5 Free Resources to Learn Digital Marketing

Five free resources to learn digital marketing. You don’t need a college degree to learn digital marketing, and you don’t want to have to spend $1000 on courses when you don’t need to. You can learn it for free.

Ubersuggest: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Resource number 1: Neil Patel Training Center, neilpatel.com/trading. With the Neil Patel Training Center, I literally have courses on everything. SEO, all social platforms, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, you name it, conversion rate optimization, email marketing. I also have worksheets, cheat sheets, homework assignments for you.

If you follow along and you do them, you’ll get value. And each lesson is short, to the point, and I break it down so that way it’s actionable. And if you have any questions, you can always hit me or anyone up on my team, and we’re gladly willing to help for free by answering your questions.

Resource number 2: HubSpot Academy. They have certifications on everything, from inbound marketing, social media marketing, to just general digital marketing, and even sales. Best of all, the certifications don’t cost any money. Plus, once you pass, you can put them on your LinkedIn, and, hopefully, it’ll help you with your job, or at least get a better job if you’re in that market. Or if you’re just a solo entrepreneur, it’ll teach you how to do marketing better.

Resource number 3: Backlinko. Did you know that Google makes over eight algorithm changes per day on average? How do you keep up with the ever changing algorithm? Well, you don’t want to guess, you want to use stats and data, and you want to use the stats and data that are at your fingertips. Backlinko has tons of in-depth guides with stats and data, such as, in one blog post, they talk about how they analyze 3.6 billion articles and breaks down what they learned.

For example, Brian, who’s the founder of Backlinko, discusses in that post how that, if you include the year in your title, it tends to perform better. Or how list based posts and how-to posts tend to do better in Google in the longer than other types of content. Or, in his article, on how he analyzed 208,000 webpages to learn about Google Core Web Vitals. He talks about how 53% of sites had a good Largest Contentful Paint score, which is also known as a LCP score. And 46.23% of sites had a poor or needs to improve LCPs rating. He also talks about, in the article, how large layout shifts were the number one cause of poor Cumulative Layout Shift scores.

Resource number 4: Search Engine Roundtable. We already talked about Google making 8+ algorithm changes per day, but a search engine roundtable breaks down a lot of those major algorithm updates. And the way they do this is they look at all the tools out there that showcase data on the algorithm changes of what industry’s effective, and he compiles that data, post about it, and then people shared their websites, what went up and what went down, and why they think their traffic went up or down.

It helps everyone in the community find patterns, so that way, they can keep improving and getting more insights on what they should do and what they shouldn’t do.

Resource number 5: Mailchimp Marketing Library. There’s more to digital marketing than just SEO or social media or even content creation. There’s a lot of aspects that aren’t sexy, like email marketing, but they’re very effective. According to status, that over 306 billion emails are sent and received every day. Mailchimp Marketing Library will teach you everything you need to know about marketing, not just email marketing, but also marketing, and it’s worth checking out.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital https://npdigital.com/

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  1. Hii 🙋, Thanks for sharing this video. I have some doubts in digital marketing field.
    1) I am interested to learn digital marketing. Learning digital marketing in online from home is enough or I need to join any offline classes?
    2) In future what is the demand of this field and also which role has more demand?

  2. I am currently in my third class working on a digital marketing degree. I chose school for two reasons: first, organized curricula, but second and most importantly, enforced deadlines are great motivators to get the work done on time, especially for the cost. Everything I learned about project management in school I could have learned from YouTube U, but I wouldn't have, because I wouldn't have known what to learn and free with no time limit means no cost for failure. I still use YouTube and other sources in addition to formal schooling, because other viewpoints make learning easier. Everybody is different.

  3. Thank you for these information. I'll buy a domain tomorrow and make a new site. I need a seo guide in simple steps like a checklist, to do it one after one. I don't want to study many months nd get a certificate. Can you tell me where can I get this checklists or these simple steps?

  4. Thank you bro. I must say I learnt a lot from you. I started earning big money and confidence because of your simple videos that are just straightforward. I consider you as my coach.

  5. Is it me or you also noticed that the cover photo said; "5 free tools I cannot live without" and in actual the video is about; "5 Free Resources to Learn Digital Marketing"?

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