How to Use LinkedIn for Deals & Sales – Module 2 – Lesson 1 – LinkedIn Unlocked

We teach you how to turn business connections into leads and customers. Now, today, I’m going to be covering how to use LinkedIn for deals and sales.

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So what is a strategic alliance? Strategic alliance is nothing more than just people saying they’re partnering together. It means that they want to expand their markets, their business, their customers, their profitabilities, pretty much a way to grow faster. And the reason people like partnerships is because partnerships allows you to scale quickly, versus if you had to go out there run marketing campaigns, get them up, do all the testing.

And this works well in both B2C products and B2B. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling products, services, physical, digital, alliances work. And there’s a lot of different ones that you can use such as joint ventures, affiliate marketing, co-branding, hosting, equality partnerships, endorsements, acquiring leads, licensing, doing cross sells between your sales team, new products, new markets. One of my favorites is affiliate marketing.

As you scale up, you should get more efficient and so should your margins, right? You should see that in your profitability. What I also recommend that you do is, as your businesses growing from these alliances and as you’re continuing to expand, not just into territories, but new product lines, new services, you can use these alliances to test out these products and services to see if they’re working or not, so then that way you’re not putting in too many resources into them.

So now, that you understand the benefits of a strategic alliance, you need to now look at your strategic objectives. You need to start with the big picture. And the best partner will have done this many, many times for other people. So look out for someone’s track record as well when you’re partnering with them.

If you can provide the customers better solutions, more things that they’re looking for, even if you don’t provide them, it creates a win-win where they’re going to be more loyal to you and they’re going to be happier with you as well.

I recommend you check out groups on LinkedIn. There’s groups for everything. And within these groups, you can strike up conversations with people.

Let’s say marketers, business development people, salespeople, executives, whoever it may be. So that way, you can strike up a conversation and potentially create this new partnership. And you can nurture these relationships because once you nurture them and you get to know them, then the partnerships will happen over time. It’s not quick, it takes a while, but once you get them going, you can build a massive business just through partnerships.

And when you’re doing all of this, keep in mind, you got to execute and execution is the most important part. If you don’t execute on everything, well, you learning all these concepts. Nothing’s really going to happen if you don’t execute. You want to monitor the results, you want to measure them. See what’s happening. What’s working, what’s not working.

Tweak, because even though something sounds perfect, just because it sounds perfect, doesn’t mean it always pencils out and it works the way you want right away.

Thank you for your time today.

I look forward to continually helping grow your LinkedIn audience, as well as just your traffic conversions and sales in general.

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  1. Hello there! I am the account manager of LOODO. I watched your related video and need your help to promote it! At the same time, you can get high rewards. If you are interested, you can email me to talk in detail!==1

  2. I like alliances because of all the factors that you have listed.

    But one of the MOST important that you did not mention is especially important for new and growing businesses. When you set up an alliance, you have to establish what the sales from that alliance will cost you. In the early days of operating a company, it is very easy to underestimate the TRUE cost of your sales. In many cases, you will be dealing with self-generated sales or sales generated by initial social media activities. These early sales often have little to no cost of sales associated with them. Many of the people on Shark Tank are in this position. They think they can continue to grow their business without having any cost of sales.

    But when you create an alliance you have to pay your alliance partner enough to make doing the sales process worth it to them. These alliance partners are not going to do this for you out of the goodness of their hearts. They are going to join with you and represent your products for you because they expect to make a profit for themselves. Once you understand that there is actually a real COST of sales…and you know what others are want to do YOUR sales process for you, you have a true appreciation for what it will take longterm to build a major business. This gives you a solid foundation for figuring out what you can afford to spend in setting up your own internal sales staff.

    Building alliances is a powerful strategy for accelerating the sales of new businesses. It is an important growth phase for companies that have developed an innovative and useful product or service. For well-established businesses like the ones you mentioned it is just as important for testing and launching new products. If you structure alliances with other businesses to promote a new product (or service of course), and that product does not work out, you just terminate the project and you have not cost associated with the then unnecessary sales staff.

    One thing I did not hear you mention is that one of the best places to build alliances is at industrial tradeshows. In a matter of several days, a company can have the opportunity to talk with many possible alliance partners about them taking on the company's product. It is unfortunate today that these tradeshows have been all but closed down by the pandemic. But hopefully, in the next couple of years, things will get back to being more normal and we can once again leverage the value of attending industrial tradeshows. These tradeshows have helped launch many very powerful companies like Apple, whose booth at their first tradeshow was literally bigger than the garage that was their manufacturing facility.

  3. Thanks Neil for these great insights. We really admire your transparency and the value you provide! LinkedIn has definitely been an effective tool for us in building our network and meeting like-minded people 🙂

  4. Hey, Neil the best and no. 1 digital marketer i am launching a digital marketing agency in india but i am unable to find clients how can i get clients? Please tell? And as an Indian origin human you know the characteristics of citizen right? They want more work in less i am thinking to give service for free for 6 months am i in right direction? Kindly tell how to find clients please? Rather this civil engineer have to do a job…here is no creativity only job job and job… kindly help?

  5. What if Bill gates or Mark Zuckerberg chose blogging instead of programming we would have never seen a Microsoft or Facebook.
    We, would seen a two more struggling bloggers.

  6. I think blogging return on investment is very low because waiting for 6 to 12 months to see just a result is not advisable.
    Plus there are too much work and little return compared to programming or coding.

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