The Easiest Way to Get More SEO Traffic

What if there was a easier way to get SEO traffic to your website than writing thousands and thousands of articles? Today I’m going to break down the easiest way to get SEO traffic.


As you can see on my screen here, I’m logged into my Google Search Console. And I want to show you something really interesting. If I click the NEW button so I can filter more, I can go to Search appearance, then click on Videos. This is going to show me how much traffic I’m getting from things like videos, right, because I filtered down.

So over the years, I figure that, hey, I need to stop producing just content to get quote-unquote traffic. I need to get more relevant traffic because I don’t really help people with Instagram marketing from a business standpoint, but my ad agency NP Digital does help with things like SEO tools or growth hacking.

So we started focusing on videos that don’t just bring traffic, but bring quote-unquote our ideal customer. Nonetheless, as you can see here, I’ve gotten quite a bit of clicks from Google just from video SEO.

And I also have Ubersuggest, so that helps with that. “How to Track and Improve Your Rankings.” Again, doesn’t have the volume that, let’s say, Instagram followers has, but it can bring the ideal customers. That can help me generate more sales and more revenue for my ad agency.

But the key is I don’t just publish my content on YouTube. I’m also publishing it on my own website, and it’s driving a lot of traffic. I have content on WordPress, daily SEO tasks. I even have reels that I’ve been testing on YouTube, or shorts as they would call it on YouTube. Instagram’s more reels. And I just produce tons of video content each and every single week. And I don’t really do much to optimize it, right? I’m using all the code.

I’m just making sure how’s my site, how’s all the schema markup, stuff like that. Lets Google know what type of content I’m using. But the point I’m trying to make is just go and create video content and publish it on your blog. It’s not that competitive.

You can rank for a lot of stuff because what Google’s doing is they’re including it in the results, so not only do you have a chance of ranking for text, but, hey, there’s not as many people creating videos, so it’s not as competitive. And what I would recommend that you do is do your keyword research. So if you go to, and you’re just like, “All right, I’m in the digital marketing space.”

So you can go load up the Ubersuggest tool, which you can find at, and you can type in keywords related to anything. So I can type in digital marketing. And once you type in keywords like this, you’ll see the search volume.

Don’t worry about the SEO difficulty or the CPC. Typically, though, the higher the CPC, the more lucrative that term is going to be. And go create content all these popular terms. You can even create a video on digital marketing agency, digital marketing jobs, digital marketing company.

So in essence, what you want to do is you want to view all the keyword ideas, continually find more and more keywords that have good volume and high CPC. So digital marketing agency, way higher CPC than a lot of the other keywords here, which is great.

And once you find the keywords that you like, you can just keep track of ’em. So I would add agency, company, digital marketing company, let’s see, services, strategy, courses. I would add those to a list.

So in Ubersuggest, you can add it to a list. And I can create a list. Let’s go create a new one. So I can create one on YouTube video ideas. I click plus. And now those keywords are going to be added to this keyword list than I can get in the left-hand navigation side.

So then I can keep track of all the keywords that I need to go and create a YouTube video on. And if you just leverage this simple strategy over time, you can keep getting more and more traffic.

So it’s not just about going after volume. You want to go after volume with high CPCs that are related to your business. And don’t forget the related to your business part because if you do that, then you’ll get the views of the right audience and convert them into customers.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital

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#SEO #ContentMarketing #DigitalMarketing


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  1. Hey Neil, great content. One question, to post the video in a blog is it better to insert the link from YouTube so my blog shows it, or do I include the video on my blog post by uploading it onto my website? (Does the latter reduces the upload speed of the blog page?) Thank you for your info!

  2. Did you disable the YouTube monetization bro? If you did it, then I must appreciate you. The ads were so distracting. By the way impressive content indeed. Keep enlightening our brains with your SEO stuff.

  3. Hello Sir!

    I am big fan of you and learnt a lot from your videos.

    I have a question.

    How can I check if someone mention my page on different posts or in different groups. Even I can't get mentions notifications sometimes. I have enable the page mentions options but cannot check and see my page mentions. How can I be notified when someone mention my page on other posts, groups or comments.

  4. im new in google ads. i have shopify store . i have problem with. choosing. good kewords. for my products
    how to optimize. my keword. ? choosing. the good for my title and description

  5. Neil Patel is a leading SEO figure, no doubts. But there are three things that affected the respect I had for him: 1. When I signed up with his SEO tool, Ubersuggest, I realized the stats it was showing were all fake or inaccurate – without fixing it, he continues to market it. 2. In one of his posts, he recommended FATJOE as the best SEO/link building company, then I signed up with them also. Result? FATJOE was one of the worst companies I have worked with, they charged very high with no results or substandard links and articles. I even had to deal with the owner, Joe and he himself reacted/replied to my emails fraudulently. 3. You write to them for some SEO work or consultancy, they never get back or even say, 'your business doesn't meet our requirements to work wtih.' Since this every time I see his content, advice, I am afraid it could be FAKE!

  6. Not a new strategy but definitely worth trying. Just bought a mic today, DSLR is ready, and its time to create videos and beat the ranking out of Million Dollar Companies, who don't have time to do the same… 🙂

  7. Hey Neil, Thank you for this valuable knowledge but i have a few doubts, bloggers like me who has a review sites where I write reviews of the products like computers and mobile phones and hasn't much amount to buy an indvisual product and review them via video… What suggestion would you give for a newbie like me…..

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