Can You Retire On A Million Dollars?

A million dollars isn’t what it used to be. Can you retire on one million dollars today?

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Did you know the word millionaire was first coined just 14 years before the United States even became an independent country? It was the year 1762 when we called the rich, “millionaires”. But can you retire on a Million Dollars?, that’s a question that’s I think on everyone’s mind at some point in life and it’s important to understand in the context of investing and passive income.

If we assume an average income here in the United States of $50,000 a year, working for 40 years starting at the age of 22, and retiring at age 62, the average person will then go on to make around $2,000,000 in his or her lifetime. Obviously we don’t get to keep that whole 2 million, after taxes, we’d keep around $1,691,800 which assumes a best case scenario of no states income taxes if you live in states like Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, or Wyoming.

If we then take the average savings rate in the United States, which is an embarrassingly low 7.6%, in 40 years, most people will end up saving around $128,576.80 of that 2 million, which seems really low (because it is)

Despite what mainstream media tells us, retiring on a million dollars is very possible, and you can live comfortably without ever running out of money for all eternity and it’s not some magic trick, it’s pure simple math.

First, it is true that one million dollars does not have the same purchasing power as it did in 1980. To be able to afford the same amount of stuff with one million dollars today as you did in 1980, you’d need around 3.3 million dollars. So it’s true, as time goes on, inflation makes our money less and less valuable.

For every dollar in your bank account, it’s worth around 2 pennies less every single year because we’re printing money. With what’s going on today with the economy and because we’ve had to print so much more, inflation can reach as high as 5% or 5 pennies for every dollar that you’d be losing every year. So that’s definitely an issue but not as much as you may think.

In fact, not only can you retire on a million dollars in your 60s, but theoretically, you can retire on a million dollars at any age, and never run out of money.

It was a research paper published from Trinity University by three professors. What the trinity study measured, was the success rates of investment portfolios that had different withdrawal rates in retirement for different time periods throughout history between the years 1926 to 1995, which was later expanded to 2009.

This time period spanned the 2 world wars, the Great Depression of the 1929, high inflation period of 1970s, and the booming 1980s. So this simulation covered a lot of ground. They ran this simulation with 5 different portfolio diversities, 100% stocks, which is what I have with Robinhood, 75% stocks 25% bonds, 50% stocks 50% bonds, 25% stocks 75% bonds, and 100% bonds. They also researched the lengths for 15 years, 20 years, 25 years, and 30 year rolling periods.

The Trinity Study found that 4% was the magic number. If you retired in your 60s and you withdrew 4%, out of all the simulations that they ran, there was a 100% success rate that your money would outlast you in retirement. So in the case of our hypothetical example of one million dollars, 4% of a million would be exactly $40,000 per year. If you withdraw $40,000 per year, starting at retirement age, there’s a 100% chance your money will outlast you in all the economic simulations.

But there’s a catch, If you increase the amount of years you want to be retiree, then your chances of success will decrease. If you want to be retired for 50 years and withdraw 4% per year, the chance of success drops down to 90%.

To compensate for that, a safer rate is using a 3.5%, doing this, increases the odds back to 98% success rate (assuming a 100% stock portfolio). In fact, if you withdraw 3.5%, your “terminal amount” (the amount you’re left with after retirement), would multiply 6 times. That’s because compound interest grows your money faster than you can spend it.

*Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.


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  1. Hi Andrei. Regarding this topic of retirement, there is another option mentioned by Michael Sailor and other people in Crypto. It is about not selling your crypto, but to borrow money using it as a collateral, since the return in % for crypto (specially btc) could be much higher that the interest rate of the loan. I would love to hear your thoughts about this strategy. Thanks again

  2. Amazing video, i have a question does this study account's for taxes? And the 1 million do you put it in a self directed account or a tax advantage account. Thank you

  3. one point to note – the Trinity study inflation adjusts using the CPI. However if you don't own your Real estate and are a renter you may be in trouble as Rents are increasing at 6-7% in many areas or triple the rate of the CPI and housing is the biggest component of your budget.

  4. Hi there. I reached a million at 26. Now 28 im at 2.1mil. I plan to never work a day in my life again and its been working fine for the past 2 years. This is all invested and slowly increases with time. I live within my means and live an average middle class lifestyle.

  5. I think you can retire on a Million USD in 2020, assuming you avoid life-style inflation. But for people in their 30s today, a Million dollars probably won't cut it in 2050.

  6. Love the video but I have a question. In this video you say to withdrawal a percentage from stocks but wouldn't that also lower the amount of dividend money you get each month? How do you know which stocks to sell or am I missing something lol. Loving the content man, you earned yourself a new sub 😀

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