ClickBank Tutorial – How to Find WINNING Offers & Make Money Online (Detailed Tutorial)

Looking for a ClickBank tutorial that shows you how to find PROFITABLE and WINNING ClickBank offers?

Watch this video to learn exactly what criteria I use to find what offers I’m going to promote to make my money online with ClickBank.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
2:08 – My 4 criteria for finding winning offers
6:58 – Walkthrough of some ClickBank offers

Part 1: My 4 criteria for finding winning offers

There is a rule of thumb “list” I use to find my winning offers on ClickBank.

Here are the criteria that the offer has to match:

1. Has to be in the health or wealth niche

These are the most competitive niches but also have the most demand. This means you can scale your campaigns really high if you find something that works.

2. Has to pay out average commission of over $100

At first, you will be running campaigns and testing, testing, testing. Some offers will not convert and that’s fine. But to make it easier for yourself, promote offers that pay out $100+ commissions so that you have more room to test. For example in our case study example earlier, I spent about $250 USD and we made about $400 because we promoted Steel Bite Pro, which pays about $100 per sale.

If the offer payed out $50 per sale for example, we would have spent $250 and made only $200, putting us in the loss.

3. Has a gravity score of over 200+

Gravity score is a metric that measures how many affiliates sold a certain product in the past 30-60 days, more weight given to products sold most recently.

This just reinforces our point #1 about the offer being popular and having a lot of demand. This also gives you a measure of how good the offer is itself that you’re about to promote because if you have a choice between 10 weight loss products, which one would you go for?

4. Has a good landing page with a VSL and headline

I found that VSL’s perform much better than text sales letters. Also pages that have a clear headline perform better than ones that don’t.

I like to promote pages that fit these landing page criteria before promoting them.

Let’s go to the next part and look at some examples in this ClickBank tutorial on how to find winning offers!

Part 2: Walkthrough of some ClickBank offers

If you look at Resurge for example, it’s one of the most popular weight loss products being promoted on ClickBank right now.

This product matches all the criteria, although the sales page could be better if it had a headline in my opinion.

Another offer I wanted to mention was Custom Keto Diet.

On the surface this seems like a great and clean offer, however the downside is that it doesn’t pay a high commission and worst of all, the sales page has a quiz which then leads people into the Custom Keto Diet’s email sequence where they make the sale.

This is an issue because this means that you really can’t create a quiz or collect emails on your own landing page as the process would then be redundant to the end user, having to go through this whole process twice.

Also, you have no control over the email sequence Custom Keto Diet has, and frankly, I don’t know how reliable their email tracking is.

If someone opens the email and makes the custom keto diet purchase from a different device, will you still get credit for the sale? I don’t know.

So the custom keto diet is actually not a product I would personally promote. Let’s move on to the next option.

Ted’s Woodworking is another excellent product with a clean page (Google-approved), although it’s not in the health & wealth niche, and doesn’t pay out over $100 commission.

Although this is a product I’m promoting and am seeing success with, this isn’t a product I would go to first, because it doesn’t match the other criteria listed above.

You would just keep going down the list and go through all the top offers on ClickBank. Sort by popularity and go from there.

If the offer matches all 4 criteria – great – that’s an offer you want to promote.

After you make campaigns for all offers matching these criteria, you can lower the restrictions a bit and keep going – ie. those that fit 3 of the 4 criteria.

And that’s how you find winning ClickBank offers to promote in this ClickBank tutorial!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

👉 Take some of my courses:

👉 ClickBank + Microsoft (Bing) Ads case study:

👉 ClickMagick free 14-day trial:

👉 Simple trick to improve your quality score and pay less per click:

👉 How to create a 52.68% conversion rate landing page in Unbounce from scratch:

👉 Unbounce playlist:

👉 Easiest way (by far) to make money with ClickBank:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


What do you think?


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  1. Only Health and Wellness, & E-business are the only two that are profitable, simple and great for doing affiliate marketing. I'm in the E-business niche for both with Clickbank and JVZoo.

  2. When I tried to promote okinama flat belly it says on its affiliate page that " Affiliates can NOT run any PPC brand campaigns. This includes but is not limited to Google (or any Google property), Facebook, Bing, Instagram, Pinterest nor bid on any Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic branded keywords." So does that mean I cant promote it on google adwords or facebook management right? If you can take the time to explain and go around this it would be great thanks.

  3. Hi Ivan, thanks for sharing another great video. I have been following your videos and implementing the tips. I'm promoting a clickbank product for which I was getting low CTR of 1-2%. I followed your methods and increased it to 6%. But the problem is, I'm not seeing any conversion even after spending $100 on ads. So what should be ideal point to stop promoting a particular product? Also, how do i assess the reason for people not buying the product? Is it because of landing page or sales page? Please provide your insights on this.. thanks

  4. Hi ivan, Ganesh here from India, I recently starting Affiliate Marketing, I saw many YT videos on CB and affiliate Marketing related videos I really found ur YT videos helpful for beginners. Hope i got my first sale with the help of your methods.

  5. I wait for your new videos and i have seen your old videos too…full of infomation… I promoted numerology and teds woodworking on bing ads…but didn't get any conversion… i always target broad match modifier keywords… and direct linking… what should i do now…

  6. "6:44"
    Well i found a program that generator money
    It totally changed my life 𝔾𝔼𝕋𝕄𝕆ℕℂ𝔸𝕊ℍ. ℂ𝕃𝕌𝔹

    අනුගාමිකයන් ඇති කර ගැනීමට හොඳ ක්‍රමයක

  7. As always Ivan, your content is out of this world! Truly underrated. Thank you for sharing the truth on what it takes to be a successful affiliate marketer.

    I think people start off trying to sale cheaper products thinking it’s “easier”. But you put the same amount of work in for more expensive products and get better profit margins.

  8. Hello Ivan, thank you very much for supporting us with such educative videos. I have learn a lot from you.
    please my question is, do i need to build a website before i start affiliate marketing????

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