Actually Reach Your Blogging Goals in 2023

This is exactly how I make my action plan every time I start a blog to ensure that I stay on track. Planning out my workflow like this ensures that I focus on the important things that get results and grow my websites.

Here is that first video where I plan out the year long goal:

Here’s the book I told you about. The 12 Week Year:

Have a question or idea for a video? Or maybe you want your site or a specific article reviewed. Let me know here:

Check out Project 24:
Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from websites and YouTube channels in 24 months.

Also check out our stupid fast and crazy functional WordPress theme, Acabado.

Also, our current recommendations for blogging, video, and podcasting gear, software, and other resources can always be found at

Have you seen us on Instagram yet? Add us to see what we’re doing behind the scenes:

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.


What do you think?


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  1. If you've fallen behind on your blogging goals you are not alone! It happens to me too. I hope this video will help you get back on track. What goals do you have for your website and what small daily steps can you take to reach them?

  2. Right Ricky, there is Parkinson's Law also which says that, work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.

    Means if we decided to do work in 3 days, then it will take 3 days for completion.
    But if we decided to do same work in 10 days, then it will take 10 days for completion.

  3. Is it true that you can get sued with 10 thousands of dollars for something called "ADA-compliance" if your website is not adapted to disabled reading? Does this really apply to small hobby-sites like ours? So, if I do nothing, and have no technical knowledge (just using WordPress and some standard theme like Astra), can I then get sued if I don't look into this ADA-issue? If that's the case, it's really scary! Does anyone know if this is true? Income School?

  4. I am no expert, but have been doing this for several years. In my humble opinion, this business model is no longer really viable. Too much competition, AI, copy-cats, Google updates, ad revenue changes, etc are are reasons. Anyone who is honest will admit that it is MUCH more difficult to get traffic than it used to. In the last few years, my income has gone from $18K to $15K to $12K last year, and that is while adding content. Information based site, not a review or commerce site. The fact is, statistically, the vast majority of bloggers won't make dollar one. Maybe P24 clients do better (hope so), but if you look at the fact that Income School's own site is having big trouble, despite all their experience, it just exemplifies how difficult it is now.

  5. Ricky, thanks for the nudge. I told myself this morning that I have to create my content calendar so I have a proper plan to work with, here you are with your input. Very timely. I really procrastinate a lot when I don't do a proper plan. Wish it could be as aggressive as yours but I have to do all my writing, editing, and everything. I can do it!!

  6. I am going through the course again and using these videos to top up. The great thing about watching these is that you don't feel lonely! You know there are other folks out there.

  7. Ricky are you also face procastination? I thought you are focused.

    How much hours you stop work if you procastinate?

    Sometimes i waste whole day on other things which are not important,
    And later at the end of day, i realises i wasted whole day.

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