Billionaires Just Got Reckless & Collapsed a Market

Billionaires. Investing News. Nickel Short.
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You’re hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. The most powerful bank in the world is after you. Your company is facing bankruptcy. And there’s no way out. Or is there?

In this video, I’m going to put you in the shoes of Xiang Guangda (she-awhhh Guan-da) – a man who bet against the world… And crashed an entire market doing so.

Imagine this. You’re a powerful Chinese Industrialist. Over your 60-year lifespan, you’ve built yourself up from a car door manufacturer in Eastern China into the world’s most dominant nickel producer. Your holdings stretch all over Asia. And your reputation for putting it all on the line has earned you the nickname ‘Big Shot.’

Now, it’s early 2022 – and you’re about to make one of your biggest bets yet. Over the last few months you’ve built up a massive short position on nickel. But why would you bet against the very asset you produce….?

Xiang Guangda
Nickel Short
Investing News

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  1. Your brilliant storytelling almost won you a new subscriber and a tweet to all my Twitter followers, but your SHAMEFUL CLUCKBAITY use of Elon in the thumbnail and that title (if anything Elon which you "BTW" mentioned once is a victim here) just give you a sad nod and a sharing of your thumbnail only, showing your shame.

    What if I showed your pic in a video saying something about "youtubers preyed on young children and ruined their lives"? I won't, but that's effectively what you did. SHAME!

  2. Why prices will go up so high, who the F sets them that high? IMO prices shouldn't ever be above sustainability and realistic grow, at a relative stable price; people should not gamble with resources, Shorting should be completely illegal.
    So Chinese Billionaires are trying to ruin everyone non-Chinese? Economic/Trade War apparently. I'm convinced, China is a passive aggressive enemy, and should be dealt accordingly; The Chinese Communist Party tries to enslave Humanity under their horrible Fascist System, we must resist, at all cost; today's Russian Attacking Ukraine, tomorrow will be China Oppressing Taiwan and Hong Kong, involving a WW3 eventually

  3. Unfortunately, after the collapse of the market, I stopped making money on those cryptocurrencies that fell in value. I started earning by mining Crypton private cryptocurrency in Utopia p2p ecosystem on very favorable conditions.

  4. No, billionaires bought Trump who gutted Dodd Frank & cut their taxes – we will feel the wrath of the usual GOP deregulation across the market is going 2 collapse under the weight of their corruption & greed

    We can all agree the markets in the US r not free or fair as we r ranked #27 on economic freedom which measures this & other factors that r tied directly to the progress/prosperity of a nation

    This data comes from heritage the far right foundation so if ur a Republican u can rest assured it’s not a leftist that compiled it

    We have infinite supply in the stock mrkt there is zero technology used to track shorts FINRA collects this data using excel sheets & an honour system

    A company cab issue 76M shares & 2B shares can b shorted / prime example is GME & then nickel where more of the metal was shorted than in existence & when shorts have to pay their bill they get bail outs

    So yeah, after rescuing banks w 11.2T in 2019/20 Trump ensured he would hand Biden a house of cards that will not b saved this time hence y billionaires left

    GME will b outperforming only b cuz investors have been pulling shares out of the DTCC for non acat for the 1st time in history – volatility is simply manufactured as this stock has the lowest outflows in entire mrkt for the last 19 months easily fact checked this is a global Occupy Wall St movement & this is Y the media & Cramer cry over it daily

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