How to Script & Storyboard Your YouTube Videos – Module 2 – Lesson 1 – YouTube Unlocked

Today’s, we’re going to be breaking down scripting and storyboarding.

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So I wanted to break it down the right type of format, and how to do a outline correctly.

So I want you to go to Ubersuggest,, type in a keyword, and when you type in a keyword, on the left hand navigation, I want you to click on the keyword ideas, that’ll give you a report that looks like this, it will show you popular keywords on any topic, sub-niches, categories, and that’ll give you more and more ideas of what’s popular.

You don’t necessarily have to create new videos on these topics, many of them are related to the main video that you’re talking about, and you can end up mentioning them in your same video. See the way YouTube algorithm works is when you mention a word in your video, like if I mentioned marketing, or SEO, or keyword research, YouTube can decipher that, and it’ll automatically start ranking me for some of these keywords, which increases my rankings as well.

You also want to make sure that these keywords have low competition, and that’s under SD, SD stands for SEO difficulty. When it’s green in color, that means it’s low in competition, and it’s easier to build momentum for your channel and start getting results faster. Yellow or red, it means that it’s harder to rank for, and it’s going to take you longer to see results.

Now let’s get into storyboarding. Storyboarding’s super-important because it keeps people engaged.

Now one tip I’m going to give you when it comes to your storyboarding, whenever you’re doing your introduction in your YouTube video, always ask people to subscribe. I know that sounds simple, but you’ll get more subscribers from that.

Now that you got your storyboard done, and keep in mind that it needs to flow from beginning to end, like a story, has a beginning, an intro, you know, hook them at the beginning, hooking them is very important so they want to keep watching, and you want to hook them within the first few seconds of your video, or first minute at the latest.

Then you get into the body of the content, and then your conclusion, okay? So let’s go into planning your content.

And when you’re planning, just have all your concepts in one place and use this, because it just makes it easier for you with a logical sequence, and it just makes it super organized so that way you can be doing better in the long haul, getting more views and getting more subscribers.

So now let’s dive into the script template.

This is the key, the longer people are on YouTube, the more views you’ll get, and the more suggested traffic you’ll get as well. Then we go into uploading and pre-publishing. Before you upload your video to your channel, name the video file using keywords that you’re focusing on, and you can use Ubersuggest to find the popular keywords. And put video descriptions in comments as well, and changing the metadata tutorial for different operating systems.

Then there’s a description. This is a really critical step in SEO, it helps you get found. And it also helps you beat your competition, get more targeted traffic. Use keywords that you’re finding from Ubersuggest and add these keywords in there.

And add a video link at the bottom of your description as well. Now we get into tagging. I don’t want you to go overboard with tagging. You only need to use, let’s say, five secondary keywords, 10 max.

Now before you push publish, I want you to like your own video, comment on your own video, and pin that comment on the top. Just tell him thank you for watching, and if people have comments, let them know to ask them, and make sure you help them out, if you can include any keywords in there, do that.

I mentioned transcriptions, you need to upload manual transcriptions, you can use Rev, Trint, Upwork for these kinds of services. And when you do this, even though YouTube can figure out transcriptions on their own, doing it manual also helps with rankings.

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  1. Hello, I just found this video of yours that shows it was published October 2020. I went to try to retrieve the two documents you show at the end of the video and I followed the directions to go to the first video of the second week and they were different items there now is there a way to get those two PDF documents in this video?

  2. Big fan neil
    I am going to start a home gardening channel this week.
    What if I dont use the voice over only method and background music. I saw many channels work this way.
    But if i would not use the voice over then i may not get the benefit of subtitles. R8?

  3. You suggest to use Ubersuggest for YouTube, but it shows the data for Google Search, not YouTube. So why we should look at SEO difficulty for Google when deciding which video topic to choose for YouTube?

  4. Thanks for the great content Neil. But sorry I can't find the file you mention at 1:47 "content brainstorm sheet" The only excel file i see in week 2/lesson 1 is Brainstorming Sheet but it doesn't look like the one you show in the video. The one i see has Hook, Intro, Body, Call to Action Maybe I'm missing something? Thanks in Advance

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  6. Loved all the trainings. So much valuable info. I appreciate your generosity.
    Finished watching them all and now slowly going back through and implementing.
    One question from this video. You say there is a Content Planning worksheet in Module 2 Lesson 1, but what I see there are a script template, technical aspects and a brainstorming sheet.
    I saw a YouTube Planner in Module 1, Lesson 2 of the training but it doesn't seem to have the same columns of info that you are showing in this video. Nothing for Keywords, CTAs etc.
    In the YouTube Planner you provided it has a column that says SEO Briefs Link (Link to SEO Briefs) can you explain what that is? Are you just saying to create a separate sheet with our SEO info?
    Thank you!!!

  7. Sir, Should one start website, youtube, social media at the same time to promote content on each platform, or one should do it one by one. As i m just starting it. Please guide.

  8. Hey Neil been trying get in touch with your
    Even register on Neilpatel digital but no one contacted me. I want discuss if you can do the Seo etc for our brand. Pls advise how do I contact tried insta also no reply. Thank you

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