5 Entrepreneur Goal Setting Mistakes – Set Goals That Will Motivate You To To Win!

The way most new entrepreneurs set goals is broken. When you set goals the wrong way, you actually make it harder to achieve success in your business. Avoid these 5 success killer mistakes and discover how to set goals that actually set you up for success.

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:49 – Years Vs Months
2:18 – Results Vs Action
4:19 – Breath Vs Depth
6:02 – Static Vs Adjust
7:26 – Dream vs Reality
9:40 – Outro

5 Entrepreneur Goal Setting Mistakes – Set Goals That Will Motivate You To To Win!

Knowing how to set goals is just as, if not more, important than achieving them.

In this entrepreneur goals video we’re going to share with you the top five mistakes most entrepreneurs make when it comes to setting goals. This video is based on my own experience and working with fellow entrepreneurs and clients.

If you, too, are wondering how to achieve goals you set for yourself and for your business, know this first: It isn’t an exact science. Smart goal setting is all about self-discipline and prioritizing them. Don’t just plan your goals for the sake of just planning.

Remember, you can’t control results. All you can control is your actions and the time and energy you put into something. Thus, your goals should be actions you can control.

Now, to keep it simple, as an entrepreneur you need a clear defined action to be completed by a specific date.

So the goal is: β€œI’m going to do X by date Y.” That’s as complex as we’re going to have our goal planning here. NO smart goals or any other types of goals, we’ll leave that up to you.

What is a goal? Goals are so important to bring life and business vision into reality, but when done the wrong way – they can actually wind up hurting more than they help your business growth and life vision.

When your goal setting motivation is coupled with time management, this can definitely lead to personal development. Through this, you can achieve your entrepreneur goals as quickly as humanly as possible.

So, if you’re feeling stuck or confused on how to set goals and achieve them, we’re going to share with you the best productivity tips to achieve goals as well as having personal growth in your entrepreneur life.

In setting your goals, FOCUS is the key to your success. You have to choose the few activities that will have the largest impact on your business growth and ignore the rest. It’s hard, but it’s definitely WORTH it.

Set your goals MONTHLY rather than for a year. Break down your annual goal piece by piece until you have a concrete goal for the month and each week.

Review your goals. It’s important to check in on your goals to make sure that you are actually still going in the right direction.

Dream Big, Plan Small. It’s okay to have a vision board with all the someday success, experiences, and possessions.

With this goal setting for entrepreneurs video, you’re going to learn how to set business goals and objectives. The life of an entrepreneur is structured to maximize all of the 24 hours a day. So prioritize your goals and have your own Entrepreneur Vision.

So watch this entrepreneur goals tutorial and learn how to reach your goal so you can have both personal and business success.
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If that definition resonates with you, then you’re in the right place. On this channel I’m documenting the entire process of what it takes to build a digital business from scratch sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly of entrepreneurship.

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Disclaimer: Please note that all recommendations & links are affiliate promotions.


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  1. you need to have better thumbnails. they dont look professional instead they look like memes. I watched your google calendar video and it was pretty helpful, thought i could return the favour by giving constructive criticism.

  2. Hi Jaon,
    Which software are you using for creating videos?
    Can you suggest the best software for beginners for creating videos like yours? I am using Windows.

  3. Thank you a lot for your ideas..
    in the last 7 months i started learning about e-commerce( cash on delevery) but i figured out that there's a lot of businesses to do like drop shipping, build my agency, Amazone FBA, affiliate marketing, copywriting etc. Then i realized that there's a lot of hard work to put into it!! And still have to learn about how marketing works because this is not my speciality.
    My question is how can i deal with it ??
    Thank you.

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