Google Shopping Ads Tutorial (Made In 2021 for 2021) – Step-By-Step for Beginners

Looking for a Google Shopping Ads tutorial that’s made in 2021 for 2021?

Look no further because this is exactly what I cover step-by-step in this video.

Follow along with me and you’ll learn exactly how to set up your Google Shopping Ads in no time.

Table of contents:

0:00 – Introduction
1:26 – Creating a Google Ads account
3:24 – Setting up a Google merchant account
30:58 – Creating Google shopping ads
35:38 – Overview of the campaign

Step 1: Creating a Google Ads account

The first thing you have to do is set up your Google Ads account before you can create any sort of Google shopping ads, so head over to, and create your account.

Make sure to switch to expert mode and create an account WITHOUT a campaign at first.

Because we need to first create our Google merchant account before we can create a campaign here.

Once you do that, we’re ready to go to the next step in this Google Shopping Ads tutorial.

Step 2: Setting up a Google merchant account

This is really where most of your work is going to go into – setting up the merchant center account, adding products, descriptions, titles, and so on.

So make sure that you select the “Shopping Ads” option so that we get the option to integrate with Google Ads, and then just go down the list filling in the blanks.

For example adding the tax rates, shipping and handling fees, products, and so on.

Everything is pretty simple and straightforward except for the adding products part, so we can spend a little more time here.

Basically, you have a few options when it comes to adding your products to your Google merchant center.

You can add products individually one-by-one (which is easier if you have just a few products), or you can upload a data feed or use an excel sheet and do everything there at once.

Either way, you do have to add products manually, so it will take some work adding everything to your merchant center.

If you’re lost or confused, the docs linked inside the excel sheet provided by Google makes it easy to see what exactly you need to write for each of the columns, such as the ID numbers and the like, so refer to that doc if you’re not sure what to write.

Once you add the excel sheet, go back to the main merchant center interface and click on “Fetch Sheet” so Google updates the sheet that you just added on file. Give it some time and your products will be successfully added!

Let’s move on to pretty much the last step in this Google Shopping Ads tutorial (in 2021).

Step 3: Creating Google shopping ads

Once you add all your products and fill in all the other required information such as verifying your website and integrating Google Ads + your merchant center, you can create ads inside of Google Ads.

So click on “Create new campaign”, select anything for the objective, and then select “Shopping” for the campaign type.

You should see your shopping account name immediately pop up if you integrated Google Ads with your merchant center, and the rest is simple fill-in-the-blank.

For example you need to enter your campaign name, set the budget, bid, pick your countries of targeting and so on.

You can either display a single product or a catalog of products, so you can maybe create a separate campaign for each of these and see which one performs better.

You do not have the option to add any “keywords” or “ads” with this Google Shopping Ads display format – so you’re leaving it entirely up to Google – and what you wrote down in your product title, description and category – to find the right audience.

Also make sure to fill in the details for the “Free Listing” category in your merchant center so that you get some free traffic as well even when not running ads.

Step 4: Overview of the campaign

The last part of this Google Shopping Ads tutorial in 2021 just involves going over some settings and getting you acquianted with the interface.

Basically you will see all the options on the left-hand side, such as the devices used, search terms used to trigger your ads to show up, products that you have added and so on.

Play around with these and optimize your campaign after you get some data.

And that is it for this Google Shopping Ads tutorial in 2021!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

👉 Take some of my courses:

👉 Complete Google Search Ads course for beginners:

👉 Complete Google search ads tutorial (2021):

👉 Google Ads playlist:

👉 Complete Google display ads tutorial (2021):

👉 How to set up conversion tracking in Google Ads:

👉 Easiest way (by far) to make money with ClickBank:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


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  1. My merchant account has been reactivated but still not eligible for enhanced free listings". Also, I dont know why my google ads is still showing "Your account is suspended" in red at the top each time I log in. On the preferences page it shows in the tab account status "active". Am I able to run ads now? thanks in advance

  2. Great Video – However can you explain what that Audience Tab was which you didnt delv into? Whats the ultimate purpose of setting audiences with Shopping Ads? Thanks

  3. I have 7 products in my merchant center, but is there an option to only advertise one product? Every time I try a shopping campaign I do not get to choose which products I want to advertise…

  4. Awesome video, dude. Kind of a weird question, but what plug in is it you're using on Google that suggest long-tail keywords, show CPC, competition and so on as you search for keywords? That's awesome, I need it! 😳

  5. I set up the shopping campaign and finalized it through my Shopify store. How do I add key words ? Or does it do it automatically? I don’t see any option to edit the details of the ad/ shopping campaign.

  6. This is very helpful!! I've been using facebook ads for about two years now but my ad accounts and all gets restricted so many times which really frustrates me. And so I'm going to use this as an alternative and probably just be focusing here if the results are better. Thank you so much!!! I'm definitely subscribing to your channel. God bless!!!

  7. Hello sir,i have my google shopping ads budget at 750 inr,initially it was working fine with cpc 2.1 inr but now it reduces to 0.001 inr with price reduce to 20-30 inr ,and ads on many products are not visible,what might be the reason and how to fix it.

  8. Thank you, it's a useful tutorial for beginners but I assumed that, a single product via Google Ads this method is for the local delivery in Canada or for the buyers to purchase locally? Is it correct? Pls advise.

  9. Hi, my question might not be related to the topic though, I enjoyed watching and followed every step..thanks . My question is, what video editing app did you to isolate your image in the video? Thanks in advance.

  10. Hello ivan hope you read my comment and reply is possibal i wanted to ask you about how to send back the data that u get from the 3rd partie tracker back to google ?

  11. Great tutorial and a true value bomb 🙂
    I have one question though:

    Google shopping ads – Control keywords and search phrases?

    I am trying to get my head around how Google creates shopping ads.  Where do they get the search phrases and keywords from?  I assume from my website.  The problem I am having is that I create a campaign for just one of my many products in Google ads (shopping campaigns, single product) and get tons of impressions, and some clicks too.  However, when I look at the ad when gathered some data it says that "popular keywords and words in searches where your ads were shown" belong to other products on my website, not the ones I want for this single, individual product. Yes, I am adding those words and phrases as negative, but I don´t want to show up at all for those keywords/phrases. Any ideas of how I can control this?

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