How to Setup Analytics in Google Tag Manager (Beginners Tutorial)

Install Analytics with Google Tag Manager. Remove the guesswork and learn the step-by-step process of how you set it up the right way in 10 minutes or less. GTM will save you time, add scalability to your site, and allow you to create complex, customized triggers and events when done right.

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:24 – Account Setup
1:51 – Tag Install
4:15 – Analytics Install
8:39 – Tag Check
11:32 – Trouble Shoot
14:42 – Outro

How to Setup Analytics in Google Tag Manager (Beginners Tutorial)

Best Free Google Tag Manager Courses & Training [2020]

Need to learn how to install Google Analytics to Google tag Manager? Our step-by-step google tag manager analytics tutorial will teach you how to get started with GTM.

Discover how Google Tag Manager can simplify the tag implementation and management process for marketers, analysts, and developers.

Managing multiple analytics and marketing tags for your site can be a challenge. Redundant or incorrect tags can distort data measurement and reduce your site performance. That is where the use of google tag manager comes in.

Google Tag Manager is free, so you can try it out virtually risk-free. Keep watching for some google tag manager overview where you will learn how to set up a Google Tag Manager account, how to create a new tag, how to use Google Tag Manager with your Google Analytic and so much more.

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to create and monitor tags on a user interface, without writing new code each time you want to construct a tag.

When Tag Manager is installed, your website or app will be able to communicate with the Tag Manager servers.

This eliminates the manual process of creating tags, making your marketing process more efficient and precise.

When you use GTM to add tags to your website, you get more control over when the tag should fire and you can very easily add, remove or disable any tag on your website.

Why use Google Tag Manager and what are its functionalities?

Google Analytics can provide a lot of the important insights about your website, but when used alone, it does have its limitations. But by tagging your site and using Google Tag Manager in conjunction with Google Analytics, you’re able to collect much more data than you can otherwise.

So, if you want to move your online business forward, make sure to keep watching this google tag manager analytics tutorial to your online business.

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Visit my website to get multitudes of digital marketing campaign templates to get you started with sales funnel strategy.

I hope this google tag manager overview video made it clear to you what is Google Tag Manager and why you need GTM for your online business strategy.

As always if you have thoughts or questions about this google tag manager analytics tutorial, feel free to share in the comment section below.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.


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  1. Great vid. However, on (what I presume is your site) shown a few times 9:57 you're using the wrong form of "you're". You might have corrected it; I didn't see a link to your site in the description. It reads, "your". It should read, "you're". Occupational hazzard of mine as an art director. But great vid nonetheless!

  2. Thank you, Jason. Super helpful. Wondering if you have any ideas…

    Got everything installed but the Tag Assistant is only picking up the tags on one or two posts on my site, but it doesn't seem consistent. For example, at first I thought maybe it was only on posts not pages, but that's not it either.

    I've refreshed, cleared cache and watched the troubleshooting section. I'm using (free) Astra and the Astra Hooks plugin (I added the first section of code to the wp_head hook and the 2nd to the astra_header_before hook if you're familiar with Astra hooks), with Gutenberg, no page builders.

    I randomly looked at the source code for various pages. The first snippet is showing up before </head> and the second snippet is showing up after <body> near the top. On most of my pages though, the 1st snippet of code is empty..

    Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

  3. I was literally going to DM you to request this. I think your content is really strong. One answer I can’t find for the life of me is conversion tracking for ad words when I have created my goals/conversions in GA and upload them into AdWords. I do not have the option to pull a conversion ID or label. Which is what is required for integration. Any thoughts?

    Another question o can’t figure out is tracking a “hashed email”, specifically for Pinterest.

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