How to Become a Blogger (FULL $100/DAY TUTORIAL)

Here’s how to Become a Blogger – in this video I’m gonna show you how to start a blog and make money from home. Full $100/day blogging tutorial and tips.

So many people want to become a blogger, especially during these uncertain times. So in this tutorial, I’m going to explain exactly how you can do that.

I’m going to show you how to start a blog step by step, including how to find a great blogging niche, how to research competition and keywords and how to get traffic to your blog.

Becoming a blogger doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to make money. To ensure your bloog can be profitable, you need to follow some steps, which I’ve summarised here for you.



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👉How to choose a Niche:

👉How to start a blog, from scratch:

👉How to rank your blog on Google first page:


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First, I’m going to show you what it takes to make $100/day blogging. Full calculations shown.

You need to think about your blog goals from the start. $100/day usually means somewhere between 2,500 to 6,000 visitors a day. It may seem like a lot, but you can definitely get there in almost no time at all, as long as you implement what I show in the video.

Next, I’m going to show you how to choose a great niche for your blog. It’s important, because a bad niche usually means no traffic (and no money).

Lastly, I’ll show you how to research the keywords for your blog articles.


What do you think?


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  1. My wife and I are so grateful for your sharing this such important blogging/writing info. I have spent years trying to cut corners with this and that and, the takeaway? You can make it IF you write and post every single day! This is the only way and you have given hope that perhaps with hard work, we can build a blog that Daddy Google will like. Cheers from Toronto, Canada

  2. Hi,
    So curious why you're not monetizing with Ezoic or Ad Thrives or any other high paying advertising networks which pays way higher than Google Adsense. Are they not supported or approved by those networks or what? Let me know what do you say.

  3. This is by far the best channels that I have subscribed. No B.S and pure value from start to finish. Every single video that I watched i learned something new.

    So Thank you !!!!🙏

    One quick question. I have started a blog a couple weeks ago.
    First part of my question is how often should I post the contents ?( daily or every other days?)

    2nd part of the question is when I do researched regarding the niche i find that the contents are rank page are almost 2000 word long. I tried to right unique conents based on those contents but somehow when I check plagiarism it come out about 70% unique.( Because there are already a tones of information there on those post)

    So what would you do you suggest on this case?

    Also most of the keywords who has low KD are long tail keywords? So it is hard to enter excet keywords to almost every paragraph. How do you think should I tackle that issue?

    So looking for you feedback on this.

    Appreciate if you can help out me.

    Thank you.😊

  4. I have a blog about movies, books, and series named: My Entertainment place
    on Blogger
    And I have an AdSense Account approved but I don't get so much traffic to get income
    I have around 50 post of between 600- 2500 words or more

    I hope you all can recommend me something or give me an advice 🥺

  5. Great video! I have a blog in the Fishkeeping niche and very familiar with the site you reference. One thing I will mention is that site is very difficult to outrank along with another very large site in the niche. My site is 9 months old with 110 articles and I spend a ton of time doing keyword research to find good articles to outrank them. It's very difficult. I still only get a few visitors per day from Google. I'm a long way away from $100 per day. Not even close. But I will get there. So if anyone is considering this niche, yes there are always opportunities but it's not easy to rank in this space. Just wanted to mention that. Thanks.

  6. Hey Greg 🙂 I was curious to know, according to you, how many good quality blog posts are sufficient enough to submit your website for Google Adsense enablement. Thanks in advance.

  7. I started a new site in the weight loss/fitness niche. Articles seem to be getting ranked easily. I thought that this site would be impacted negatively by Google because it is a YMYL site. What has your experience been with your fitness site? Have you seen any negative impacts by Google in ranking articles?

  8. Which is best way to rank articles on Google 1) rewrite all unique articles from site on all topics of particular website 2) write completely new articles on all topics of particular website

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