How do you find your life purpose?

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  1. Eric Edmeades went hunting with Hadza bushmen and asked them the same question. They looked with a silly face at him like and said: "Why do you mean what's the life purpose??! To become the best bushmen!"
    I think in your case maybe experiment with reversing the order from money first to:
    1) Fun
    2) Impact
    3) Money
    I saw that you had lots of fun doing your podcasts and I really enjoyed them much more than any other content on your channel that you put out.

  2. Man this hit hard. I agree with everything you said. Hardest part for me is trusting the universe and not allowing the fear to hold me back. Being present def helps with recognizing that fears are literally just False Evidence Appearing Real. But brother do I feel you with the chasing money over passion part. Especially since I kind of incorporated some of my passions into the ways I make money. Its takes a lot of reflection and awareness to make sure im on path and not pushing it for money. Forgiveness has been my key for letting go of mistakes and continuing doing my best. Also omg this quote hit hard and I feel like it might for you as well. “sometimes you have to let go of something good to make room for something better”

  3. What you long for is what we all long for which is a life that is worth living. Purpose is related to worth for we know that we throw things away that serve no purpose. Real worth comes from the love of our Creator.

  4. This is the only thing,what can motivate me to make money,bc I understand now,that this is part of the spirituell journey,become our best version and fight trough everything to get our goal and trough this journey learn and grow, grow our confidence and become more proud of ourself and clear from us all shame,and axceity and depression and wake up in ourself the lionpower,what we all have inside us and show for ourself,what we are capable of. We should not have after all any doubt for ourself,that we can do everything, I think this is the real goal,to feel fullfilment,like now I can be proud of myself,bc I fighted all my fear and I won and I achived everything,what I dreamed of,so I don't have any desire more,what doesn't leave me live in peace in my hearth.
    And I would like to see the ebay tutorial,bc I just faild with amazon and now I continue on ebay..
    And I think,I had this bad programing befor,that every person who has money is heartless and cold,this is bc I lost my desire to make money anymore,money couldn't to motivate me anymore,bc I didn't wanted to be around this people trough my subcouncious mind I guess,this is bc I procrastinated and selsbotaged myself,I guess and I think to reprogram it,if sy has the same problem,to have more money give the possibility to separate myself more from the heartless people and from the stupid govorment,this can be a good motivation😅
    I loved the video,good to see,that not I am the only one,who is thinking on this way and analise the life like so,so I am not crazy😅😉

  5. I think people get to caught up in their outside image and they often get distracted on trying to reach their ultimate self. The purpose of life is not to become the most successful person in the world but it is to create an inner feeling of happiness for only yourself. In today’s society many of the people I see are stressed about money, relationships, or even situations that do not relate to them. If you focus on yourself and observe the way you naturally feel towards certain things I believe that’s a step to a point of purpose.

  6. The Rock was an arsonistf?…burning bridges and boats? Just kidding, man. Would you be willing to pursue happiness over other activities even if it meant making less money?
    Great video! I wish you all the success. Just a note: being happy is not always synonymous with being fulfilled or achieving one's purpose.

  7. Life purpose is found in Jesus Christ alone. Jesus said, "What does it profit a man to gain to the whole world, yet lose your soul" (Mark 8:36). The funny thing about money is that as quickly as it comes, it will quickly go. This truth is even more realized with our life (time). The Bible says "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14). No amount of money can extend the life of a person. Unfortunately, riches and youth can be the blinders to the truth that physical life is short, yet the eternal life God provides is forever. Satan does not mind giving you the riches of this world, as long as you don't see the endless value of eternal life found in Jesus- therefore losing your opportunity to gain Eternal Life with Jesus. It's funny that most entrepreneurs say that they value their time more the money, yet they spend their life trying to gain time that slips between their fingers like a man trying to grasp the expanse of the oceans what a dream "this is mine, I can attain it" This is pointless and never can be done. Time for you(all of us) WILL END. Yet Jesus provides "ETERNAL TIME CALLED ENTERAL LIFE" For those who obey his commands and are baptized in Him. The greatest investment you can make on this earth is putting the limited time you have been given in the will of God, being obedient to His commands, in order to reap your investment back by Him giving you ETERNAL TIME (LIFE) with Him in Heaven! I hope you look into these things.

  8. CONSISTENCY BROTHER. btw u hv no idea how much ure videos changed my life man. been applying same principles. Keep em coming. Completely turned around my health wealth love nad happiness haha

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