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  1. He's quite literally lying, putting the bar very low. Which I get might help some people get out of their heads, but it's not a good idea to put the same video across all your channels without making any changes to it. It gives your followers no reason to follow you across multiple platforms, because you arent creating varied value…it's all just the same. The same type of video also does not perform well across all channels. Each platform functions differently from eachother, hence why there are different optimization standards. Instead of framing this like "this is all you have to do," this should have really been framed as a STARTING point, to get into the cadence of creating content/consistently publishing. Otherwise, he's literally setting people up to fail, then learned-helplessness will kick in and they'll quit altogether. To be completely transparent and honest, you don't need to plaster the same video across all platforms. INSTEAD, focus on creating optimized content for just 1 or 2 platforms that you really focus on. Master 1 or 2 platforms and spend your time creating content that will actually perform well on those platforms.

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