Update! Keyword Research During The Pandemic

Are you giving your audience EXACTLY what they are searching for during this crazy time? Do you KNOW FOR SURE what they are searching for?

This video reveals the process to get the most up to date keyword search data on the shortest timeframe.

For a corresponding step-by-step keyword research guide here:

Because our world has changed with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

This means your audience’s day-to-day activities have changed… And their search patterns have changed… But is your keyword research tool picking up these changes?

Probably not… As you’ll learn in this video.

You need to use a couple of free keyword research tools in order to get the most recent and most up-to-date keyword research data.

For a deeper dive tutorial on how to use Google Trends, go here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u75nbWDqymA

For a deeper dive tutorial on how to use the main paid keyword tool, go here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOou986Tk1E&list=PL0sOKzn__yK1kcevy9MZq5uBZyQKa487N&index=2

For access to the main keyword research tool I use and love, visit: https://www.milesbeckler.com/kwfinder

For more help with keyword research and content marketing, go here – https://www.milesbeckler.com/keyword-research-and-content-marketing-success/


What do you think?


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  1. Excellent value on this video. Actually, your entire keyword research playlist is pure gold. Thank you for showing effective methods to find keywords that can rank using free tools. Best training and teacher online.

  2. Hey Miles! Hope you are staying safe and doing well! Thanks for continuing the content train. I am working with a partner and we have been making a course we were planning to sell. I had the idea that we should give it away instead of trying to sell it, partly as a lead, but mostly just as a way to offer some value to businesses that need help right now. My business partner is averse to this because he feels that giving away content might devalue it. I feel like the opposite is true, and that providing value is the way to be seen as an industry leader.

    I'm looking for resources I can send him to help get him on board with the concept that giving something valuable away (if it's done right) isn't a negative. Do you have a favorite video that relates to this? I'm trying to find the best, (and succinct) resources to get him from you and/or Gary Vee, but it's hard because this theme is there in almost ALL your videos! 😛

  3. I just typed in to Google "i need help with".
    It was interesting to see the top 10 things people are searching for help with!

    And a very interesting mental note that i made… these are all problems that people would be more than likely to devote energy, attention and maybe even money to solve.
    I think that's interesting… thanks dude for your perspective👁🙏

  4. Love love it Miles, thank you soooo much. At the moment as an artist my business is not great, and so I am trying to get my website seen, so any videos around" free tools to use to get your website seen" / or "what free tools to use for trends" (rather than paid kwfinder) would be great. Keep safe, and catch you on your next video

  5. Hey Miles. I was wondering how many impressions do you need before you decide the winner for your e-mail opt-in popup A/B split test? Would you say 1000 impressions for each pop-up (2000 impressions total) is enough to decide which one's the winner? Thank you!

  6. Looking to jump into affiliate marketing through sales funnel and online ads. Keeping in mind the pandemic and global economic condition, is it wise to start now and invest money into it or wait for things to settle down? Please answer this, as Idk how else to contact you.

  7. So I think I heard someone, it might have been you, say that marketing samurai is slow because it's searching the web in real time. Does this mean it's data is up-to-date at any moment?

  8. Great tips, thank you. I've definitely noticed that You Tube is offering plenty of "work from home advice" type videos right now, both recent and established. I always do find Google's auto-suggest to be one of the best ways to find keywords, especially for those of us who like to keep research methods simple. 😃💝

  9. This is great information Miles but I have one problem. Lets say I want to take advantage of the "how to start a garden" trend. This means I either have to create a website or upload videos on Youtube about the topic. If I am not in this niche then it means I have to start from scratch. So it would maybe take me 6 months or more start getting traffic from the search engines and by then the trend may be over. It is really impossible to compete with other websites and Youtube channels in the "how to start a garden" niche if you are not in this niche yourself. Is there a good way to create content quickly to take advantage of these trends? It is great to know that there is a trend in "how to start a garden" niche but if you start from 0 and you have to compete with hundreds of websites and Youtube channels then it is mission impossible.

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