15 Minute Lead Magnet Funnel – Free High Converting Strategy To Grow Your Email List

Follow these 5 simple steps to quickly build a high converting lead magnet funnel in less than 15 minutes using free software. Watch this before you create another “free report” or pay for an overpriced funnel building software.

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Best Free Email Marketing Software 2020: https://youtu.be/-JAkTcxOMCM
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List Growth Guide: Squeeze Page Tutorial: https://youtu.be/wiXwCF6GfX4

How to Build a Lead Magnet Funnel: Email List Growth Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCTo1pVEZ5UKi888MAXB_MMK7RtuNAIzz

Steps to Building Your First Online Sales Funnel Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCTo1pVEZ5UJN4W51cxO_4S_d7OBrNHg3

Lead Magnet Ideas for Beginners: Grow your Email List Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCTo1pVEZ5UJsH1jfBuz2tdDh907CbCh6
Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:31 – Lead Magnet
2:50 – Audit
3:03 – Template
3:17 – Resource
3:22 – Report
3:47 – Examples
5:27 – Squeeze Page
6:04 – Examples
7:15 – Headline Formulas
11:03 – Sales Sequence
12:02 – Emails Template
14:39 – Outro

15 Minute Lead Magnet Funnel – Free High Converting Strategy To Grow Your Email List

If you want to know how to build a lead magnet funnel, this is the place to start to increase sales today. Learn how to create a lead magnet and funnel so you can have more email subscribers.

In this quick start lead generation marketing guide, you’re going to learn how to quickly put together a high converting lead magnet funnel from scratch for your email list building strategy, to help you generate leads, and of course, make money online.

But first, what is a lead magnet funnel?

A Lead Magnet Funnel refers to the entire process of offering the lead magnet. To put it simply, this demonstrates the flow your prospects take to becoming a part of your email subscribers list.

In this lead generation course, you’re going to learn how to build an effective lead funnel. You’re going to learn what a lead magnet is and how this relates to your sales funnel process. We’re going to be putting together a lead magnet, a squeeze page, and then sending a couple of emails. That is as complex as this process needs to be.

Out of these three stages, the Lead magnet is going to drive this whole process forward and actually make sure that you have a lead funnel that converts. We will also be showing some lead magnet ideas to help you craft the perfect lead magnet for your site.

With this lead generation tutorial, you’re going to learn how to build a list of email subscribers using lead magnets. Remember, you need to give prospects a taste of what it’s like to take our advice and actually engage in our products and services.

With your lead magnet, you’re not going to be giving your product or services for free. But you do need to provide something of value and move the needle in your ideal customer’s life a little bit. You’ll demonstrate that you can actually help them with their problems and if they listen to you, they would actually receive the results they want.

Your squeeze page is going to be a webpage where you ask for people’s contact information in exchange for giving them your value packed lead magnet. You need your prospects contact information for the next step of your funnel process – sending emails.

By the end of this tutorial, you will exactly know how to build a lead funnel from scratch with the lead magnet funnel examples we have shown you, and use it to capture leads and convert them into customers. Discover how your lead magnet funnel increases your conversion rate and effectively move leads through their buying cycle.
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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.


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  1. Hey Jason, super great tips. As a marketer, I'm contemplating if I want to engage HubSpot or an agency? what is your thought about Hubspot? appreciate it 🙂 if u have a video about it, do share link. cheers!!! 🙂

  2. Hey Jason, your content is excellent, I´m new in Digital Marketing and I appreciate all the knowledge that you share every week….. By the way…. have you heard about the jeff walker´s Product Launch Formula? Can you tell me about it? seems like it's everything that you share in this channel. Cheers!

  3. I like how you always repeat that lead magnets are supposed to bring your prospects a quick result — a "taste", in your words.

    Others have it like "just create a bait that will attract who you want." And that causes, what, 16% open rates? NOPE.

    But, idk man have you been reading my mind?? Haha because I just created my 3rd iteration for a lead magnet today — awesome stuff, Jason.

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