Affiliate Marketing Without a Website (2020) Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to do affiliate marketing without a website?

Everyone says it’s not possible and that you HAVE to have a website… or a landing page…. or a funnel to promote online.

Well after 4 years of promoting affiliate products online and making a full-time income working from home, I can tell you that you do NOT need to have any of those to make money online.

When I first started, I direct-linked products to make my commissions, and so can you.

In this video, I show you exactly how to promote affiliate products online WITHOUT the need for any sort of website, so follow along with me and I’ll teach you the same process that I went through.


👉 Video where I show you how to promote affiliate products on Google Ads from start to finish (including creating a landing page):

👉 Free Microsoft Ads account here:

👉 Sign up for ClickBank here:

👉 Exclusive 14-day ClickMagick free trial:

👉 ClickMagick YouTube playlist:

👉 Microsoft Ads Step-by-Step Masterclass:

That being said, let’s get into it!

⭐ Step 1: Sign up for a Microsoft Ads account

So there are different ways to promote your affiliate products online.

The fastest and cheapest way is to use a search ad network called “Microsoft Ads”.

This is like Google in that it’s a search engine, but the volume of traffic is much lower and therefore cheaper.

TIP: Once you create the account, contact the support reps and ask them about a $100 coupon. Most of the time, they will give it to you and so you’ll have a free $100 worth of ad credits to use when promoting your affiliate products without a website. 😊

⭐ Step 2: Select an affiliate product

If you already have an affiliate product – great!

If not, sign up for an affililiate network called “ClickBank” – it’s easiest to get into and you can usually get started within minutes of signing up.

Once you do that and create an account, simply select a product.

So head over to the marketplace option at the top and just click on the magnifying glass. You will be presented with the most popular ClickBank offers in order from most to least popular.

You can also choose to sort by gravity instead – which is a metric that shows how many people sold a specific product within the last 30 days. So if a product has a gravity score of 100, it means that 100 affiliates sold at least 1 copy in the last 30 days.

Try to pick a product that’s not in one of the 3 hot niches – weight loss, dating & relations, and make money online. These topics will be under heavier scrutiny when trying to get your ads approved, so you’ll just have to be extra careful.

Generally if you are promoting a product in one of the 3 hot niches, it’s good to have your own landing page so that you can customize it and make it ad network-friendly, but also so that you can gather an audience list with the amount of traffic you can expect to receive.

That being said, select a product, save the affiliate link to your notepad, and let’s move on to the next step!

⭐ Step 3: Create a tracking link with ClickMagick

In order to promote these affiliate products online, you will need to use a third-party tracking software that will allow you to direct-link products on Microsoft Ads.

For our purposes, we will be using ClickMagick as it’s incredible for just this purposes and I’ve been using it for the past 3.5 years without any issues.

Once you do that, simply create a tracking link and you should be ready to promote on Microsoft Ads in no time!

⭐ Step 4: Promote your offer on Microsoft Ads!

Now that you went through steps 1-3, you should be ready to promote your affiliate products on Microsoft Ads – without even having a website.

Head back over to Microsoft Ads and select “new campaign”.

Then just fill in the blanks and create your campaign, starting from the campaign level, then the ad group level, and finally the ad level.

At the campaign level you would adjust your country targeting and your budget.

At the ad group level you would adjust your keywords – the most important part of search advertising.

At the ad level you would create your ad and speak directly to your customers.

A good practice is to have separate ad groups targeting different keywords based on the stage of the funnel where the user is.

So you would have many different ad groups with different “ideas” and also different ads being shown to people.

But that’s pretty much it – you have successfully promoted a product without a website!

That’s it!

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Also be sure to check out my courses at


What do you think?


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  1. Hi Ivan, I hope you are well. I have started clickbank direct linking with Microsoft and have had a lot of clicks to product but no sales. I have a few questions regarding this:

    1. Do you know why this may be?
    2. What should I do to change this and get sales?
    3. Do you have mentoring?
    Many thanks

  2. Thanks for this Ivan :). Will venture out about affiliate marketing in the future with your videos. I know I can learn a lot from you on your channel only. Thank you for all tutorial videos.

  3. Thanks for this thorough video Ivan. It's very helpful. If I may ask, as far as Microsoft ads, is it possible to use Microsoft's UET tags with ClickBank to track conversions and run direct linking campaigns that way?

  4. I love this video💪thank you so much for this video. By giving back this valuable content, ill be signing up on your clickmagick link. Please make a video about postback url from clickmagick to clickbank. And addition please include on how to track sales because we dont have a control on how to setup trackings in clickbank products. Thanks

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