Affiliate Website vs. Authority Website? Which One Is Best For Your Online Business?

Should you build an affiliate marketing website or an authority site?


What do you think?


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  1. Could you please explain joining an Affiliate Network and requesting an Affiliate Link from a company? Could I join a few affiliate networks to selectively represent different products from different networks on my niche site? How do you start getting approval for affiliate programs as a start-up without going to Amazon Affiliates? Is it a good approach to create a website that clearly shows the concept and then use that website to appeal to affiliate products/ companies/ network?

  2. Hey Miles, great stuff again. The link goes to a optin saying the pretty much it's closed. Have you heard anytime soon if its coming back or its dun and dusted for another couple, cheers

  3. thanks once again for an awesome video
    I have watched your videos about the top blogs and top website- is there a particular video on top authority sites?
    BTW when you noticed that troll it "cracked me up" with laughter 🙂

    thanks so much for your valuable information and time

  4. Thank you! 😀 I enjoy listening to your sharing and got me thinking about trust & enjoying what we do. Happy Weekend!!

    It is Authority website for me the way to go, even though I just started my affiliates babies after your start of the monthly affiliate sharing project!

  5. @Miles Beckler Thanks man. I saw your funnell analysis video you posted about a year ago , you said you were working on some program where they can get help from you, is that a thing? Or do you offer one on one coaching

  6. Miles. It's Ali. Last we spoke, I was telling you about how I began building my membership site. I NEED to tell you what happened:

    – A few weeks before I wanted to launch the site, I lost my job. I actually lost damn near everything. My car, my dog, most of my possessions and my home.
    – I put my site on pause until I was able to get money coming again, and I ended up relocating to the United Kingdom for work.
    – After 8 months of instability, I was finally able to get settled in a new home out here, and since then I have launched my site.

    I did a livestream on Twitch to reveal it to my longtime fans, and they absolutely loved it. I followed everything you told me to do: I learned how to do email lists and campaigns, I've studied copywriting to upgrade my sales skills, and I got my first 2 customers last night from one 45 minute livestream.

    Just getting that first customer was everything. It told me that what I was doing was working and it actually started to pay off. I know this is a small step, but I wanted to let you know because I couldn't have done it without you.

    I have a general idea of what my next step should be, and I'm still learning of course. If you have any recommendations for me, I'll gladly use it.

    Thanks for everything man, and glad to see you're still at it.

  7. I'm looking at building a site in the offline services sector. The existing content in the sector isn't that deep or useful. I'd like to build something that is. Search volume is low but revenue per sale can be extremely high. I would monetise the site by selling offline services. Clearly a different model to selling affiliates or courses, perhaps more like content marketing, but do you think the principles of how to rank, site structure, link building, content creation etc etc contained in the AHPro course would still be useful?

  8. Hey Miles, Thanks for your content. Would you say your sales funnels is still a relevant strategy?

    That is, opt in -> OTO -> try to break even.

    And would you say Fb ads are still the best? Or would say Pinterest is better now?

  9. Great video, Miles! You do bring a lot of value to the table, no question about it! I couldn't explain how much your content helped me gain info and understanding about the online businesses. Thank you soooo much for sharing your knowledge! Priceless!!!
    So one of the main problems that stops me from starting a Affiliate/Authority Website that i'm confused with all the taxes, bank accounts, self-employed stuff that i need to do before creating the site. (Because i'm assuming i need a separate bank account for declaring profits and so on …)
    I'm currently in the UK (but not originally from there), living in a share-house with my girlfriend (renting a room)… I suppose I need permission from the landlord to start a online business using the current address (or can i use my old address in my home country ?!) … Any advice about that type of situation would be appreciated…
    Here's an idea – A video about that topic would be great as well! 😉

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