What’s wrong with American schools

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#shorts #lifeinusa #americanschool #siliconvalleygirl


What do you think?


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  1. Not just in USA! I did not gave my kid any chocolate. We started the kindergarden and they have a lots of chocolately things. I wrote the business who cooking, and they said chocolate is fine once or twice in a week. The problem is the dark chocolate is OK but they got chocolate bar, the cheapest one. Not quality one. 😢😢😢

  2. Everyone… U don't know about India…..if U don't know that even a working mom and dad with 1 lakh salary per month…they would cook lunch for their kids …or hire a maid to give their kids home cooked foods

  3. Not to mention how they are gonna probably get killed or live in fear because of school shootings. Also when people go in public and want food I get so angry when they are upset there is nothing healthy, like that’s the point, your supposed to be happy

  4. It’s a lot more effort to eat healthy. You can eat healthy on a budget. Cooking and meal preparation is a lot of work but if you want your children not to have behavior problems because they’re eating more energy dense foods than nutrient dense than it’s a sacrifice worth making. I cook all my child’s meals and I’m happy to do it. All my work and sacrifice is worth it because I know exactly what my baby’s eating. My family’s health is number one to me.

  5. I'll go out on a limb to say something like this largely depends on where you live, what school your kids go to, even what years your kids go to school. I remember school breakfasts and lunches had huge changes when I was growing up and I never saw the things listed on this video. (I want to emphasize that this was my experience, but I am not detracting from her/her kids' experiences and I think it's a valid concern for any parent in the US. We need better funding for the education systems to include things like proper lunches without cutting corners!)

  6. Here in India we have fortified rice (made rich in folate, Vitamin A, etc) along with lentils and veggies. Food is made every day at lunch in bulk in each school differently. It is so yummy.

  7. I’m speaking as a public school teacher. This is why local and state elections matter. It’s easy to criticize the system. It’s hard to do research on candidates you can get behind but it’s so important.

  8. The creator views sandwiches as fast food? Wtf, sandwich’s are the easiest way to combine fresh veggies and protein together. Idk about anyone else but my lunch lines at school were all about fast turnover, the quicker food can be prepared and served the better, nobody wants mushy cold vegetables left on the side for 2.5 hours.

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