Mailerlite Tutorial 2020: Beginner To Expert

If you’re building your business on a budget this Mailerlite tutorial has you covered. From landing pages, to emails and checkouts, Mailerlite has almost everything you need to start growing your email list and making sales. This is the EXACT process we use to grow our email list and make promotions.

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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:31 – Overview
0:49 – Attract
11:09 – Segment
13:17 – Rapport
14:45 – Engage
17:35 – Promote
18:18 – Scrumb
19:10 – Repeat
20:29 – Outro

Mailerlite Tutorial 2020: Beginner To Expert

If you’re a newbie entrepreneur and you’re on a budget, then this mailerlite tutorial will surely help you with that. You will learn in this video everything you need to know how to set up mailerlite to get your email list growth going.

MailerLite is an email marketing software for all types of business, even for beginners! By using mailerlite, it can help your email list grow which is very beneficial for your business. This free email marketing software is also perfect for those who like playing with web pages because it has a lot of templates to choose from.

Email marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Businesses prefer this kind of online marketing because it has a wide scope of audience – it can reach a lot of potential customers than social media marketing. This is because not everybody who has an email account has social media, right? MailerLite, the best free email marketing software, will definitely step up your email marketing strategy.

In this video tutorial, we will also be going through how to create your mailerlite landing page, squeeze page, all the way through mailerlite email automation, and general broadcast. We will also show you in this mailerlite tutorial a diagram of what we are going to be building inside of MailerLite today and walk you through every step.

Now, how do you attract people to your list in the first place? The answer to this is by using a lead magnet. Here, you will start at the landing page where you offer the lead magnet in exchange for the contact information. But don’t worry, you don’t need it to be fancy and MailerLite is an absolute breeze to put this together.

When you’re done with your landing page, you’ll move on to the next step of our mailerlite tutorial 2020 – the email automation side of MailerLite. Once the people have gone through your sequence, you’ll take them into your general broadcast list and this is where engagement comes to play. When you send out your broadcast, you have to make sure that you have to get at least 4-5 emails of value, content and rapport building before you make a pitch.

This mailerlite campaign tutorial is a great email marketing for beginners. This can transform you from a beginner to an expert. So, watch this mailerlite demo and learn how this free email marketing tool works to start growing your email list.
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  1. This video is extremely helpful, thanks Jason! I'm wondering how to edit the content of what is being sent to your audience? Did you do a separate video on that? Also, can we link this landing page into one of our sites in Squarespace? I know we can set up newsletter prompts and then set it up to go to a particular URL address, so is that how we would link the two?

  2. Love the video, man! This is great. I'm thinking of making the switch to Mailerlite. One very basic question: how does this integrate with Squarespace? In form blocks on Squarespace we can auto add to MailChimp, but no other option. Thanks, man!

  3. Thank you so much for this step-by-step walkthrough. I learn by seeing and doing. It makes it easier for me to remember. Because I am new to Mailerlite a step you performed "Heading 1" is not featured in my list of options. Everything else was right except this. Can you please reply to let me know what I'm missing

  4. I was very keen on mailerlite but after getting in touch with customer support I've changed my mind. If you ask anything superficial (anything you can find the answer on any video online) they can help otherwise they expect you to solve the problem yourself. No time for this really, before I build my list I need to relay on a good support backing me up.

  5. Thank you! This was very helpful. I feel like I'm missing a step, though. I want to differentiate between those who subscribe to my newsletter via the Mailerlite plugin on my WordPress site from those who sign up in the back of my book. I have set up two groups in Mailerlite and two different automation sequences. However, via WordPress or Mailerlite, I see no way to trigger a specified automation in the first place. Yes, I can begin the workflow when a subscriber joins a group, but how do I get that subscriber in one group over the other in the first place? The plugin uses just one single API key for all of it. I must be missing something.

  6. Thanks. I’m new to mailerlite and doing a 14 day trial to see if it’s what I need. Can you do a pop up that connects to your website instead of a landing page to capture email addresses? I’ve have it all completed but can’t seem to get it to pop up on 2 of my website pages.

  7. Thank You; A question; If you are offering the customer a 'pdf' document as part of your offer, what is your recommended approach for hosting the document? I believe many of your information sharing is delivered in an HTML form, but I feel PDF will be more efficient for my information model. Thank for your great insights and for sharing information about your funnels

  8. Hi Jason, thank you very much. Would this process work with subscribe forms or even just links in a blog post please ? I have a few blog posts ideas, each with its own freebie (template, workbook; checklists etc). If someone opts-in on blog post ABC to get the freebie, then opts-in again on blog post XYZ to get another freebie, will it be possible ? Or will Mailerlite tell them that they are already subscribed to my mailing list and won't let them get the second freebie ? I don't know if what I'm saying is clear but I hope you get the idea 😅

  9. Everyone talk about building email list, no one talks about the privacy policy. I don't have a website yet but I want to build my email list, I already registered with mailerlite using your tutorial then I realised I need a privacy policy. Any idea how to go about it please without having a website domain? Thanks

  10. Hello I tried to subscribe, I filled in all the requested information and then they ask me where the emails come from so I click on “E-commerce (subscribers purchased a product or service in the past)” and then he asks me for more information so I write to Instagram influencers who have left their emails publicly and 2 minutes later I receive an email telling me that the plant has been refused because they don't have enough information

  11. Thank you!!! I was able to post my first Landing Page by following along and stopping to figure things out when needed. As a heads-up, the "Title" block is no longer available. I used a Text block and modified the text size. There's an "Include page header" in Settings, but that's for logo and links.

  12. I have a WordPerfect web site. Are you able to use a MailerLite landing page on a WP site? Is there some advantage to using a Mailerlite landing page over a WP landing page? I have a mass email list about 2,500 that I haven't used in a few years. Should I try to reconnect or start from scratch?

  13. This tutorial was very helpful. I am working on setting up my email list now & after watching this, I am going to give mailerlite a try. I am set up for Convertkit but after seeing the power of automation can be helpful. This will allow me to play around with automation & segmentation features.

  14. Hi Jason ! Tks so much ! I need your kind help pls! I have set up my automations already Ie I delivered my lead magnet but I didn’t have the rest of email sequence ..which I now want to add!!! How can I add subscribers already in the group to the new email sequence which was not created when they joined ? Thanks!!!

  15. Hi Jason, thanks for introducing me to Mailerlite, just a qucik question can you also create a sales funnel with it? Which software would you recommend that has a sales funnel builder if mailerlite doesnt have?

  16. Jason, just wanted to take a minute and tell you how much I appreciated this video. Thanks so much! Can't wait to watch your other videos on mailerlite and other topics. Thanks so much! Best video tutorial I have seen on mailerlite by far. Cheers! New Subscriber!

  17. Hey Jason. How can I have multiple custom domains for multiple clients for landing pages with mailerlite? I have three clients and I'd like to move from Clickfunnels into Mailerlite.

  18. Thank you for this amazing video, you win a new subscriber! I have one question, in the case I post the link of the landing page in my social media and customers want the lead magnet but they are already in my general list and I don´t want them go through all the process again. How could avoid that? Thank you

  19. Totally overwhelmed. Starting my high end jewelry business and trying to collect emails by offering a Free Monthly Video from my studio each month. I am planning on placing the Free Offer Video on Youtube, followed I think by a landing page for sign up. I am assuming I would link up my Free Youtube offer video when I set up my first Mailerlite champaign. How would my subscriber connect my monthly video? Do I place my first monthly video on Youtube? I really am confused here… I understand I need to set up automation for each video by date (?) as I create each video in advance. Hope I was clear in my confusion. Thanks

  20. Jason, I'm a newbie. Have two questions:
    1. I simply want an optin form on my website like Aweber. Is this possible?
    2. Do I add the free report to the email? Or after opting in, how do viewers receive it?

  21. Jason, I really appreciate your videos. I love the concept of having a separate landing pages,but how do you do that from the same webpage? Also, with the new subscribers of the landing page, how do you get them into the regular flow of past subscribers?

  22. Hey Jason, just watched again. LOVE your videos and had a couple of questions: 1. I am thinking that instead of ending the email automation and sectioning then to a new newsletter general group to continue the email automation with the newsletters as part of that email automation. What do you think? What are the reasons why you would stop the automation and move them to a newsletter group?
    2. I am also thinking that as I will be providing valuable information within my newsletters that I would put a CTA at the end for further information or do you think that is too much sales as you were saying every wait every 5 newsletters …..? What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance

  23. @jasonwhaling what about social media integration for newsletters. I see that we can imbed social media posts into a newsletter, but is there a way to create a newsletter blast and embed integration so the newsletter is posted to your social media pages?

  24. Hi Jason, Thank you so very much for your videos.. I didn't see you add any URL or link address to the button that you created in your form "Access Now".. How did you make sure that when the USER enters their details and presses ACCESS NOW, that they will be directed somewhere? SUCCESS PAGE?? Did you do a success page? Thank You 🙂

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