The Secrets To Success Revealed! 33 Months Of Content Marketing Analyzed

Wonder why some people grow MASSIVE youtube channels, hyper-profitable blogs and others don’t? The secret to success is revealed here.

My blog is located at

The Miles Beckler Podcast is here (apple):

And here (android):

Let’s get into the content marketing and the secrets to success…

If you’re new to my channel, new to my videos, I do these every single month so you can look back at all of them to track how much traffic and leads and just how much everything has been growing month over month.

You can see all the past analytics reviews here:

Either way, this video holds the absolute secret to your success within all of the data and that’s what we’re going to jump into right now.

So first we’re gonna start at Youtube and you can see right now I’m at 98,761 subscribers.

So by this time next month, odds are I’m going to have over 100,000 subscribers.

Again, this is almost all done with just brute force organic. I’ve tested some paid ads here and there, but I’m really truly, this is an organic growth channel. Now you can see here I have 524 videos. There’s a few of these that are for my inner circle members, my content and conversion membership.

So I’ve done about 520 videos for this channel. So right there is your first data point, right?

You can look at how many videos have I made, 520 in 33 months. You do the math. I’ve been going at quite the frequency, pace and frequency of publishing is absolutely important.

Now you’re going to see my watch time is sliding right now and my view numbers are sliding. I actually had in the last 30 days, I’ve been traveling a bunch.

I’ve traveled through I believe seven different states in the last umm, 30 days. So I haven’t necessarily been as on top of it as I always have and you could see that reflecting here.

But the cool part is my average view duration is popping up here and it looks like I’ve leveled out all my watch time and still 1.4 2 million minutes per month is absolutely incredible.

And the view numbers, 224,000 views, I think my videos have been watched 224,000 times. That’s incredible. That’s nearly 10,000 views per day on all my videos. Um, cause he likes her down a little bit. The subscriber account is down a little bit, but all in all I’m still amazed and astonished with what has transpired here.

What I want to do real quick cause I want to zoom out to lifetime. Now the lifetime report for me, it skews the numbers a little bit because it bases it off of when I started my um, Gmail account unfortunately.

So when I actually started making videos was right about here. You can see I’m, I’ve gotten my first one’s right about there c zero views, zero seconds. So this is actually the full graph and you can see this is where I was testing some paid ads.

So it was very, very minimal amount of time that I was testing paid ads. You can see that right there as well, 34 million minutes viewed, which is absolutely an astounding number of at 65 years in six days for anybody counting and almost 5 million views at this point. 4.98 5 million views.

I should be up there easily by next month but very, very soon here. Um, the big takeaway at this point is frequency of publishing is everything. A few things have happened in this time. Number one, I’ve gotten better at creating content. Number two, my results from my early videos and my kind of midterm videos have compounded on each other.

So I get more results from the same effort today. And number three, I’ve found a few pretty key topics that my audience and you guys like to hear about so I can go back to those frequently and make videos I know are going to crush it and do really, really well.

That’s what I didn’t do in the last month because of all my travel and such is life. So let’s jump into the blog. Now. I’ve had a team working, and to be honest, I started doing this by myself for myself, but I have passed it off to a team because I do have another business that takes up most of my time.

And my team is transcribing my youtube content with t-e-m-i and we’re making blog posts out of them and we’re publishing these blog posts and we’ve really been doubling and tripling down on Seo up until last month.

We stopped last month because my SEO team is now applying what we learned and proved work for my website, for my wife’s website, which is a much bigger website that is our core business.

So you can see right now I’m at 41,000 visits or sessions in the last 30 days, um, from 30,000 individuals. So a thousand unique individuals to my website every day.


What do you think?


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  1. Haha…Miles doesn't do normie milestones. 36 months? "Nah, Imma do 33." Congrats on the hustle. I should have listened to you 33 months ago. And 21 months. And 9 months ago.

  2. We are taking a short 3 weeks break. Taking the break to recharge ourselves, connect with loved ones, travel, update the website, mailing list, bring in new types of products for our online gift business and enjoying watching the youtube videos you make. And quite a few new exciting projects for the business I am involved in. No Secret: just keep building, focus on value for others and changing along the way. Be Happy Now… 😀

    Miles, thank you so much for all your sharing! You are Awesome!!

  3. Love your stuff Miles! I remember I watched your channel when you first started to produce content on Youtube! You spoke about using the thrive theme and approaching small business owners. You helped me start a digital agency and blow up! Thanks for all your great value!

  4. I watched your video you did Live. You said you were thinking about closing up your forum. If you do- you can always do consulting on the side instead. Fewer clients, more revenue and less stress. Cheers Bud!

  5. For the amount of videos you have posted , don't you think your subscriber base is really low ??? Is it the algorithm that is a problem ? Your content quality is very good

  6. Had to check, looks like I’ve been following since April or May of last year. So glad I found your channel, have learned and still learning soo much! Thank you as always. 🙏🙂

  7. Great post Miles. Keep it real for us so we can keep our heads down and focused! More videos with you and Melanie! (I know it was easier because you were traveling together) Would starting another channel with you both be a good strategy? 🙏 Alex

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