How to Set Up Your WordPress Website In 2 Minutes and 34 Seconds (For Only $0.02)

Want to learn how to quickly and easily set up your WordPress website in just 2 minutes and 34 seconds?

Getting frustrated with the installation process, being overwhelmed by emails, and not knowing what the cPanel is or how to access it?

In this video I show you how you can avoid all that frustration and easily set up your website using managed WordPress hosting so that you can focus on your content and start working on your website right now.

Let’s get into it!

Part 1: Set up website hosting

The first thing you have to do to set up your WordPress website is buy hosting.

You can use any hosting provider you want, but the one I’ve been using is Namecheap, and in my experience they do have the cheapest hosting and domains.

You can use my affiliate link to sign up for them here:

👉 Get started with hosting and a domain with Namecheap:

Once you sign up, click on “Hosting” at the top and then “WordPress Hosting”.

Here you can select your pricing plan and I suggest that you start with the Turbo plan so that you can get the free SSL certificate.

This will make your website secure so that you don’t see the big “Not Secure” in the URL bar of your site… you don’t want to scare visitors away!

Follow the prompts and click “Next”.

Let’s move on to the next part of this tutorial in how to set up your WordPress website.

Part 2: Set up your (optional) domain

Although it’s recommended, if you aren’t sure whether you want to invest in this yet or not, a domain is optional and you can proceed without one.

You will be taken to an EasyWP site, so just fill in the blanks here, enter your site name, what your site is about and then you will have the option to select your domain.

You can either use the default domain provided to you for free, buy a domain through Namecheap, or transfer an existing domain you have elsewhere.

If you want to buy a new domain, simply head back over to, go to “Domains” and type in any domain that you want. You can get one for as little as $1 a year, so it’s definitely really cheap.

Regardless of what you choose, you can proceed here by clicking “Next” and now you just have to wait until the WordPress installation takes place.

This can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, so don’t worry if you’re stuck at a loading screen.

Once you do that, we’re ready to go to the last part of this tutorial on how to set up your WordPress website!

Part 3: Finishing touches

Once WordPress gets installed, simply click on “Admin” and you should be taken to the WordPress dashboard where you can add new posts, pages, add new themes and customize your site!

If you want to add new pages like “Contact Us” or “About Me”, you would use the “Pages” tab on the left side.

If you want to add blog posts about various topics or niches, you would want to use “Posts”.

If you want to select your theme and then customize it, click on the “Appearance” tab on the left-hand side and play around with the settings there.

To access this WordPress site again, the easiest way to do so is to just remember “” or save it somewhere, and you’ll be able to log in here with your Namecheap credentials anytime you want and access your site.

Super easy, you don’t get 10 emails sent to you with different passwords, and you can just focus exclusively on building out your site.

The support is also available 24/7 and is very good.

And this is how you set up your WordPress website in just 2 minutes and 34 seconds!

Additional resources:

👉 Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

👉 Paid ad network courses:

👉 Get started with hosting and a domain with Namecheap:

👉 How to make money online with a review website:

👉 Easiest way (by far) to make money with ClickBank:

👉 Like my Facebook page!


What do you think?


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  1. Yeah, building wordpress websites actually is great, if people are on budget, especially, but also combining it with both free and paid traffic is the best in my opinion.

    Ivan, I 've noticed that recently, there are a lot of people who publish for the popular clickbank products, press releases, but even though in the terms of affiliates, most of they say, that, they are not allowed, people still have been using them.

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  3. hi ivan thanks for all this content some's will pay thounds of dollars to watch this , i have a qst so lunch my campign i had a sale for the first 3 hours but then it told me that Landing page experience: below average for they best keywords that have clicks what to do in this case

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