LUNA UST… My Favorite Part of Crypto is Dying

UST depegging. Luna. Crypto crash.
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Anchor protocol is running out of lending, and this threatens crypto lending, crypto staking, and just about any crypto investing done through Anchor, but the good news is we’ll be fine.

Anchor will continue to lower their rates until either the market picks up or they stop burning so much cash. At minimum this would be in the 7-12% range. Which is still a great return, even for crypto lending and staking.

For now, I will be sticking with Anchor and seeing how things pan out for these new kids on the block. People are taking notice of Terra’s success and they’re replicating the strategy.. This competition will only be good for us.

Anchor protocol
Crypto lending
Crypto staking
Near protocol
Terra luna

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  1. Well said! I am also here to learn how to invest after listening to a lady on tv talk about the importance of investing and how she made 7 figure in 3 month, somehow the video taught me nothing and left me even more confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas on how to invest for retirement.

  2. Crypto has no inherent value. It does nothing. Why are people surprised that LUNA is now worth basically nothing ? Why was it ever worth ANYTHING ? Now take this logic and apply it to the 19000 some odd other magic money tokens … Tread at your own risk.

  3. How could this guy actually of been so delusional (and greedy….) to think that this Luna giving an interest return as it proposed could not have been anything other than a Ponzi scheme. And here he is now proposing alternative Ponzi schemes with 20% interest!!!??? Omg ha. I didn't even know what Terra/Luna was until this crash happened and it took me about 5 minutes to understand it was a quick buck for greedy quick buck people.

  4. Lol, this guy thought there was real money being used to pay interest. No, you don't make money till you cash out in dollars and so these scams don't need dollars to pay out at anywhere near the level of the scam APY they are touting. HODL Then it goes to zero and nobody can cash out. APY 😱

  5. none of this makes any sense. a $10 billion fund to provide a service, or manufacturing a product makes sense. A fund to back a token that then doesnt do anything doesnt have any value or use for anything and is expected to generate 30% returns, where is the money coming from? there is nothing that generates real value. they can give 30% interest until the $10 billion runs out, and then what? This is same a receiving a 'loan' promising 30% interest then get more loan from others promising the same thing, this is only sustainable as long as people putting in money, but at a certain point of time, it would stabilize with no new fund coming in and then it will only last as long as the reserves last and then boom. Unless the money that is gained is put into real world use, there is no way any of this can last longer than a few years.

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