How To Choose A PROFITABLE Niche – Part 2 of 2

This video reveals how to analyze the potential profitability of your niche ideas generated from part one in this How to choose a niche training series. NEW UPDATE: Get my NEW 🏆 Affiliate Marketing Crash Course 🏆 for FREE, here:

I’ve broken down everything I did in order to build, launch and grow a brand new affiliate site to over $3500/mo in profit in simple step-by-step format… It’s 100% beginner friendly and of course, it’s yours 100% free… Because my lifestyle is supported by my affiliate sites NOT from selling you courses… 👍

Part one is here:

The tool used in this video is located at

For a blog post that walks you through the process of finding your niche, go here:

After you complete this video, the next video you will want to watch in order to get all of the next steps you need to follow to build your business online is here:

If you are wanting some niche examples so you can better understand how other marketers like you have put this training into action, watch this video that has 13 niche examples

And if you need even more examples, here are 13 additional affiliate marketing websites that are crushing it, this was recorded just a month ago

Here is the truth… You are able to build a successful business online and you do not need to buy an overpriced course from a fake Guru to teach you how.

My videos here on YouTube will give you everything you need in the “how to” call the number one thing you need to do is take action. Paragraph you are going to learn more about how this “game” works by actually building out a website which is why I have a full tutorial on my blog that teaches you exactly how to start your website

this is the technical step-by-step that will get you web hosting and a WordPress blog up and running so you can begin to publish helpful content.

if you are wondering “what kind of content do I publish?” This just means you did not watch the recommended training after this video… Which is linked above that goes into the step-by-step about how to build your business online.

to make it easy, that link again is here

This video shows you all of the steps you need to take in order with links to all of the resources that you need to get going.

I know you can build a successful business online and I hope these videos are helpful in getting you going as an affiliate marketer, YouTube, blogger,course creator, membership site owner, whatever it is that you desire to do…

It is all possible when you understand this core philosophy of giving value to your audience first.

giving value to your audience, growing your audience, building trust with them… These are the “activities” that we are focused on each and every day as successful entrepreneurs. I call this the “ATM strategy”

This strategy is revealed in my ATM strategy video here

if you need anything from me get at me in the comments, I will answer as many as I can as often as I can to help take action and move forward building your business successfully online.


What do you think?


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  1. Hi Miles-First of all thank you for being such an trustworthy and benevolent person. My husband and I felt that from the very fist video we watched. Its rare! I wish you and your wife all the best this life can give you! As for my question. When doing the site info search to look at rankings should you take actual magazines in to account. For instance when I do skincare or a sub-topics including surrounding skin care the first page only lists magazines. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I also put my Value Demand at 5000 and my Real Supply at 40,000 and only magazines showed up in the rankings. Thank you for advice!

  2. man, studying these guys in 98? Luckily I am already on the level of getting it that although you're behind those who have already made a fortune, you're not TOO far behind considering 90%+ people quit this business.

  3. I've ran seed generators on about 6 different niches so far targeting that placement of greater than 3000 value demand and less than 60000 real supply, but I just have to check the site info on all the keywords that look interesting to me and I'm pulling like mostly somewhere in 1000-50000 and if I am lucky I'll see 2 or 3 around the 300000 to 400000 mark, not that 500000 to a million mark that I really want to target.

    While these phrases do meet the 3000-6000 VD and 40000-60000 Supply, you mentioned how much energy its going to take to outrank an Alexa score of just 100000 right? I want to target that 500000-million mark so that I can realistically have a chance. If I'm not seeing much in terms of high Alexa rank, should I discard the niche/keywords all together, even if they do meet our Value Demand and Supply needs?

  4. Good morning
    Great video, many thanks.
    Just a question regarding the supply and demand numbers. I understand the ratio of a higher demand to lower supply number being what we need to be looking for. My question is, is there a demand number that would be generally considered too low, and likewise a supply number that is considered too high? Or a ratio between the supply and demand numbers to use? Many thanks, Simon.

  5. As I'm going thru the process I see the following patterns:
    1) high demand, decent supply, extremely low alexa rank and high social engagement
    2) same as #1, but subniche w/ limited writing topics
    3) easier to rank – solid demand, decent supply, high alexa rank, but very low social engagement (usually not an engagement sector like i.e. alternative energy)
    4) same as #3, but a lot of writing topics, but being low social engagement seems hard to subniche.

    Sorry if that's confusing; but if there's in that where you could give direction that'd be appreciated.

    Trying to figure out at what point do I just do the easy-ranking niches (but most likely wouldn't be subniche due to limited engagement) vs subniche, but limited writing material and harder to rank. :/

  6. I'll never understand the "greater than 3000 and less than 60000" I thought you would want high demand and only a few supplying … but this seems like you are looking for niches with a lot of sites, up to 60000 sites, and possibly only 3001 people searching… strange

  7. Hi Miles, while many of my keywords have promising numbers in terms of supply and demand, when I check the competition on the first page of search results, all websites have insanely low alexa rankings. Should I consider that a no go? Thanks for the wealth of helpful information in your content.

  8. Thank you! I’ve been using SBI for about a week and finding that every niche that I choose that has good value demand and profitability has too many sites that are way too low in Alexa rank on the first page to compete with. (Site info) Any advice? Should I definitely use that site info to make my decision or could I still get ranked even though the competition is in the thousands and hundreds of thousands for Alexa rankings? Thank you, I watch your YouTube videos everyday! Trying SO hard to make this happen!:-)

  9. Hi Miles, I've watched this video three times, subscribed to SBI! and done and still doing the steps.
    Thank you very much for this detailed, informative video, I have a couples of questions I hope you can help me with:
    1. After looking at all the numbers and doing the research, how do you know that you have the right niche? How do you make the decision to proceed with it?
    2. If I found Ads on Google for the specific niche, but didn't find any on a Facebook page, is that ok?

  10. Miles, I've been stumped on this specific 2 part video series for almost 3 months now. Maybe I'm overthinking. If you have videos answering these questions or if you have time to answer on here, it would be greatly appreciated.

    1. How does one create a website around 1 niched down topic? For an example, lets say "Best dog coat" was the perfect site concept. How does one talk about dog coats for 10+ years? Wouldn't that get redundant and fast? This is my ignorant mind asking but wouldn't it make sense to have a general site about dogs and then use a keyword research tool to see what people are searching and write topics around that?

    The reason I ask this question is because I have a handful of topics that fits the perfect range this video outlines but I can't see the bigger picture in my head.

    2. What about niches that most of the sales if not all will be virtual? Example would be coaching, dating experts… ect? There's no ads leading to tangible products.

    I hope this makes sense. Thoughts?

  11. Miles!

    I have one question, should I go for my native language or English? I'm having a hard time deciding there.

    Both are easy for me, but I think I'd reach out to more people in English, though there is more competition.

    Thank you!

  12. Interesting, I'm going to delve further into this and see what niches I can find that is in my interests. There is a niche I'm interested though but it's intimidating because a lot of people can get mean about it, video gaming for women. What tips or advice would you have about being stronger about this? Other people are vague about choosing your niche or say something like "just choose what you love and make money with it" and "when your working in the online world you have to have thick skin or you're going to have difficulty reaching success because someone hurts your feelings."

  13. Hi Miles, I'm from Singapore. Your content must one of the best if not the best out there. The other creator that I've followed includes Adam Enfroy. I'm going to reference his 90 day guest blogging challenge + your 90 day blogging challenge and execute them. Thanks again for all these great content and wish me luck!

  14. Many thanks Miles, I was reading Perry Marshall book on Google Ads ( AKA AdWords ) when I got to the chapter of "How to choose your niche" , his idea was clear but I wanted some more real examples, that's when I came across your videos.
    Seriously, this SBI website could save my future online career thanks to you.

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