with my dreams and who I want to be. I work as a EMT and am in the paramedic program and then will work as a firefighter medic. which doesn't make good money and that is not why I do it. I just really want to build a passive form of income so that I can build wealth for myself, family, and to honestly give back and help others which is all I have wanted to do. I cant eve afford a camera for Youtube haha. I would love to chat and just bounce ideas off you and see what could happen. on the small miracle occasion you've read this haha THANK YOU and GOD BLESS and stay safe in these crazy times!

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