The 5 Financial Goals To Achieve In Your 20s

Here are the 5 financial milestones that everyone should aim to achieve in their 20’s – Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

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First, and the most reasonable goal that I think everyone should aim to hit in your 20s…is to get your credit score above 750:
For anyone who’s not aware…your credit score is just a calculation that shows how responsible you are in paying back money that you owe. That might include credit cards, auto loans, student loans, a mortgage payment…or, anything else where you aren’t paying for something with your own money, upfront. And this term known as a “Credit Score” is basically a grade that lenders use when determining how much of a loan you’ll get, and what interest rate you’ll pay.

Second, speaking of paying off debt…it would make me happy if, by the time you’re 30…you’ve gotten yourself, what I like to call…”BAD-DEBT FREE.” It’s like saying “Debt Free”…except it’s BAD DEBT FREE.
So, really – from the way I see it – it’s not necessary to want to call yourself entirely DEBT FREE by the age of 30….because, some types of debt can actually be really useful in terms of making more money and being financially responsible.

Third, by the age of 30, you should have at LEAST 1.5 years of your expenses invested.
That means, if you’re spending $3000 per month on rent, utilities, car payment, food, and smashing the like button…you should have, at MINIMUM, $54,000 invested in the markets. Or, if your spending $2000 a month…that equals $36,000 invested.

Fourth, I highly recommend that – by the age of 30 – you create a SECOND source of income in addition to your main job.
This is something I’m surprised isn’t mentioned more…because, as you get older and advance further in your career…it’s so important to use that as LEVERAGE to make even more money, and diversify your income into other areas. After all, when surveyed, it was found that nearly 2 out of 3 millionaires had at least ONE extra source of income – with the most common being real estate investing:

Fifth, by the age of 30…I’d recommend that you aim to save at LEAST 25% of your income each year, and invest that amount towards your retirement.
For most people to save and invest 25% of their income, it takes skill. You need to be dedicated to tracking your expenses, you need to be disciplined when it comes to your spending, you need to live below your means, and you need to place an importance on the future…and investing 25% of your income just comes as a byproduct of doing all of those things, consistently. Not only that, but it also motivates you to increase your income, just so that you’re able to maximize the value of your own time – and then pocket the difference.

For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at

*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.


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  1. Be nice if you did some videos for people with lots of children. Investing in yourself while investing in your Family! Boom! Some of the work is done 😏😁😁

  2. I’m so glad he makes these videos! There is too many people who don’t know ANYTHING about the real world until they are thrown into the real world with out the tools to build their net worth!!

  3. FYI you are starting to brag way too much. Your charm in the beginning was that you were informative and didnt make almost every video about how much you have. I guess thats whats entertaining now a days anyways wish you all the luck in the world

  4. My 20s were rough financially. I got two years left. I don’t think I can achieve all this by 30, but I’ll aim to get as close as possible.

    Hopefully these stonks on AMC send me to the moon ✨🚀✨✨✨🌕

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