Google Ads: How to Create Responsive Search Ads

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Hey all!

In this video, I show you how to create Google responsive search ads.

This is an ad format similar to the Facebook dynamic creative ads ( we created where you input up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions, and Google will mix and match all of them to give you the “winning” combination(s).

The only difference is that here you give Google more control of the ads and how often they are shown – so no stats such as clicks or sales are shown, just impressions.

We will be using our Unbounce landing page that we created in this video:

So let’s get started with the process for creating the Google responsive search ad!

1. The first thing we do is select the campaign and ad group where we want to create the responsive search ad. You can then click on the little plus sign and click “Responsive Search Ad”. Make sure you don’t have the dynamic creative enabled in this group, or you will not see the responsive search ad option.

2. Next, you simply fill in the blanks. That means adding up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions to the pool of possible options that Google can use to mix and match to find the winning combinations.

If you aren’t getting too much traffic, I wouldn’t advise adding all 15 headlines and 4 descriptions right away – most of your variations will likely get so few impressions that you won’t get any accurate data from it.

3. Once you add all your variations you want to test, you can choose to pin the variations to any position you want.

Keep in mind that headline position 3 and description position 2 are OPTIONAL, meaning they may or may not show… so if you pin your variations to these positions, it’s possible if the ad occupies a lot of space that these variations won’t see the light of day.

That’s pretty much it though. I would suggest pinning a few key headlines to variation 1 so that people know what the ad is about… people likely won’t click on an ad that has 3 headlines in a row talking about features of some unknown product.

Now you just click and wait to gather impressions.

Once you get 5,000 impressions over a 30 day period, you should see a “performance” column that rates your individual “assets” or variations of headlines/descriptions. You can access this information by clicking on the “view asset details” link below your ad.

If you click on the “Combinations” tab after clicking on “view asset details”, you should see all possible ad variations. This is where you won’t be able to see the clicks/sales for each variation, but you will be able to see impressions and the Google system will generally show the higher-performing ads most of the time.

So the ads with the most impressions are ones that deemed most successful by Google.

But that’s all you need to know about Google responsive search ads!

Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next video 🙂

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