Revealing the Niche of Our Next Site

How do you decide which niche to choose for a website? Ever wondered what goes through our minds when we’re picking a new site niche? Join us for the process of talking through 12 different options and the good and bad of each, including seasonality, trendiness, monetization and more.We wanted to open the door to you to see the journey progress, and have your say on which one we ultimately choose.

It’s time to pick a new niche site topic!

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When you’re ready to start your business to earn online income, check out Project 24, our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in about 24 months. Check it out here:

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


What do you think?


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  1. Hey jim and ricky or whoever is reading this. I need your 1 minute please! just 1 minute please read this comment. I really wish to buy your course and I am very serious about it, but i can't afford it. I am failing over and over and over, would please let me in your course for first time. And then I will be paying for all courses after the first one. I will even pay the first one as well but a little bit late. I really don't have any source of income, I am 21, married with a child with nothing to do. And I am not in a country with a good economy. Please sir I beg for this. My time is really hard please I beg you jim I beg you ricky. Please help me in my hard time I will really do hard to get something through blogging. I swear God my eyes are literally having tears right now. Its my hard time please I beg. If someone else is reading please tell them about me once please. I will post this comment multiple times to get your attention. Thank you & God bless

  2. Hey jim and ricky i am your die hard fan and i was learning through your youtube video i want to buy your project 24 course but i am not able to buy it because i am just arranging money for hosting so if you help me to guide it will help me lot to start my fist wsbsite..

    I am from india and 500$ doller is much money for us you can see on exchange rate of money.. 🌹

  3. Glad to hear that.
    You might not aware about Pressure Washers as Alex Cooper of WPeagle has already made a website few weeks ago on pressure washers. Thank god it is not your next website, Some will always arguement that niche idea was copied (i know, its not).

  4. You guys should fly us out to Idaho and cook for all of your income school students! It would be amazing photo content and overall blog content for your new website!

  5. Concrete because it's endless in possibilities and without having done any research on competition I believe you guys could Solve Peoples Concrete Problems. More importantly it could be a great crossover with YouTube! A piece of cake to monetize because it's a high ticket product that draws the most desirable advertising audience. I don't know anything about concrete and I would bet money it would not be easy to get answers to my questions.

  6. Vote : Concrete
    Reason : It will be really interesting to see how you guys pull this off!

    Also, I was hoping to start a website about smartphones. I know this is an extremely competitive topic but I was thinking of blogging in some of its sub-niches(if that's how you say it). Any advice would be of great help!

    I've been following you guys since a month and your videos are simply amazing. Great content packed with loads of information.

    Love from India💯🙌

  7. What are some tips on creating a blog in a somewhat tight niche? In the Niche that I am looking into there are alot of Articles out there for different topics but I found that when I was trying to get my questions answered I was constantly jumping between sites to try and get all of the information that I wanted, these sites look like they would be useful but typically they focus on the idea of 'just trust me, this is correct'. Do you recommend picking a new Niche and going away from something that you are extremely passionate about, for something that you have less passion for or is it better to stick in the difficult Niche and try to create beneficial content in hopes that I can create content better than the existing content? without going into too much detail, my Niche is focused on a sub-category within Software Development.

  8. I need serious help as I am not able to find out the solution. I am using shared hosting and currently, 2 WordPress websites are hosted. I have noticed that the traffic spike will go down and go up for both of the websites at once., I.E. if site 1 has fewer visits as compared to last day, surprisingly site 2 will also show the traffic drop. Simultaneously if site 1 gets more visitors co0mpared to last day, then site 2 will also show spikes in traffic,. I checked for a downtime of the server but found it to be normal. Also, Google console won't show any coverage error. I have noticed several other websites in my niche have more traffic ever they are having poor DA PA and poor content. I am using the same set of theme and plugins on both websites. They have a different niche and 100+ posts each. All I barely get is 150 visits a day each. both websites are 1+ year old(DA 30+) with quality content and well researched using Ahref and KGR.


  9. Great video. I laughed out loud while watching by myself! I just love you guys. My vote is liquid features. A MILK liquid feature?! Now that would be interesting. I hope you’ll be adding YouTube videos with a site like that. 😁

    Also, I REALLY want to see how you two would go about creating a site. How would you make your site stand out and capture “swats” of people, as Jim would put it, when there are SO many homeschool sites? When I was homeschooling, I wanted a one-stop-shop kind of site, but never could find one since homeschooling seems to be different for each individual.

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