Simple Trick to IMPROVE Your Quality Score & Pay Lower CPC (Do This Right Now)

Want to improve your quality score and pay lower CPC for your Google and Microsoft Ads?

In this video I show you a neat little trick you can do right now to help you increase your quality score so that you can pay less for every click.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
2:25 – Dynamic keyword insertion
7:35 – Dynamic text replacement

Let’s get straight into it!

So if you recall from our previous video on a detailed explanation on quality score and ad rank here:

👉 Quality Score & Ad Rank *DETAILED* Explanation – How My CPC Is HALF of My Competitors’:

Quality score is a basic measure of “relevance” of your keywords all the way to the landing page.

This means that in order to increase our quality score, we need to make everything more relevant.

Let’s go over the 2 things I suggest to do in order to achieve that:

Part 1: Dynamic keyword insertion

This part is at the Google/Microsoft Ads ad level.

What you’re going to do is enter a squiggly bracket wherever you want to enter this feature – my suggestion is to do it in the first headline.

You should then see a few options drop down – select the one that shows “Dynamic keyword insertion”.

This will allow your headline to be dynamically updated depending on the keyword that triggered that ad to show up.

So if someone types in a search term that triggers your keyword, THAT keyword will show up in your ad – pretty cool, huh?!

Some words of advice when doing this.

First, make sure your keywords all follow the same format.

In other words, don’t have some keywords that start with “how to” and others that don’t. Or keywords that start with “the best” and others that start with a question like “why do I…”.

The reason for this is if you are using any other words with your dynamic keyword insertion, it might not make sense if the keywords all follow different formats. So try to maintain consistency there.

Also, try to make your keywords as restrictive as possible while still getting traffic.

This means generally you should avoid broad keywords when using this dynamic keyword insertion.

This is because broad keywords allow people to type in very irrelevant search terms and your ad to show up, so this kind of defeats the purpose of us trying to maintain relevancy.

For example if your keyword is broad and says “lose weight in 3 weeks”, if someone types in “how to lose weight in my knees right now”, your ads might actually show up. And as you can see, in this case you WOULDN’T want your ad to show up, and using this dynamic keyword insertion would be pretty useless.

Let’s go to the next part in how to improve your quality score.

Part 2: Dynamic text replacement

So we worked on the ad, but we also have to work on the landing page because that’s part of the relevance equation too.

In this video I’m using Unbounce because they offer this feature, but you can use whatever works for you.

👉 Unbounce exclusive FREE 14-day trial + 20% off for the first 3 months or a year:

All you’re going to do is select the text (usually part of a headline) where you want to add this dynamic text replacement, go to “Action”, and then click on the “dynamic text replacement” option.

This will allow you to also enter default text and enter your parameter name.

You can enter ANYTHING for the parameter name – this is totally up to you and makes absolutely no difference. In our example, we named it “kw”.

Once you enter those details in, to the end of your URL, you’re going to add “kw={keyword}”.

So if your URL is “”, you would enter “{keyword}”.

This will make it so that whenever someone clicks on your Google or Microsoft Ads ad via a specific keyword, THAT keyword will show up not only in your ad… but on the landing page too!

Pretty cool, huh?

Just like for the keywords, once again make sure that your headline will actually make sense with ALL of your keywords – last thing you want is your headline not making sense!

And this is how you improve your quality score and pay lower CPC for your Google and Microsoft Ads!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

👉 Paid ad network courses:

👉 Unbounce exclusive FREE 14-day trial + 20% off for the first 3 months or a year:

👉 Unbounce (my favorite page builder) playlist:

👉 Google Ads list of tokens:

👉 Microsoft Ads list of tokens:

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Google Ads (with email optin):

👉 How to do affiliate marketing on Facebook Ads (with email optin):

👉 Like my Facebook page!


What do you think?


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  1. Thank u very much…Querystring is useful only if we are using broadmatch type keywords, if we are using phrase match there is no need of querystring ..Am i right or wrong?..
    BTW This video is the best i have ever seen..

  2. This is so tricky when it comes to inserting dynamic keyword into the landing page. Let’s use your keywords as an example.

    Since you are using a phrase match, let’s use “Keto Foods” as an example, and your landing page says “Get instant access to your Keto Foods”, which kinda makes since.

    Now the tricky part is since you are using phrase match, maybe someone would have wrote something irrelevant before or after the keyword since it is phrase match. For instance, “Get instant access to your WHAT IS KETO FOODS”.

    See what I mean here? The phrase match here can screw you up lol.

    How do you go about that?

    Guys this question, which I think i definitely important must be seen by Ivan, please like this comment so he can see it and answer it.

  3. I recently tried google ads with a bunch of exact match keywords. However, google showed my result even for some "close match to that exact match kw" why did this happen??

  4. Hello Ivan, I see that you promote Tedswoodworking too! May I know what's the avg CPC for your Tedswoodworking search campaigns, or some other search campaigns in the same niche based on your experience? Thanks

  5. in google ads. if i have two keywords. 'loss weight' and 'how to loss weight with proven' added and if i put 'weight loss' in negative keywords. does my other keywords that contains 'loss weight' also not shows up in google ads.

  6. Hello.sir i am willing to promote Steel Bite Pro With Google ads With limited budget of 30$…Should i Collect The Email And Send them to the offer or should i directly send to the offer through my landing page….
    What will be best as i am running the ads for the first time.

  7. Wow you actually made a whole video for the topic thank you so much!

    I don't know I missed this, but do you actually go about optimizing your campaigns if none of them bring any sales?

    I watched your full guide (thanks for this!) and you did actually optimized or focused on the keyword that brought you sales, right? So, what if none of the keywords bring CVs? How long would you keep it running before you kill it?

    Thank you so much for all the value!

  8. what if i have multiple keywords. for example 'how to loss weight fast ' and 'lose weight with keto diet'. if i create landing page targeting keto diet, my quality score is good for keto diet keyword but not for 'how to loss weight fast'. how to overcome this situation

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