Link Building is Worthless. Do This Instead.

Most SEOs will tell you that if you don’t build links to your site, you have no hope of ever ranking anywhere near to page 1 of Google. But that belief is based on the old days of Google SEO. We’ve been building sites for over a decade now to millions of pageviews per month and countless posts ranking at or near the top of page 1 of Google, and all without any link building. Let me show you how

Link to resource mentioned in the video
Podmatch –

0:00 – Stop building links
0:10 – What is link building?
0:24 – Backlinks are good
0:51 – Getting backlinks doesn’t require link building
2:10 – Backlinks are necessary for ranking well???
3:48 – Link building strategies and issues
5:21 – What Google says about link building
8:12 – Industry Outreach
11:47 – The danger of the “Backlinks are Necessary” Fallacy
13:38 – What we do instead
14:48 – Making industry outreach easy

Have a question or idea for a video? Or maybe you want your site or a specific article reviewed. Let me know here:

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Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


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  1. Hey, thanks for being here! For anyone who is skeptical, before leaving a scathing comment, unsubscribing, and leaving, I encourage you to watch the video. Many of the Industry Outreach tactics I teach in this video are very similar to the most effective tactics taught by some influential SEOs as a means to get links.

    The difference is, they do them with the objective of getting a link. I'm teaching you to do them with the objective to build authority. That mindset change (and timing shift) will make your efforts far more effective, and you'll still get the link… and probably a lot more of them. You'll just get them in the organic way that Google intended.

  2. It much depends on industry you are in. Your competition is not very likely going to give you a backlink.
    And these competition sites would be relevant and important to you, because of similar niche. It's just hard to expect such favours without payment in serious business niches.

  3. This is the second video, that I watched today, and I finished watching them, they are educative, You just earn yourself a subscriber and a student.
    I will check out your website and see if you have a training, I hope it will not be expensive, I just launched my affiliate site but I discovered I needed a lot of guidance.

  4. It really depends on the niche it’s perfectly possible to rank for many things with out backlinks but top niches your will struggle, you mentioned getting links is against Google’s terms of service and then go on to explain how to get a backlink from a podcast, as per your explanation this would also be against Google’s terms of service too as your doing it to influence your rank, this is the paradox of link building, but I agree with you it’s an interesting debate. The real take from it, is there is no one size fits all for seo. You can’t just have one strategy you need to be able to have many for every different niche you enter into…

  5. Hi Ricky! My name is Ricky too… This video earned yourself a subscriber! I admire your authenticity and how it shows in your approach. I'm a new blogger, new to SEO and I've been trying to figure out how to rank better on Google. I felt weird when I added a link back to my posts whenever I posted on social media because a lot of SEO articles told me how critical that was (supposedly). I'm glad to hear that the quality and originality of content is #1 since this is what I love doing most about blogging. I'm going to follow your advice in my own blog on side hustles – may I link your relevant videos on some of my blog posts? I think your advice would be really valuable to some of my subscribers.

  6. I wrote for Adventure life for years. I was part of the SEO team. We only ever focused on page speed (programmers), user usability testing (i think should be part of SEO) and creating king content that was actually helpful to the reader. Needless to say SEO has saved the company and I couldn't even count how many featured snipets we have.

  7. Hello, I have a home appliance repair website in Iran in Persian. Unfortunately, in Iran, many websites sell backlinks and competing sites also buy from these backlinks and apply them on their site. There is still no site in Iran that links to another site for free and naturally. I have spent all my money on content production and I have no money to buy quality backlinks. Do you think this difficult keyword can go to the first page of Google without backlinks?

  8. Could show you 20 websites with paid and forum links that run into the millions. These are all being rewarded by Google with high traffic and top spots in the SERPs. What Google states and what Google actually does are two very different things indeed!

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