How To Get Everything You Want In Life… And How To Avoid What You Don't Want.

There is one thing in your life right now that determines EXACTLY where your life is going in 1 to 3 years… Learn what that is and how to leverage it to create the life of your dreams in this video.

If you missed my previous law of attraction videos the law of attraction is and how it works in great detail, watch these videos next:

The power of manifestation is real and most people don’t realize their manifesting more of what they don’t want on autopilot because they don’t understand this law of the universe.

this video is going to reveal exactly how to change your life or change your business by shifting what you’re focused on.

You see there’s a truth in nature that what we’re focused on is where we’re going. And I learned this first back on a rafting trip when I was younger.

There was this really popular to night rafting trip. It was epic and all of our friends wind and one of the instructions that the rafting guide set is when you’re getting into the rapids, focus your attention on where you want to go, not on the big scary rock you don’t want to hit.

So I hear it. It goes in one ear, goes right out the other. We hop in the boat paddling along, having a good day, and we hit some class three rapids, which kind of scared the bejesus out of me.

I didn’t know what I was in for at the moment. And all I can see this is gigantic rock. It’s just right there sticking out of the water.

And sure enough, I’m looking at thing and I don’t want to hit that.

I don’t want to hit that and I am so full. I’m laser focused on this rock. I don’t want to hit and I’m paddling furiously in the water. And what happens right up against the rock, flips us over, cooler goes out one side, it’s just ass over tea kettles, legs upside down.

We’re all doing back flips into the water and we regroup ourselves in the little calm water below. And it didn’t really click until the next year until I went back and I held on to that idea.

I held onto that kind of memory of just getting flipped upside down and having my attention so glued to that rock.

I just, it just kept getting bigger and I can, I can still picture that rock to this day. And then he said again as we launched the next time on the same trip that you’re later, remember, focus on where you want to go. Don’t focus on what you’re going to hit that time it clicked.

And as we approached this biggest rock in this biggest section within this kind of rafting trip, we focused and we focus right on the little channel. It was a narrow little channel, right where we want to go.

100% of my attention went exactly where I wanted to go. And guess what, missed the rock! Just bypassed it… didn’t even notice it. It honestly may have not even been there.

It was there because I’d seen it years after, but it literally just wasn’t even there. I went. So this whole story about me rafting on how, what’s that have to do with you, your life and your business?

Well, what are you focused on?

Because whatever you’re focused on right now, your dominant state of focus is what you’re creating more of. And if you’re focused on the lack and the challenges and the health challenges and the financial challenges, and you’re a-hole boss and all the things that are wrong in your life, then you’re going to create more of that.

And I’ve got an exercise for you coming up that’s going to help you understand where you’re at with this.

But if you’re focused on wealth, if you’re focused on savings, even if you barely make enough to it, even if you barely make enough to survive right now, you put 5% of your income, 10% of your income into a savings account and you won’t notice it at the end of month.

I personally guarantee that I’ve done this exercise myself and that will get you to focus on savings, putting money away for your future self or are you focused on giving value?

How am I giving value every day and that’s it. That’s the dominant thought of how am I going to give more valued my people? How am I going to give even more value?

That’s what I think about you all the time. I’m always ready for for how can I come up with a new idea of something cool to give you that might help you take that step that unlocked you to create that lifestyle freedom that you want?

I get these inspired ideas about new ways to help you with that. Like this video right here because that’s what I’m focused on.

When I was younger, I was always focused on the problems. I bounced checks all the time. I would overdraft my account.

I would create nothing but problems. A little bit of money comes into the account. Guess what? Some problem pops up because I always focused on the problems.

Now I focus on what I want to create in this world, what I want to experience. And sure enough, the right kinds of things, the synchronicities, the path seems to keep unfolding as long as I’m focused in the right direction.


What do you think?


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  1. Thank you this video hit me hard. When I did task what don’t want the 3 things came quick. When I did the 3 things I do want it took me considerably longer. Eureka moment there.

    Such an amazing video God bless you

  2. Thanks, Miles! I love law of attraction! You made me realise why I haven't been able to get my client from #2 page on google to page 1. I've been getting frustrated that the rankings are stuck.

  3. Really enjoying your LOA content and how to use it for entrepreneurship/lifestyle business!

    In a future video can you go more in depth on what you touched on in your last LOA video "Beyond The Law of Attraction-The #1 Most Important Law For Attracting Adundance". At the 14 sec mark, you mentioned that LOA got hijacked in the early 2000's and got watered down. What was LOA like before and after the hijack? Sounds like there is "fake LOA" floating around just like fake gurus. Love to hear your version of a side by side comparison of the two. Thanks!

  4. Honestly after watching this video it really has changed my thought process, and I am definitely going to be more aware of what I choose to take in.

    Also, going to sit down and really think about what I WANT as that's the biggest thing that has been missing for me not having a goal to work towards. Great video keep it up!

  5. As beautiful as the human mind is, it is imperfect. But its imperfection is what makes it beautiful.

    One beautiful thing about our imperfect mind is that it allows us to create our own reality. When you focus on one thing, you become blind to everything else. Even the blatantly obvious. The beauty here is, you can choose to create a reality where there are endless opportunities for you to get more of what you want. You can also choose to live in a reality where more of what you don't want keeps falling in your lap. Both realities exist simultaneously, and it is up to you which one you choose.

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