Best vs Worst Blog Posts – The BIGGEST Differences

I’m really excited to show you more of what we’re doing with our websites, what we’re learning from those experiences, and more importantly what YOU can learn from it to apply to your own websites.

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  1. What patterns have you noticed with your sites that perform the best?

    And don't forget to go ahead and comment! Because we've decided to give away a free 1-year membership to Project 24! You'll get one entry for each video you comment on from now until the end of the year. See the description for more details and a link to the terms and conditions.

  2. Long vs short titles? If a certain page is already ranking fairly high on a new webpage, but the title is only two (really to the point) words, AND the search volume is really low: Is it then still better to convert the title to a say 60 character longer title, or is it better to stick with the short title? Thankful for feedback from Ricky or anyone else who knows!

  3. Great content as always

    Quick question though

    Do you recommend blogging in English or in our native language? (if it's not English)

    I feel like I can reach a more targeted audience in my native language and the competition must also be lower. But there's also a larger potential with English.

    Thanks guys

  4. I would be really interested to know if it is better to fully answer one search query in a small post even if it has few words (for example, like less than 700 words). I would like to see that experiment!

    I know you’ve said to answer tangential questions in a post but sometimes it seems like they could be multiple posts.

  5. Good idea to go back and see how our content performs with the competition. When you guys mentioned performing the battleship method and going back to update older content that has a chance to rank, that was wise advice before a thousand other SEOs started talking about it later, Lol.

  6. For the best aquarium glass cleaning you have to use "why you have to NOT use a cleaning tool on your aquarium walls" or "Will you turn your aquarium fish belly up when you use a magnetic wall glass scrapper squeegee?"

  7. Hey Ricky! I'm making a website about travel guides for a particular niche audience. Obviously, the topics covered for each destination will be fairly similar and so the mini-headlines within each article will be the same across the board. I was wondering if this will count against me on the Google Rankings as repeated content. Do I need to diversify the way I write these mini headlines, or is the fact that the content under each headline will differ article to article be suffice to avoid any problems? Thanks so much for another great video!

  8. Patterns that work? I've done the best with posts containing good tables. With WordPress, I have to be sure the table doesn't look too awkward, but I've seen the best results with posts containing clear, original, non-awkward tables. Lately I'm working more on bullet lists. I'll see how it goes. Other than that, original thematic pictures with value-added captions, descriptive and clear subheadings, and communicate expertise though my genuine personality.

  9. Loved the insight on why blogs are succeeding and failing. I often struggle with understanding why mine are not performing well. I think missing the focus of the search intent is what I struggle with. Thanks for the video!

  10. This is an awesome video, Ricky. Please keep the focus on blogging and YouTube instead of the generic "making money online" video you posted last week. This is what Income School does better than anyone else imo.

  11. Ricky but if we write separate articles about the (1] How to build Backlinks), (2] Are backlinks worth in 2022), (3] Best backlink building services). These all posts are about same topic "Backlink". But we can't say that there is keyword cannibalization because each one is a different query.

    So your articles are also with the same topic but different questions about that topic, then how keyword cannibalization occur?

  12. Hey Ricky, I like the video and the approach you took to make these comparison, I just learned a new method to find keywords that I rank for but have never written about.

    I have a quick question:

    I have two blogs in the sports niche, let's call the sport type A and B. I have written content on them they're about 6 month old. I was wondering if its a good idea to get a new domain that is broad enough let's say domain C then merge A and B to C the do 301 redirects.

    I wanted to do this so that I can have just one website in the sports niche instead of having 5 or 6 different sites on various sports.

    What's your say on this.

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