BIG Update! New Sales Funnel Tech & Marketing Stack Revealed!

What is the best sales funnel system for 2019? Why have I moved my marketing funnel to a new system? This video reveals all!


These are all affiliate links… If you click on them and purchase I receive a commission and you pay the same amount.

If you want to build a clickfunnels alternative that is totally free, watch this video next –

This is a great way to support my channel while you build a stronger foundation for your online business.

If you want to learn more about marketing funnels, optimizing your sales funnels, regardless of what software you use, be sure to check out


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  1. So, lets see please honestly, how much money we need to intergrate all this tools? Samcart, thrive, hosting,….. and 2. Do you tried Groove? Complete crm software for everything and 1 full website free

  2. Thank you for sharing your insights. Other than not wanting to put all your eggs on one basket, is there a reason you use Samcart instead of Leadpages? I see that Leadpages Pro offers checkout via Stripe and upselling.

  3. Thank you, Miles. I am going through my inbox and ruthlessly cutting out all the noise makers. If a marketer shouts at me, takes over my youtube channel or floods me with buy, buy, buy, I unsubscribe. You have been truly helpful and I appreciate you. Keep up the excellent work.

  4. Yo miles! where is the embeddable upsell button on samscart?

    these losers are taking weekends off and wont get back to me till monday.

    i just spent an entire week working on this only to find out these bums dont have a versatile system whatsoever.

    and no one mentioned their extreme shortcomings not even you. their affiliate.

  5. Miles, I've followed you for a while. Appreciate your work. Thank you. Your business is obviously more advanced than most of us. Do you know anything about WooCommerce as a shopping cart/ check out page? I like the idea of samcart because of emphasis upon conversion (let's avoid abandoned shopping carts).

  6. # BadAss Been using lead pages. Question in lead pages do I make the thank you page/ confirmation page an opt-in sales page., as taught in your Sales funnel Template, at the mastermind. Not sure where to place this optin landing page with a special offer? Thanks, Eve Keith

  7. HUGE TIP. if you mention sam cart. like me majority will just google the name and you wont get commission. its best to mention. commison link in the description box or something more wisdomish

  8. Miles thank you for this. It is so good to hear. I have found great value in your content though never wanted to go so the WordPress route as you had taught earlier.

    I always had felt it clunky and it leaks like a sieve.

    Thinkific is a wonderfully elegant system and so are the other two options.

    Podia is an up and comer in this niche as well and I like their offerings and the company.

    Will check out the thinkific podcast.

    Thanks for all you do it is really useful and superbly delivered.

  9. Miles, when are you using a "1 page store" on Samcart vs. a full Leadpage salespage? Also Thinkific (which I use already) has landing pages for each course as well as additional pages one can create, why not use those as the sales page vs Samcart or Leadpages? Just looking to optimize courses/products with the right tool.

  10. If somebody is new and want to start with Lead pages+ Samcart+Thinkific – how to learn and implement this tools in shortest possible time ? Please help. Thank you.

  11. hey Miles thaks for the awesome content…. im looking at what i would use for my tech stach to build an online course and it feels like CF is just cheaper? if I use WP i would need to pay for a page builder + lead capture, and a shopping cart. sam cart alone costs more than CF so how exaclty can you justify not using CF for a begginer even if he has more time than money?

  12. Hola Miles, I understand that I need to optimize my SEO to get as much traffic as possible to my site, but at the end how can I turn all those visits into leads (or at least they can be part of my email list)? Thanks in advance 🙏🏽

  13. Hey Miles I have a question …. How can i know my AOV if is the first time that I m selling? And the second question is …. If i dont know my AOV how i know how much must i spend testing a interest in fb ?

  14. Hey Miles. I would be careful with the Leadpages dynamic HTML. I found that it often does not load correctly on pages I embed it on. It often appears blurry or will mess up the formating of the whole page.

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