How to Find Endless Content Ideas With One FREE Tool

How to Find Endless Content Ideas With One FREE Tool | There are over four million blog posts being published every single day. How do you ensure that your content is going to stand out and people want to read it? Today I’m going to teach you how to find endless content and ideas with one free tool.

Ubersuggest’s Content Ideas:

Skyscraper Technique:

You know I’ve released a tool called Ubersuggest. Many people use it. You may even be using it.

But, have you ever checked out the Content Ideas feature on Ubersuggest?

It’s the best way to find content ideas.

Put in any keyword that’s broad into Ubersuggest. Dog food, cat food, whatever it may be. You can even put in three-word phrases, four-word phrases.

And what you’ll see is Ubersuggest will give you a overview, how popular that keyword is, other keyword ideas.

And as you scroll down, you’ll see a content ideas report.

This content ideas report, it’ll show you all the blog posts that are in your space that are popular.

And this is why I love it. One, I give you an endless supply of content and ideas for free.

Two, I show you all the keywords that that blog post ranks for, so you can see if they’re relevant to your space.

Do you want to rank for them? Do you think they’re going to drive sales? Then I also show you everyone who’s linking to that blog post.

Now, when you’re doing this, you don’t want to just create the same me too content that they’re creating.

You want to want to use the content ideas report to see, hey, this is what people like in this industry, and here’s what people hate.

Because the content that isn’t doing well is also shown on Ubersuggest. You want to avoid writing on that stuff and write more on the stuff that people like.

And then when you find the stuff that people like, come up with ideas that are very similar and use Brian Dean’s Skyscraper technique.

If you’re not familiar with the Skyscraper technique that Brian created, think of it this way.

Have you ever noticed that countries around the world are always fighting for the tallest building in the world? It’s like, “Oh, yeah, ours is 1,000 feet.” “Ours is 1,500.” “Ours is 2,000.”

It just keeps going and never ending. So you know what the Skyscraper technique is? It’s the same thing for your content.

You don’t want to just add in more word count for the sake of it, though, and keep having fluff.

You want to make sure that whatever words that you’re putting on the page have impact, have meaning, help people get the job done.

They’re thorough. They’re actionable. That way when people read it, they’re like, “Oh my God, this is amazing.”

You want to even integrate design elements. Not just pictures, not just videos, but any custom graphics that you can create, great, amazing.

Then when you publish that content I want you to go back to the content ideas report in Ubersuggest, look at all the people who link to your competitors.

Hit them each up. Go to their site. Let them know.

Yeah, you may have to end up sending out a hundred of these emails, but as you do you’ll find that a handful of them will link back to you.

And as they do, your content will get higher rankings.

You’ll get more social shares. You’ll continually get that traffic. That way, when you create content out there, it’s not going to be one of Those four million blog posts that get published every single day that no one reads.

You want to make sure that yours get read. And the last tip I have for you is, whoever you linked out to in your blog post, email them.

Let them know that you linked out to them, and ask them if they can share your content on their favorite social network.

Usually people are flattered. They’re like, “Yeah, Neil, you linked out to me. Why not? Why wouldn’t I tweet this out?”

People do that with me all the time.

You know, I got a email from Larry Kim today. He’s like, “Hey, I created this blog post on Inc. I mentioned you. Check it out.”

Now, he didn’t do it because he’s expecting a tweet, but I naturally tweeted it out.

That’s how it works. People are gladly willing to tweet and share stuff out when you promote them.

00:00 – Introduction
00:32 – Ubersuggest Tool
01:27 – What Does People Like In The Industry
01:53 – Skyscraper Technique
02:38 – Integrate Custom Designed Elements
03:42 – Last Tip ( E-mail Everyone Linked Into Your Blog Post )

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  1. I don't know why? but I always get 2-year-old notifications from your channel. I mean exactly 2 years. These vlogs created 2 years ago are no longer relevant in the ever-changing scenario of Digital Marketing

  2. Hi Neil. I'm a new subscriber and I'm about to start my own youtube channel but the main problem is, I don't know what contents to create and I have little talent although I enjoy talking and I'm a good conversationist. What contents would you advise that I go for?. Please reply

  3. I have a question for those who know a little bit more than me on this matter! Can I repost articles from other magazines on my blog ? I do not intend to claim ownership of the articles so I will name the source and the author. Is this practice legal or not ? I will not monetize my blog, at least for now! The purpose is to get traffic on my blog

  4. great.. got to know something interesting and new.. Thanks Neil. See Mentioning you in my views, you are not on the video, u have directly linked to my mind, in my words, and then on the computer.

  5. Would be possible to use a mantra/slogan phrase at the end of a blog post? Like how some people end/begin thier videoes for subscription action call or other action phrases, which would be the same in every post.. Would it effect SEO, or does it have to be unique in every post?

  6. Hi, Neil patel, highly inspired from you especially your response to the community is super, If I create a blog post for backlink and email the blog owner and for example 5 replied and say welcome we are here to link you, so is it good to share one blog post to 5 people?

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