#1 FREE WordPress Tutorials! 30+ Beginner-Friendly Videos Show Every Step

New For 2021! WordPress Tutorials will teach you how to use WordPress like a pro. Get instant access to 30+ WordPress training videos here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/wordpress101

Having a self hosted WordPress blog that you own is required for building a real business online. It is not enough to simply build a YouTube channel or Instagram account if you want to build a true long-lasting business online.

This means that you must learn the WordPress basics in order to succeed online in 2021 and beyond.

And it is important for me to remind you that you need to build a full business online, not just a blog. Your WordPress blog is an asset of the business… It is a part of your online business… But you need to build a real business, too

I teach the entire process of building a business online for free here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF_p8q6qgHw

You will learn exactly how a WordPress blog fits into a broader online business in that video above if it still doesn’t make sense!

Now, if you have not yet started your blog, I have a separate guide that will teach you how to start a blog here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/how-to-start-a-blog/

If this is your first video that you have found mine, you might be asking why I’m simply giving these WordPress tutorials that cost thousands to produce and host, away for free…

that’s a fair question.

I’ve been earning income online since 2003 and have been full-time as an Internet entrepreneur supporting my family through blog income since 2010. if you want the full story, you can read more about me here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/about/

The short answer is that I’ve achieved my financial goals…

And there is a growing trend of shady YouTubers (I call them Fake Gurus and Greedy Gurus) who are selling overhyped and overpriced courses that are preying on people who are down on their luck.

This frustrates me deeply… So I’ve committed to teaching everything you need to know in order to grow a successful blog and a real business online here for free on YouTube.

This video here is number 635 on that path and I have helped over 63,000 people start blogs already.

I have mastered the process of starting a blog on WordPress and creating content in a way that generates traffic, leads and customers…

And I’m giving away 100% of the how-to information through these free WordPress tutorials and the rest of my videos on my channel.

One of the most requested trainings from my email list was “step-by-step WordPress trainings” that teach how to navigate the WordPress dashboard manage posts, pages, customize themes, etc…

So I created this video series to solve that problem and I posted it on my website so I can continually update the videos with newer versions when WordPress inevitably updates and changes the interface, in the future.

If I published them here on YouTube I could never update them. YouTube does not allow me to go in and update of video after publishing it.

it is important for you to take time to learn WordPress. The WordPress basics are not difficult to master and you should really understand everything you need to know about working within the WordPress dashboard within a couple of hours.

Your first time logging into the WordPress dashboard can be overwhelming. It’s a completely new experience especially if you have never published a blog online before.

But no worries, even if you’re a total beginner! these tutorials show step-by-step how to navigate WordPress, how to manage posts, pages, images themes and plug-ins…

Last note for now…

The only real reason why people aren’t ready to start their blog is generally because they have not found their niche. if you find yourself in this position of not knowing what your niche is for your Internet business or your blog, be sure to go through my free how to choose a niche training here:


I hope these WordPress training videos are helpful for you on your path to building the blog an online business of your dreams.

Miles Beckler


What do you think?


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  1. Hey Miles! I have a quick question for you or anyone else. I want to use Matt Giovanisci’s Carbonate theme, but I don’t know enough about HTML and CSS coding. Where can I find a good freelancer to help me? Freelancer? Fiverr? Thank you‼️

  2. Miles

    Please Miles intervene, I am getting no where with your support team. Maybe my explanation isn't clear enough. They repeatedly recommend that I put in my email address and my password. This suggestion does not worked, repeat this suggestion does not worked. My idea is to completely eliminate(delete) my gmail account and my gmx account from the your system then re-enter my gmx address with an new password into your system. Hopefully, this will address my program.

  3. I never received an email from you to click. I checked my junk mail and inbox. Then the time expired and it said I missed out.

    Edit- Nevermind. I saw another comment that we have to disable the ad blocker for it to work. It still wasn't working until I also switched browsers.

  4. What's your view on making on content for the UK Market while living in the US and vice versa? Should I stick to reviewing and promoting from my home country or do both? Thank you for all the hard work you are sharing with everyone.

  5. Thank you so much brother, could you please make a video on what your website/blog need other than great content to rank on google. I know content is the key but website’s look do attract users.

  6. Thanks again for everything. You do indeed walk the walk! You mentioned in the first lesson that in order for a user to obtain the maximum benefit from the course the user's site must be "self-hosting". I am using A2 Hosting. Is that considered self-hosting?

  7. Hi man! Thanks for all the effort you do here, really helpful stuff. But i was trying to get this WordPress tutorials and when i entered my email on your page, i dint get any conformation email. It is not available anymore, or was it just a bug ? Help, really need this info 😀

  8. Hey Miles! I am still very early in my Blog journey, however with the way my personality is I believe I would like to hire someone to write my content for me. Am I skipping steps if I do this? Is it ok that I start with outsourcing so early? or am I just setting myself up for failure. Of course there is still plenty of other work to do on the blog that I will take over but just the writing part I would like someone to do for me and I have found a great place to find someone through your other videos.

    Any feedback you have would be great if I am getting to far ahead of myself or if its in the budget it is ok to go this route, Thanks as always you are a wealth of information!

  9. Hey Miles! As always, keep it up with your content and sharing your gift to the world!

    With cancel culture on the rise, what would be a fool proof way to avoid that?

    -Use WordPress, separate video hosting, etc.

    ^^If I'm on the right track with this answer:
    What else would you add to this??

  10. Thank you very much, Miles! Even though I've been working with WordPress for a few months, I still learned new things from your tutorial. I'm so grateful for all of the free information you share and your generosity. 💜✨

  11. Miles Beckler I just ask Almighty God to Bless you, Protect you and your family, To keep you Healthy, Happy with a Sound mind. I Love getting your Videos. I don't know anyone who has a heart as big as yours.
    They all think What's In It For Me. But not you Miles. Be Blessed Pastor Laurence.

  12. Great idea and value Miles Very appreciated… but when I click the button it gives me an error saying: "Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension." … it could be my browser but do check just in case 😉

  13. Thank you for sharing this information. I started following your advice weeks ago. I'm building quality content for my sites now. I'm using my own writing and copypro along with articleforge. I'm getting it done thanks to your tips and hard work.

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