How To Market Your Instagram Content – Module 2 – Lesson 1 – Instagram Unlocked

We’re on Module two, lesson one. And this lesson is all about behind the scenes. Now this module will be focused on marketing and growth. And the key to that is understanding Instagram’s algorithm. See, once you understand the algorithm and you see what’s happening, it’s much, much, much easier to figure out how to get more followers, more likes, more comments, more engagement, and maybe your profile grow virally.


Now if you want to make the algorithm work for you, you need a post multiple times a day, and consistency really make Instagram love you, because if you keep posting consistently, people have to keep coming back to the app to check out your content, which again, makes them more advertising dollars.

You also want to utilize all the features that Instagram has to offer, from comments, to working with influencers, to direct messaging. All these things help people engage and stay on their platform as well.

And the real formula is content feed plus us your IG Story plus highlights plus going live plus IGTV plus direct messages and comment engagement. If you combine all of that, which is the main core features of Instagram, that’s when you’re going to do really well, even if you also start using reels too.

In addition to that, as I mentioned, you need to post content consistently. You want to remix, reuse, repost your top performing content. You don’t want to do it word for word, but you can adjust it, spin it. And if you also find that there’s other pieces of content that are performing well on your other social profiles, you want to consider testing those on Instagram as well.

You also need to keep a close eye on your analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. And when you get stuff that’s working, people start engaging with you. You want to engage back, because when you engage back, it’s going to keep getting people to come back, comment, like, share.

So now let’s break down how to start marketing on Instagram. First off, the blue tick verification. I have one, I don’t notice one bit of a difference from when I didn’t have one to when I have one. It’s not a big deal, it does build trust.

Now with likes and comments, I want you to go on other people’s profiles who are similar, and you can do this by searching for hashtags. And I want you to like their photos and videos that you like, if you don’t like them, don’t like them. And I want you to start commenting and engaging with their audience as well as them.

I also want you to post several times, some influencers post six to seven times a day.

Also consider doing collabs with other influencers.

When you post images, videos, or any type of content, I want you to use the correct hashtags.

You also want to come up with an interactive branded hashtag, share your locations if you’re traveling all about. And you can use tools like Ubersuggest to type in keywords, it’ll show you what’s popular, to give you idea if a hashtag is great or bad or worth it or not worth it at all.

You also want to try to get featured on big accounts.

Instagram stories do extremely well. Try to post personal ones. Influencer marketing works.

Now, when you’re writing for Instagram, you need to do a few things. One, you need to make your caption very relevant.

Now, your workflow that I want you to use for organic growth is a few things. Blue tick verification, optional, doesn’t provide the biggest lift. Like, comment on accounts similar to your own. We discussed that. Posting frequency. Leverage collabs with influencers, use a variety of relevant hashtags. Do your keyword research. Get featured on big accounts. Type content that has traction, so like look at the types of content that have traction and use more of them. And then of course do the SEO stuff as well.

So that’s it. I want you to start using these marketing strategies to promote your content on Instagram and you’ll start getting more followers.

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  1. Love your channel, I always learn so much! Quick question. You said to get featured on big accounts. Do you recommend tagging those accounts in the picture or in the comments/caption? Thank you!

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  5. Thank you Neil for the information you have given us, it would be good if you explained more about email marketing in more detail as you have done with the other trainings, thank you continue like this?

  6. "Now with likes and comments, I want you to go on other people's profiles who are similar, and you can do this by searching for hashtags. And I want you to like their photos and videos that you like, if you don't like them, don't like them. And I want you to start commenting and engaging with their audience as well as them." >> You mean I should go to the profiles of my competitors? Or rather seeking brands (with others products than socks) who attract the same audience?

  7. Great content Neil. For an ecommerce account, the 'Like and comment on similar accounts' tip might translate to like and comment on potential customers, right? Would that be too 'invasive'?

  8. Hi Neil,
    It's a off topic question. Sorry for that.
    On which perspective topical relevancy/authority builds? Imagine, 1. Single product (shoe) for many sports(cricket, football, volley) or 2. Many (shoes, shorts, jurseys) products for single sport (football).


  9. Awesome content! But what do you tell a client who wants every post to look perfect! And who wants to feedback every post before it gets uploaded – 6 posts per day would be great for his fresh account but because of him we only can get done one per day!

  10. Hey neil 😊
    Sometimes some photos are not available for free but if I upload any picture from google in my Instagram account and pin that picture in website article using Instagram plugins will i still disobey the copyright law???

  11. Thanks for the this video neil 🙂
    I have question

    we say if forums are ranking on top is good sign to rank for that keyword or phrase but if the forum is a section inside of a well established website than ? I am not talking about quora or reddit but if a well established website is about dog and this website have a dedicated dog forum inside his website than should we treat this as forum or website ??

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