Content Promotion For eCommerce – Module 2 – Part 3 – eCommerce Unlocked

Today, we’re going to be breaking down content promotion. Just in the last lesson, I ended up breaking down how to create content. And now that you’ve created content, it’s time to promote it so that way you can get some traffic and of course generate those sales.

NerdWallet –
Ubersuggest –
ManyChat –
Hello Bar –

Whether it’s blog posts, product pages, category pages, and now it’s time to promote them so you can get traffic.

And I want to start off with sidebar links. I do think on the Neil Patel website. Lot of other blogs have started doing it as well like NerdWallet. Whenever you have amazing content, link to them in your sidebar, include rick anchor text when it makes sense and its relevant. And what you’ll find is within six months or a year, those pages really dominate Google.

I also want you to be leveraging social media platforms. from Facebook, to Twitter, to Instagram. Why, because it allows other people to relate to them, understand them, and of course, it helps build that loyal brand following which increases sales over time.

Another type of content that I love using is carousel images. So if you go on my Instagram profile, what you’ll find is I’ll tell the story and people just keep clicking Next, Next, Next. This also does really well for me on LinkedIn. It’s an amazing piece of content that gets a ton of shares and gets loves.

Also, with your ecommerce site, make sure you’re using push notifications. And you can use tools like Subscribers for that. I get roughly 6% clicks. You can create a drip sequence to keep getting people to come back and buying more and more from you, as well as pushing them to your content as well.

Of course, you’re not going to rank well on Google if you’re not building links to your content. So you need to acquire links and use proven tactics to do it. It’s one of the core factors in Google’s algorithm.

So go to Ubersuggest and put in your competitor’s URL. When you go to Ubersuggest and you put in your competitor’s URL, on the left-hand navigation I want you to click on Backlinks. This will take you to a report that shows all the people linking to your competition. It’ll give you an idea of what sites are good and what sites are bad.

You want to go and get links from the URLs that are high in domain score. The higher the domain score, the more authority that page has. And you ideally want to go after links that are followed. A no follow link and on the screen you’ll see NF, that stands for no follow.

What I like doing with ecommerce is I go out there, I reach out to bloggers, I build relationships with them and I ask them for a link. And the way I typically do this is when I’m putting in my competitor’s link to see who links out to them, I’ll email that site owner like, “Hey John, I noticed that you linked to X, Y, and Z article from this website, and it covers A, B, and C.” But what they’re lacking is covering one, two and three, and I’ll break down those points of one, two, and three of what that article is missing. And then I tell them, “My article covers all of that. Feel free and check it out here, and if you like it, feel free and link to it.” And a lot of people will link to it, majority won’t, but a lot of people will. You just have to end up sending out literally hundreds of emails.

This little, simple thing will get more traffic to you every time you release a blog post. Of course, there’s also chat boys and messengers lists. So you better get on that chat box train whether it’s through ManyChat, or you decide to use ones that are more so on your website like Intercom or Drift, chat bots are really a good tool to drive more traffic and sales to your products.

So overall, I covered a lot of different ways that you can promote your content such as the sidebar links, and social media platforms, to link building, to push notifications, and the list goes on and on. Leverage as many of them as you can. You may not leverage all of them because you may lack some time, and that’s okay. Pick the ones that you are think are going to be the easiest and then go from there, but eventually you do want to go after all of them.

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  1. Sir you are one ln a million. who does this? Gives away this kind of info for free.. so many people including myself are lost and do not know where to start working on their online business.. thank you for clearing that up…you are a blessing!!!!! WOW!!!!! I am now starting my "ecommerce unlocked course"

  2. I am from nepal i an doing social media marketing i am using instagram account for my business sir please help me to increase by followers give me your strategy
    Please sir

  3. Quick question Neil: Why does the keyword traffic report results for various keyword traffic differs so much between your tool uber suggest and Adwords? Can you explain how uber suggest compiles data?

  4. Hey My Blog is about Android Game and also Mod Apk…. So please can you tell me how to rank it and get visiter and also please tell that how long I can write the article ….
    Because in my article their is only visiter for download the game not for read about game…

  5. Useless for most companies unless you sell fashion, cosmetics, lifestyle, travel etc. Backlinks aren't that important anymore. Google is clever enough not to reward linkbuilding.

  6. Hey neil… I need your help… Im a 12th pass out student looking for further studies… But I'm more into digital marketing, blogging and entrepreneurship… as you might know as a indian parent I get more stress to go for engineering… Im really confused what should I do now😑 Im asking this to you because.. I see you as my mentor and following you since 3 years….

    Please do reply

  7. Hello Neil Patel great work you are doing. I have a doubt I am a newbie in e-commerce and seo and I started a website which deals with online services like logo creating and all other types of digital work and I made that site using wix and I used Ubersuggest to know my competitors organic keywords and I found around 5000 keywords there but when I get to my wix panel I was able to enter only 5 6 keywords so can you please resolve my problem and tell me where can I put those keywords so my website can rank high on Google. Thanks once again

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