A WARNING for ALL Investors

With the market soaring back to all time highs, here is what you be warned about anytime you invest in stocks or real estate – Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

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First, here’s what we need to talk about, the single best 50-day rally EVER in history…with the SP500 returning almost 38% within that timeframe.

And even though this might seem INCREDIBLY encouraging, and a reason to throw all of your money right now into the stock market…it’s just as equally important to acknowledge that these statistics can continually be proven to be true…until they aren’t, and just because something has happened continually in the past, doesn’t mean with 100% certainty that it always will be the case – and you can typically find SOME metric to back up whatever you think is going to happen.

No matter WHAT you want to believe, you can find information that will back you up – whether it be positive, or negative…and, especially online, it’s VERY easy to find yourself in an echo-chamber that reinforces whatever you want to think. Remember this:

ONE: Things will ALWAYS be true – until one day, they might not. That includes that the SP500 has ALWAYS been up following the strongest 50 day rally in history. Is this LIKELY to be the case? MAYBE…but, it certainly doesn’t guarantee it, just because it’s always done that in the past.

And TWO: Be VERY cautious of confirmation bias with the information you read online. There will be evidence to support whatever you believe in if you look hard enough – and whether or not its actually true, closing yourself off to other information can immensely hinder your ability to perform well as an investor.

And, guys..I get it…my videos like this are repetitive. I don’t necessarily like re-making the same messages over and over again, but sometimes it’s necessary as a reminder for people who forget that this REALLY SIMPLE APPROACH still works.

This is NOT to say that the market can’t go down another 20% from here…maybe it can, or maybe it goes up another 20%. But, really, none of that matters…when you’re investing your money long term, the price of the stock market between now and the time you retire and need the money is just white noise.

Plus, instead of being FEARFUL about drops like this…you should look forward to them, in a way. When there’s such an intense correction, see it as though you’re getting a discount on EVERYTHING…it’s a Black Friday sale for your money. Like, you wouldn’t be upset if I lowered the price of my YouTube creator academy program by $200 for 48 hours, right? Link down below in the description…of course not, because now you get to save money. Stocks are the same way.

The ONLY time you should be concerned about this is if you’re within a few years from retirement…in which case, typically, you wouldn’t have so much exposure to the stock market, anyway, and you would’ve allocated a percentage of your portfolio to safer, more stable investments…but, again, outside of retiring and not having rebalanced your portfolio earlier, it’s a good opportunity.

Yes, that’s REALLY going to test a lot of people whenever the market drops again – but, it’s shown time and time again, consistently, that holding and continuing to buy in is going to pan out the best in the long run.

For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness@gmail.com

*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.


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