How to Get YOUR Teespring Listings on the Teespring Marketplace and Boosted Network

Want some FREE traffic to your Teespring listing? The best way to get it is by having your listings show up on the Teespring Marketplace and the Boosted Network.

In this video I tell you exactly what you need to do to have your Teespring listing show up on these marketplaces.

The first thing you have to understand about this is something Teespring calls the “Seller Trust Score”.

You can read more about it here:

👉 Seller Trust Score article:

Basically, it’s an invisible score developed by Teespring in 2018 and assigned to certain accounts that help differentiate the “bad” players from the “good” ones.

Basically, the higher your Teespring trust score, the higher the chances that your listings will appear on the marketplace and the Boosted Network.

1. So how do you get a seller trust score in the first place?

You can get a seller trust score by a) verifying your Teespring payout information and b) making 2-10 sales.

From what I’ve heard and the research I’ve done, 10 sales seems to be the “golden” number for your listings to start showing up.

To learn how to add/verify your payout information on Teespring, take a look at this video:

👉 How to add your payment method to Teespring:

However generally speaking getting sales is the hardest part of getting that initial trust score – so take a look at my videos teaching you how to promote your listings on Facebook and Google Ads:

👉 How to promote your Teespring listings on Google Ads:

👉 How to promote your Teespring listings on Facebook Ads:

After you do that, you should get the trust score assigned to you.

As mentioned, you won’t be able to see it at all, but if you are getting fast payouts, it’s generally a good indication that you have a good score.

Also, you cannot buy your own products to increase your score – you can however ask your family and friends to buy it and pay them back later if you want.

There is no guarantee your score will go up, but it will certainly help.

Now that you have a score, you have to prevent it from falling, so let’s go over that next.

2. How do you prevent your Teespring trust score from going down?

Really, just by following Teespring guidelines…

👉 List of Teespring guidelines to follow:

Follow the rules and your score won’t go down.

That means no copyright infringement, stealing other people’s designs and so on.

It’s important to note that if your listed gets delisted automatically by the system, it doesn’t mean your trust score will go down right away.

Teespring reviews accounts on a case-by-case basis, so if you commited an honest mistake that doesn’t have to do with any of the major policies mentioned above, your listing might be re-added and trust score unaffected.

So now that you know how to get a trust score and prevent it from falling, let’s discuss the last part.

3. How do you increase your Teespring trust score?

As you follow Teespring policies over time, your score should go up.

From what I’ve heard, one month is a good number to go by, so sell some products, and go at least one month without breaking any rules – that should help you get that first trust score bump.

Teespring is also very vague, but they do say that as you reach certain sales milestones your score will go up as well.

So maybe once you hit 10, 20, 30 sales and so on, your trust score will go up, but that’s only speculation.

Either way, the more sales you get, the higher the chances of your trust score going up, so make sure to follow the policies and make some sales and you’ll be well on your way to having your Teespring listings show up on the Teespring marketplace and the Boosted Network!

Additional Resources:

👉 Free 55-page guide on how to make money online:

👉 My Paid Ad Network courses:

👉 Like my Facebook page!:


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  1. Hi Ivan. Thanks for the video. However, your video is now a year old and Teespring as so many already know, no longer honor a Trust Score. It has been said that Marketing on Instagram is the way to go. It may but it's a long process. My question is, do you have any advice on how to market and bring traffic to our shop on Teespring using different platforms? Thank you!!

  2. Hi Ivan. I've been struggling to make sales. I am now on 7 sales but it seems that I still do not have a trust score. Do you have advice for me to reach my 10 sales and is there a way for me to add my listings on teespring manually to Etsy ext. without the marketplace which Teespring provides?

  3. hi, thanks for your video. They are great. I opened a store almost a month back and got 4 sales through my family and friends in different parts of the country and different CC. I wanted to start a new niche but I can'r make a new storefront in 2021. All the videos that's guides you with that are way old. I don't want to give up and try more with different niches. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

  4. Hi Ivan, I am not seeing the search box in teespring home page anymore. Any of you seeing it? I have seen other POD youtubers saying bad things about teespring, specially the promise of boosted network being a scam, it is just a carrot for sellers to do their own marketing and sell 10 items. If the boosted network is a true, the sales and traffic must show but even seasoned POD sellers (who also have youtube channels) saying they have not seen any big difference in traffic nor sales and don'd make money in teespring and they dropped it and moved to other platforms.
    I noticed you also said in one of the reply below you no longer promote teespring also.
    What is your current (Jan 21) take on the teespring? worth sticking by or move on to some other platform?

  5. If a friend of mine buys 10 shirts at once, for example, does that count to the average 10 products needed to appear in their market place? Or would I need to have a few different sales from different people ? Thanks!

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