Unbounce: How to Add Icons to Your Buttons

If you want to try out Unbounce yourself for free for 14 days and then get 20% off for the next 3 months after the 1-month free trial, sign up using my link:


My Unbounce playlist so you can find every important piece you need: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6JljKqlwFc&list=PLS46f4aLJ2hOdr6ZRw-9cnSXVWfa0r86i

If you need help with a specific issue and want me to personally take a look at your setup, I can help! Check out the ‘My Services’ section of my blog: https://amarketingessentials.com/my-services/

Emojipedia: https://emojipedia.org/people/
Unicode arrows: http://xahlee.info/comp/unicode_arrows.html

Hey all!

In this video, I show you how to add icons/emojis to your Unbounce buttons.

Unfortunately this isn’t a “default” feature in Unbounce yet, unlike ClickFunnels for example, so we just have to do this manually.

The idea is to visit the websites that contain these icons, or just find any icon you want, and then copy & paste it into the button.

Personally, I love it when my buttons have some sort of arrow “pushing” people to the next page or to sign up and so on. I already linked the two websites, but here they are again:

Emojipedia: https://emojipedia.org/people/
Unicode arrows: http://xahlee.info/comp/unicode_arrows.html

You can use any other website you find however that you like, just copy the icon you want and paste it into your button… you can even use emojis if you like, doesn’t have to be arrows!

Alternatively if you are on Windows, you can hold the Windows key and then click on period to pull up the emoji table (props to Kody from Kody Knows for showing me this). Here you can also type in whatever it is you are looking for and all the available emojis for that item will show up!

That’s it!

Like my Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/onlinemarketingessentials

Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video!


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