New Apple IOS 14 Update Attacks Facebook Advertising

Apple is making big changes to how their IOS14 on iPhones and laptops handle data privacy and this affect Facebook ads! Get up-to-date insights from my personal Facebook ads expert about what this means for you as a Facebook advertiser and what you have to do…

If you want to learn the exact structure that Sean is using to run hundreds of thousands of dollars in profitable Facebook ads per year, be sure you get the free training here:

For an overview of the strategy we use in 2021 for our Facebook ads that is working wonderfully right now, you can watch this video here on YouTube:

If you want an inside view to understand exactly how much money I spent and made in 2020 with my Facebook advertisingโ€ฆ Including the number of leads I was able to generate, the number of customers and more.

Watch this Facebook ads recap video:

I have been running Facebook ads since 2014 and it is still one of my best traffic sources for generating leads and customers on-demand. I highly recommend you get moving forward with Facebook advertising immediately based on the links in this video.

For more great videos that will help you build a successful online business you can always subscribe to my channel here:

I’m happy to help in any way I can…

Miles Beckler


What do you think?


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  1. Thanks for this Miles it was very useful, do you know of where I can find a solution to this issue such as a guide on what code I'd need to put into my site etc?

  2. FB is against it because its FBs business model! -> tracking you and selling your data aaaaaand sending that purchase information on backend side to FB -> this is against GDPR

  3. A cool workaround for Facebook is to create a shopping cart…or even better offer sacmart a hefty fee for their system and work that into FB so the checkout stays on Facebook… as well as the delivery… not that that will help us entrepreneurs but for the tracking stuff…?

  4. Thanks for the video Miles. Why are you talking about the API like it's non-existent? Shopify already has it's own API integration. Is there something wrong with it?

  5. Thanks for the the content miles. Keep rockin' I'm serious about the cookie situation and how it will affect affiliate forward sites? I appreciate your insights.

  6. Thank you for this! I've literally been researching this for a month. I do think that all the other big companies will follow Apple but Facebook will always find a way to track somehow. They would lose too much business if the ads wouldn't work as well anymore.

  7. Sounds to me like you guys don't even have a clue why Apple & Facebook are feuding. Apple is pissed that Facebook has backed out of the major censorship business. Facebook have lost alot of money censoring Trump, and now he have his page back. Twitter, Facebook & Apple.

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