Google Tag Manager 2021: Ultimate Beginners Tutorial (Setup, Install, Launch, Troubleshoot)

Full Google Tag Manager Course 2021 – Click by click guide to initial install, WordPress, Google Analytics, Facebook, Google Ads and how to fix errors. Simplify your site tracking the code free way to manage all your tags/pixels in one place. Plus, learn how to set triggers for tracking conversions.

🔥Free Tag Manager Playbook:
Copy our templates for organizing codes👈
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Table of Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:26 – Tracking Organized
1:41 – Account Creation
5:35 – Tag Install
10:59 – Verify Install
12:56 – Google Analytics
17:57 – Facebook Pixel
24:38 – Google Ads Remarketing
29:11 – Google Ads Conversion
40:20 – Preview Mode
44:45 – Fix Errors
46:19 – Custom Codes
47:16 – Advanced Tracking
57:55 – Outro

Google Tag Manager 2021: Ultimate Beginners Tutorial (Setup, Install, Launch, Troubleshoot)

Want to start setting up conversion tracking Google Tag Manager on your site? If you’re not sure how or where to get started, this Google Tag Manager Tutorial is exactly what you need.

In this Google Tag Manager course, you will learn how to get started with google tag manager, what is google tag manager and how it works. We’ll go through the Tag Manager interface to show you a step-by-step guide on how to install google tag manager on your site.

What is google tag manager and what does it do?

Google Tag Manager provides for free a basic, dependable and integrated tag management system. It essentially puts a little code on your site, and when you go to your google analytics, your Facebook marketing, YouTube marketing, whatever you’re doing – the google tag manager code is the one code you add.

That’s why in this google tag manager tutorial, we’ll show you how to install your tags for google analytics 4, Facebook Pixel Tracking, and Google Ads Conversion tracking and Remarketing tag.

Tag Manager allows you to quickly and easily install tags on your site without having to worry about where to install or organize them. This helps make tag management simple, easy and reliable by allowing marketers and webmasters to deploy website tags all in one place.

As you know, digital marketing lives on data. Your digital analytics will help you figure out the right marketing strategy, track your data and optimize your campaigns.

Of course, this google tag manager tutorial 2021 is not complete without verifying your tags whether it was installed and fired correctly. That’s why we have included in this tutorial how to verify your install using Tag Assistant and the new preview mode of Tag Manager.

This google tag manager course is focused on understanding the collection abilities of google tag manager and how to use it to fit your online businesses needs and goals.

When you start using Tag Manager, you have to remember that you only have ONE shot. Because nothing is retroactive when it comes to your tracking. That’s why, the first thing you should do is figure out where all your codes are because you need to remove those after your google tag manager implementation.

Watch this Google Tag Manager Tutorial to know everything you need to know about google tag management, from creating your account to setting up tags. Know what are variables and constants in GTM because once you use Tag Manager, you’ll never want to go back!
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  1. Hi Jason, great tutorial. I have a question, on preview mode, i was able to see my tag is fired. But on live website, i am getting this error: An error occured while the tag was fired: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED, what seems to be the problem here?

  2. Hi Jason! Great video, thanks! I have a very beginner-level question for you. How do I find and remove all tracking codes from my website? And does that need to happen after I install the GTM code on my website? I'm finding myself a little confused as to when to delete these existing codes. Thanks again!

  3. Hi Jason, brilliant video thank you! I was originally trying to avoid tag manager because I thought it would be too hard, but you've proved me wrong.
    I have one question though: I've added the remarketing tag but tag assistant says "to validate please enter feed ID" – I could only find one answer online which said it was my google merchant ID (I have an e-commerce website with shopping campaigns set up) but that did not seem to fix it. Do you have any ideas as to what it's asking for?
    Is this a case of google asking me for the feed I'm using in my remarketing campaigns, but because I am currently not doing any remarketing there is simply nothing to add?
    Thanks once again.

  4. Hi! Thanks for all that valuable information! I have 2 question when it comes to Facebook pixel, I installed with Facebook plugin, and it works also for API, Catalog. Besides, All the data when I move it, does it affect what I already have in my pixel?

    I appreciate if you can respond. Thank you

  5. Thanks Jason. Great explanation, although it lost me at a couple of points as my website is not yet built out enough for the URL's required, and my WordPress site does not go to a different page (URL) when a contact form is submitted for example. I do know I can come back to review it, however. Question: If you have multiple businesses and websites what is the best way to structure Google Tag Manager and Google Ads Accounts?

  6. Hi Jason,

    I have a problem because I want to add a lead tag (google adds conversion, min 32) but I have a Ninja form plugin in my site. The thing is that when someone clicks the "send" button, the URL doesnt change. It only shows a confirmation message in the screen but URL stays the same

  7. Hey Jason,
    Amazing content – you have been a huge help!
    This might be a stupid question – I'm at the final part and you want me to set a conversion tag to customers that have purchased. For my business, I would obtain their email address. Is it still appropriate to set up a tag at the final payment page if so why and how will that data help the business?

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