The Smartest Way to Promote ClickBank Products On Google Ads (Do This Right Now!)

What is the smartest way to promote ClickBank products on Google Ads and make money online?

Find out in this video while you watch behind my shoulder as I show you step-by-step.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
2:08 – Getting set up
20:27 – The follow-up

What is the smartest way to promote ClickBank products on Google Ads?

Well, let’s start off with some numbers.

Google dominates about 92% of the world search engine share, and brings in about 3.5 BILLION DAILY searches.

That’s a LOT of searches and a LOT of traffic if you’re using Google Ads.

So what’s the problem?

Well, it’s that MAJORITY of people who visit your page don’t buy.

I think it’s safe to say that 97% to 98% of the people who visit your website don’t convert the first time around.

This means people that you get to visit the ClickBank or any affiliate product sales page don’t convert 98% of the time the first time.

SO this means we need to find a way to reach out to people whether they stay on your page or not, whether they sign up and buy or not.

Let me show you how we can do that.

Part 1: Getting set up

The first thing you have to do if you want to know the smartest way to promote ClickBank products on Google Ads and make money online is to create a landing page, create your Google ad, and so on.

I use Unbounce to build out my landing pages, and suggest you do too – it’s very intuitive, comes with a dynamic text replacement feature, and is the best builder in my opinion, although you can use whatever you want.

👉 Unbounce exclusive free 14-day trial + 20% off on the first 3 months to a year:

Basically you want to build out a landing page that will take people to the affiliate offer, so how you do it is totally up to you, but I show you a rough outline in this video.

Once you do that, you would need to create your Google Ads campaign.

Follow everything I taught you in previous videos or take my detailed comprehensive course on Google Ads to learn how to create a campaign:

👉 Take my courses:

But however you do it, point is to set up your campaign, including keywords, ads, ad groups, and so on.

After that, we’re ready to go to the last part of this tutorial on the smartest way to promote ClickBank products on Google Ads and make money online!

Part 2: The follow-up

So once you create the ad and landing page, all you’re going to do is take the Google Ads conversion code and put it on your page.

If you have more than one page, put it on EVERY page of your website.

In our example, let’s imagine we just have the one landing page – so just put the code there.

Now, you can REMARKET to these people and reach them even if they bounced off your page and never bought from you!

This is so powerful guys, use this to the max…

Once you add the code, start sending traffic to your page.

You’re going to be able to create an audience list of people who visited your page, so go into “Audiences” in Google Ads and create some lists based on people who visited your page.

Once you add more pages, you can create a variety of audiences as well, such as a list of people who visited your page but didn’t buy, or people who visited specific pages of your site.

Either way, you can use these audience lists in any campaign type, whether it’s a display campaign, YouTube campaign, Gmail campaign and so on!

I prefer a display campaign because you are then able to follow people around no matter where they are on the internet.

Whatever website they go to, you will be able to target them and show your ads again to them.

Ideally, you would take them to a different page altogether, such as one with a discount or other piece of information that the users missed the first time around.

But regardless of what you do, the fact that you’re reaching out to these people again and getting them to see your ads and page is already a big step forward.

To learn about advanced remarketing techniques with Google Ads, make sure to take my detailed and comprehensive course:

👉 Complete Google Ads remarketing course:

And this is the smartest way to promote ClickBank products on Google Ads and make money online!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

👉 Take my courses:

👉 How to improve your quality score with this simple trick:

👉 How to build a 52.68% conversion rate landing page from scratch in Unbounce:

👉 How to set up your custom domain with Unbounce:

👉 How to set up ClickMagick campaigns for tracking:

👉 How to use the keyword planner to find profitable keywords:

👉 How to set up Google Ads conversion tracking:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


What do you think?


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  1. How do I go about adding my aweber? For example if I created a landing page with unbounce and I added a name/email submit form how do I add aweber so I can capture the name and email in my aweber autoresponder? Please answer fast because I signed up to unbounce on your affiliate link thanks!!!

  2. Hi Ivan, there are multiple courses on your website.. one that cost $1k plus and a few more specific to google or Facebook or bing ads. Please advice what’s the difference..

  3. Thank you Ivan for your valuable Video, for that particular said that Google ads is not allowed or maybe there is something that I am missing?

  4. I tried many times to join Google ads but they were disapproved all the time. I have no ideas about this. Please give me some advices I appreciated your mentoring.

  5. Hi Ivan, great video and it has a lot of value. I have 5500 hops, 500 initial forms and 03 direct sales that I've done. Why my hops and forms are not getting any conversions for high gravity products in 03 month of operations? Please help
    me Ivan. Nobody is answering me about this question. I got a landing page, I'm running google ads and no conversions.

  6. This technique violates Google's bridge page rule and they will absolutely close your account for doing this.

    What will happen is: If the campaign gets approved (this is pretty likely because they're short staffed due to covid-19), at some point you will spend enough money to trigger a manual review by a Google rep.

    Then they will review the campaign and permanently ban your account for breaking either the bridge page rule, or one of the other rules.

    They are incredibly picky about questionable claims, especially when it's a health or financial product, and they will ban your account for that as well.

    There are ways to create Google ads compliant landing pages as an affiliate marketer, but the one in your video does not comply with the rules.

  7. Why not you create google ads tutorial from scratch? Like how to do manual bid and how much budget spend per day? I see your 3-4 videos but every video you do edit some thing on previous ad create by u. Many people don't know how to write keyword on ad for rank ad so if you have tutorial from scratch send me it's link

  8. Nice one, Ivan. It's a really powerful stuff to retarget, unfortunately not many are familiar and it is not being told by the "gurus" . People don't know that's hard to convert on cold ad and in most cases retargeting is needed and they give up really fast.

  9. Hi Ivan. My microsoft ads account got disabled because two of my payment methods didn't go through because of insufficieny credit limit.

    So they told me to wait 10 business days for investigation.

    After that, they told me that their decision was final.

    I am 100% sure that my account was mistakenly disabled.

    Moving forward, can I just create a new microsoft ads account? Or do I need some VPN or whatnot?

    Thanks Ivan!!

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