Google Ads Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) Tutorial – EASILY Boost Your Quality Score

In this video, I show you what the Google Ads dynamic keyword insertions are and how to use them for your own ads.

The Google Ads dynamic keyword insertion is basically a way for you to make highly relevant ads with minimal work. It’s a great way for you to improve your quality score and is especially great if you are just starting a brand new campaign and don’t want to invest too much right at the start.

So for example if your keyword is “monkey”, and someone types in something to trigger that keyword in Google search, your ad will say “monkey”.

If your keyword is “bananas”, and someone types in something to trigger that keyword in Google search, your ad will say “bananas”.

You can set it up either in headline 1, headline 2, headline 3, or any of the descriptions.

To do this, simply put in a squiggly bracket wherever you want to add the keyword insertion and add a default text. You are pretty much done for the dynamic keyword insertion. The default text goes into effect if the search query the user typed in is too long to fit.

You can also select whether you want title case, lower case, or sentence case for the keyword insertion. I would recommend using title case so that the first letter of each word is capitalized. That will grab the most attention and look the most professional.

That’s pretty much it for this tutorial on the Google Ads dynamic keyword insertion.

Additional resources:

Free 55-page affiliate marketing for beginners guide:

Take some of my training courses:

Google Ads Case Study – [EXIPURE] – $4,752 PROFIT With NO BRAND BIDDING!:

How to create a 52.68% conversion rate landing page in Unbounce from scratch:

BRAND BIDDING… How It Is Allowed??:

Google Ads Account SUSPENDED? What to Do + How to Avoid | LANDING PAGE MYTH DEBUNKED:

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  1. How I do it now is first, make ad groups for different themes. Then a few days later depending how the campaign is performing, I go through every single keyword in all ad groups to see if any make sense as standalone titles (headlines). If so, I cut and paste those into a new ad group just for keyword insertion (because not all keywords make sense as stand alone titles).

  2. When we are getting a low quality score even after implementing keyword in adcopy and landing page. What else can we do? (Mostly talking about near me keywords)

  3. What if You used the same feature in my landing page and show the keyword that triggered my ad as headline in my LP, does this will improve my LP CTR and CR, cuz I struggle with low LP CTR, under 16% which is ennoying

  4. My google ads account was banned. So now let's say I were to create a business. I can't advertise on Google since I can't create another account per their policy it will get suspended as well 😫

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