What Is Google Tag Manager: Fundamentals & Benefits

Google Tag Manager is a powerful (underrated) tool for taking the stress out of your traffic and conversion tracking. Even if you’re already using Google Analytics or the Facebook pixel you should seriously consider switching to Tag Manager to simplify and organize your tracking codes like a pro.

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Recommended Videos:
Google Tag Manager: Ultimate Course For Beginners: https://youtu.be/ptPxtTYjggk
Top 7 Ways To Get Leads: https://youtu.be/9qCOWnfKiy4
Beginners Guide YouTube Ads Marketing Strategy: https://youtu.be/Y6iYWVwOzlE

Introduction To Google Tag Manager (Basic Features & Benefits) Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCTo1pVEZ5UJJ-exH9Dc1JLtZ6ng0zFj0

Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCTo1pVEZ5ULlTTvl_5Wa2eJouvLpG4ZJ

Google Analytics UTM Tracker (Beginners Guide) Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCTo1pVEZ5ULmuBW5iGvF0woxF8LA9-80
Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:19 – Fundamentals
2:24 – Benefits
4:42 – Outro

What Is Google Tag Manager: Fundamentals & Benefits

What is Google Tag Manager and what does it do?

In this Google Tag Manager tutorial, we’ll talk about what you need to know about Google Tag Manager. We’ll discuss with you what Google Tag Manager does and how it benefits your business.

So, what is Google Tag Manager used for? Why is it important?

Google tag manager is a free tool that makes it easy for marketers to add and update website tags — including conversion tracking, site analytics, remarketing, and more—with just a few clicks and without needing to edit your website code.

When you have Tag Manager on your site, you don’t have to worry about any other codes or even those complicated HTML codes.

With Google Tag Manager all tags are managed in one place allowing an individual to install tags without manually editing their website code. Yes, you only need to install Google Tag Manager only once.

Managing multiple analytics and marketing tags for your site can be a challenge. But with GTM, everything is a breeze.

The great thing about GTM is that you can use a trigger to track every time someone adds an item to their shopping cart, or when they complete a form on your website, or click another button. Yes, GTM measures and tracks everything that’s happening on your site!

Despite what it can do, GTM is still one of the most underrated tools online. However, it can be one of the best digital analytics tools that you need for your website and online business.

Why use Google Tag Manager? This is because redundant or incorrect tags can distort data measurement and reduce your site performance. You can add a GTM tag on your site without breaking a single code.

This video is an introduction to Google Tag Manager. Explore the three parts of google tag manager – tags, triggers, and variables. Learn how to use the Google Tag Manager templates to easily add tracking for activities on your website and social media.

Google tag manager is a powerful tag management tool for deploying tracking and analytics code like the Facebook Pixel, Remarketing tag, and Analytics tag onto your website.

A lot of people find GTM difficult and confusing. It needs a learning curve, but we will explain in the simplest way possible what is Google Tag Manager. This GTM tutorial is all about the basics, no complicated explanations here.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.


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  1. Thank you!

    A quick question here about pixels.

    If i create a subdomain which is use to sell ecommerce to another country. For example: subdomain for Singapore.

    Should I use the same pixels from my original site (FB pixel, google analytic pixel, google pixel and inserted via GTM)

    Or should I create a new pixels and insert it into a new GTM account?

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