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Growing an online business can be tough. Get insights and answers from someone who has built 2 successful businesses online!


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  1. Miles, we are finally launching (we have been building product and services for 22 years) and I have been following you and Dave Wooding and I have have decided on Active campaign – until today watching your video. As you recall I stated that as a carpenter I avoided jumping into anything trying to avoid having to back up (make a mistake). I looked a 4-5 auto-respondersemail marketing. Yikes what now? Its funny – I was trying to set a few things up today in AC and found the experience very frustrating. Your comments today cause me to look elsewhere. Now where?

  2. I just realized you were talking about Sim racing. I used to race in a NASCAR and F1 league while I was back in college and grad school 2000 – 2007. Sorry to hear that you are thinking about going back fully to be an affiliate, but I understand.

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