How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2022 (You're Not Going to Like It)

How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2022 (You’re Not Going to Like It) | Everything’s changing in 2022. According to Comscore, half the searches in 2020 will be voice search. Facebook reach, continually going down. Instagram reach, LinkedIn reach, all starting to go down as well. Stories, everyone’s doing stories. Going live, everyone has live now. Today, I’m going to break down how digital marketing will change in 2022, and what you should do.

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The first trend I have for you, video reach will dramatically drop.

Everyone has figured out that video is an amazing form to connect with people, which is why everyone’s doing it. So the solution, multicast, right? Even though everyone’s doing video, that’s fine, you can’t do much about that, but what you can do is create more videos my focusing on just creating one video that works for all platforms.

So when you’re doing the videos and you go live, you’ll also notice that you’ll get more engagement, and because you’re live, they want to push it out, compete with the TV channels, right? Facebook even has contracts with some of the sports networks, same with like the YouTubes of the world.

So what they’re doing is when you go live, because they want to compete with television, they’re going to push it out to all your subscribers, everyone on their platform, and if you engage with them, you’ll get way more reach, and then when you release recorded videos that aren’t live, you’ll notice that they’ll get more love and more spread because you’ve been doing live videos at least once a month.

Trend number two, bite-sized educational interactive content is rising really fast. So, if you look at things like infographics, infographics are a really long visual where you just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling, and it ends up breaking down what that subject is all about.

A good example of this is my Instagram page. You’ll notice that I have pictures that’ll teach you how to do things like get more traffic on YouTube or Instagram, and you just keep swiping right, and in each image, I give you a one sentence overview of what you can do to maximize your traffic.

And that example that I’m using on Instagram, works extremely well. It works so well that each of those images get roughly 50% shares.

The third trend I have for you, search traffic will decrease dramatically on mobile.

On mobile devices these days, there’s more search snippets that are appearing and appearing. This is going to cause your mobile traffic to decrease.

So what I want you to do is use structured markup on your site, which will help you get the rich snippets, which will help you get more voice search traffic, which will help combat the decreasing mobile organic traffic.

The fourth trend, Google will keep doing a consolidation in different markets. So, right now, Google is going head-to-head with Amazon. There’s now a Buy Now on Google button. You can buy without even going to the e-commerce site.

Google’s going to be testing out more of these things to keep people on Google and making a purchase. Well don’t think of this as a bad thing; you could actually adapt to Google’s changes and generate more sales and traffic and leads.

For example, with some of the programs that they’re testing out, you can actually even generate a lead on Google without driving people back to your site. Let’s say you’re in the mortgage industry.

You can actually generate a lead on Google. The same goes with buying on Google with e-commerce stores.

You can sell your products directly on Google without people having to go to your website, which can also increase your revenue as well. Now, this is important because according to Jumpshot, 49% of all searches performed on Google result in no click.

Trend five, influencer marketing budgets will decrease.

Right now, social engagement is continually going down. According to analytics firm, InfluencerDB, it was revealed that influencer engagement rates are nearing all time lows.

So the way you want to combat this is, don’t pay influencers as much money, but find more and more influencers, and go after quantity. This will help you still generate good sales from influencer marketing.

The sixth trend, social media stories won’t be as popular and as easy to win on. See, everyone’s doing stories these days. People even unfollow stories they don’t care to engage with.

Trend number seven, shoppable experiences will get more and more adaptive.

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  1. Thanks, Neil. You teach so much stuff in your videos. Well, I had a question. That is if I am posting three times a week in a computer blog and I continue it for 2 years. After posting good content with a decent amount of backlinks then how much traffic can I expect? Can I rank for some medium-competitive terms?

  2. I’m having a tough time with this advice. Not technically but conceptually. I feel like the advice in general will make people lose focus on creating the best UX

  3. hello

    I am an Arabic and i hope you can write a subtitle in English while you do your perfect content coz i have not understand some words from what you say because I am not that good enough in English language .

    thank you for everything

  4. Thank you for sharing Neil quiet insightful. Have a quick questions on a side note we have recently launched our new site to help business in the Pandemic situation. However we want to understand of how much traffic has reached our page and have clicked on each link/each page etc. Is there an affordable software that we can build in to this landing page. As of now we have integrated heat maps but unable to understand how this works? Is there any advise or recommendations of us.

  5. Great info Neil, i just joined a company with online business with products from several industries. Part of their line of products is online marketing. I’ve watched your videos and I’m amazed how easy you send your message. Thank you and i will do my best to promote online with your amazing tips. My question besides promoting on Facebook where i have most of my captive prospects where do you recommend for more effective marketing. Seems like instagram and Facebook really hold down the exposure because they want you to pay. What do you recommend also?

  6. I just created a video on my channel about how Facebook is following the YouTuber model. I agree that massive changes are here… and the corporate decision makers over at FB and Google are continuously shifting the tools, data, and resources. How things will wind up… who knows! But for the next year I know what I"ll be leveraging for my clients… Oh~ and you're right. I "don't like" how some of these techologies are going.

  7. Hy Neil
    Can you tell me from where should I learn digital marketing from scratch? I want to start this as of now I am a software developer and now I want to switch and go into digital marketing. Please help!!

  8. Hey Neil, great insights as always. With respect to Tip #4, it's great that someone like me can collect lead forms off Google without a person visiting my site, but doesn't that hurt the quality of my leads? Without going on my website, a person has little insight into who my company is, the services we provide or why we're better than the competition. Over time, this will hurt my sales funnel and decrease our chances of generating new business/revenue. What are your thoughts on this?

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