Client says, "Let Me Think About it." and You say, "…"

There are several reasons why a prospect can tell you, “Let me think about it.” And if you watch this entire video, you’ll have a good understanding of these reasons and how to overcome their objections and close the sale as effectively as you can. Today I’m going to break down when a customer tells you, “Let me think about it.” And I’m going to teach you what you should say so you can close them.

Sell Me This Pen – The Key to Selling Anything:

Discounting is for Dummies – Here’s Why And What to Do Instead:

The Power of No – The Best Sales Tactic:

Once a customer walks out your door, do you think they’re going to really come back and buy? The chances are slim to none. Odds are they’re not going to even give it a second chance, and they’re going to go somewhere else or not go anywhere at all.

Just like that, all the work that you put into that perfect pitch has gone right down the drain. So what you want to do is avoiding that let me think about it objection. When someone tells me that they’re going to think about it, it either means two things, they’re not interested at all, or they’re interested but they’re just not sure.

So it’s like which one is it? Now, you’re going to be giving them a option. You need to really figure out which one it is so you can help give them the answer they need to make that decision. If they’re just not interested, then you’re done.

The only thing you can do is ask, “Why aren’t you interested?” And this will give you feedback so that way you can continually adjust your approach. This is super important. It could be that you’re wasting your time selling to the wrong person. It could just be that the way you’ve explained your message is just super confusing, that that way they’re not interested, and there’s some mishap in communication that’s causing some issues.

Now, sometimes they’re like, “Hey, I’m interested, “but I’m not just sure.” So what I like doing when they end up telling me that they’re not sure, I ask them, “Why aren’t you sure? “What’s your biggest concern?” When you figure out what their concern is, it typically falls into one of these three reasons.

It’s either not a fit for them, or it’s functioning not there, or it’s financially related. If you’re not sure if the product’s a fit, just ask them, “Hey, does it fit your needs?”

They’re going to probably tell you, “Yeah, it does fit my needs.” If it’s not, then again, you’re done and then you can save your time. If they say, “Hey, what about functionality” right, if there’s something there that it doesn’t have, well, you can go into, “Hey, we can create these features for you,” or you can break down why they don’t need it and those features are a waste of time.

Or if you find out that you need those features and you just don’t have it, you can either tell them when you’re going to add those features or how your solution to plug in with other companies who also offer that feature, so that way in theory you can solve all their problems with your product by tacking on another solution from another provider. That’s why in the tech world you see all these integrations.

People integrate because they know their product doesn’t solve all problems, but by integrating with others, you can. And this helps you re-engage a conversation and get them over the line.

Now, if you’re not missing any features, well in that case the chances are it’s usually going to be financially related. You can introduce payment options, whether it’s paying in 30, 60 or 90 days, or adjusting the feature set to reduce the pricing, so that way they can afford what you’re selling them. Or sometimes it’s a key stakeholder who may not be there, right, you may not be talking to the right person.

Another thing that you want to do when it comes to pricing is you want to go find other people within the company, talk to them as well where there’s not just the decision maker, the leader, but other people within their organization and their department. The more people you can get on board to like your product or service, the more people you can get excited, and there’s also a higher chance that they’re going to say yes.

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  1. Hi Neil, Enjoyed watching the video, really explains everything in detail, the video is very interesting and effective.I would like to know more about dealing with sales. How to determine the level of interest of the buyer in the product and his chance of purchasing it?

  2. Thanks Neil, I enjoy your videos, my biggest problem is we run a small business that competes with big companies like AutoDesk or Graphisoft, these two companies are really well known yet we simply have not been able to get the exposure although we (RubySketch) have been around for 10+ years. I've had some clients ask me to compare the difference between products like Revit and to be honest, I do not feel comfortable knocking competitors products just to make a sale. The product we produce (PlusSpec) is like 3 products in one Design, Quantification and Client communication basically sales, cost delivery and communication yet no matter what I do we simply can not talk to enough people and build the trust due to large multinational competitors.

  3. Oh how I love how he exposes, nonchalantly, the marketing gurus who are gaming the system‼️He needs to put I content out concerning what’s really working and bust the bubble on these so-called marketing gurus! They try to game the system by charging 100’s, if not thousands of dollars for stuff you find on YouTube easy and free!

  4. Hi Neil, THANK YOU for the awesome content! I have actually recently made the decision to start a digital marketing agency largely due to inspiration from this channel. My target niche is the South African Lodge industry. Obviously google/travel/hotels shows up at the top of the SERPs for most KWs that my clients would like to target. I am having trouble finding any info about how to specifically rank in google/travel/hotels. As you are my most valued online SEO resource i thought i might take a chance and reach out to find out if you can give me a few pointers to rank I this niche.

    Thanks for being awesome, keep the content coming. Thanks again for the inspiration and of course for ubersuggest which has helped me immensely.

  5. Hey Neil, thanks for putting out some amazing content out there! Can you talk about the different social medias used in different countries? Like Weibo in China or MXIT in South Africa..

  6. It's not easy making it to the right person. There's always a bunch of people that you have to convince before you get to talk to the authority. Is there anyway we can bypass all those people?

  7. Dear Neil Patel! Love πŸ’— you so much. I don’t miss any video from this channel.
    I’ve request, you have so many money πŸ’΄πŸ˜Š. If u give us your tools full free or increase limits then it will be great for us ( newbie). Also, you can put there a option for donate then many people those has enough money or when we will success donate for the tools. Thanks

  8. Hello sir. I am doing work in digital marketing field . Is it good that if i create channel and start creating video on digital marketing ?? Or for more attraction for audience i have to do?

  9. Good job Neil. I followed some of your techniques and my YT channel went from 0 to 162 already in a week or so! Nice job! I give tips on affiliate marekting, FB marketing and how I have done it for over 13 years successfully.. your tips really helped.

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